Peace Magazine: Table of Contents

Peace Magazine

Table of Contents

• published May 18, 2024 • last edit May 30, 2024


The Crime of Starvation in Gaza

Hilal Elver has been the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food and now serves on the U.N.’s High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition. She wrote this article in February, calling Israel’s actions clearly and squarely a “crime of starvation” – and since then the crisis has not improved, but even worsened.

Surprising Partners and Enemies in the South Caucasus.

Why on earth is Israel selling arms to Azerbaijan? Alan Whitehorn explains that there’s a history of old rivalries in the region and the Middle East.

Reading Russian Minds

Andre Kamenshikov and Borys Wrzesnewskyj discuss Ukrainians’ curiosity about current Russian opinions and strange tendency to fall off hotel balconies.

Africa Corps Increases Russian Grip on Sahel Region

Killing Prigozhin also ended the Wagner Group everywhere, but now meet the new “Africa Corps,” which is run by the regular Russian Defence Department, according to John Bacher. This helps their economy survive international sanctions.

Gwynne Dyer on Geoengineering

Dyer tells Metta about engineers he knows who are inventing ways to shade the planet and remove legacy carbon from the air while we cut back on new emissions.

Opposition to the Extreme Right in Germany

There’s a German extremist group that favors deporting immigrants to Africa. But there’s a counter movement too – and by February some three million protesters had turned out, reports Klaus Moegling

Kurti And Vucic: The Odd Couple Who Made Oddity A Science

In Serbia, President Vucic still will not recognize Kosovo as an independent state, notes Alon Ben-Meir, whereas that status is sacrosanct for Kosovo’s prime minister, Albin Kurti.

AI and War

Maybe peace treaties and alliances are no longer a way to advance ‘perpetual peace’, note Karl Hans Bläsius and Klaus Moegling. AI software development goes on in secret and beyond human control.

The World Social Forum in Nepal

This, the16th World Social Forum, met for five days in Kathmandu in February. Asians were especially eumerous, Jill Carr-Harris reports, and there was much talk of making borders more permeable

Upholding the Human Right to Peace

Because of the veto power, the UN can’t enforce laws against the crime of aggression, but James C. Simeon thinks a Special Tribunal may prosecute Putin.

Governing by Juries

The Athenians selected committees of ordinary citizens by lottery to deliberate together and govern. Today Peter MacLeod organizes citizens’ assemblies for that.

Become a Climate Influencer

Metta Spencer urges you to take her free Udemy course on shaping public opinion. Take her quiz to see how uch you already know about soil amendments and carbon sequestration.

Johan Galtung Obituary

One of Galtung’s numerous co-authors, Joanna Santa Barbara, calls him the ‘father of peace studies.’ He wrote 170 books and was humorous and stunningly multi-lingual

Stephen Salter Obituary

You’ll be hearing a lot about ‘marine cloud brightening,’ so remember the great engineer, Stephen Salter, who spent his last two decades working on it.

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