Peace Magazine: All articles available in the Peace Magazine archive

Peace Magazine

All articles available in the Peace Magazine archive

• published Mar 20, 2010 • last edit Jan 04, 2022

As we have fundamentally been a print magazine, we do not upload our full content during the year of publication. The list below will show only a few articles for issues published during the current year, but will display full listings (including letters, editorials, and so on) for issues which came out in preceding years.

Vol.41, No.1 Jan-Mar 2025

  1. Asylum Policy is Foreign Policy
  2. Daddy, What Did You Do to Save the World
  3. Emotional Quotient and Nuclear Disarmament
  4. Enforcing International Law
  5. Global Declaration to Combat Antimicrobial Resistance by 2030
  6. How They Ended an Arms Race
  7. Newsworthy
  8. Pour Concrete to Save the World
  9. Solidarity Pilgrimage with Sabeel

Vol.40, No.4 Oct-Dec 2024

  1. A Nonviolent March through Nova Scotia, Canada
  2. Between the Hammer of War and the Anvil of Natural Disasters
  3. Dethroning King Coal
  4. Exploring Ocean-Based Climate Solutions
  5. Join us on Substack and Udemy
  6. Lois Wilson
  7. Monitoring International Treaty Process
  8. Nairobi’s Kibera
  9. Newsworthy
  10. Physicists Against the Bomb
  11. Pleistocene Park
  12. Revisiting the ‘Limits to Growth’ Debate
  13. Russia’s Electricity
  14. Saving the Ice
  15. Stolen Pride
  16. The World Court’s Opinion on Israel’s Occupation
  17. War’s Hidden Victim

Vol.40, No.3 Jul-Sep 2024

  1. A Townhall Discusses Student Encampments
  2. Do You Understand Carbon Sequestration?
  3. Eating Seaweed
  4. Forests and Climate Change
  5. Living with Microbes
  6. Newsworthy
  7. Road Ahead on Autonomous Weapons
  8. Shall We Try Athenian Democracy?
  9. Shall We Whiten Clouds?
  10. The Baltic States: Defending Democracy
  11. The Rise and Fall of Gazprom

Vol.40, No.2 Apr-Jun 2024

  1. Africa Corps Increases Russian Grip on Sahel Region
  2. AI and War
  3. Become an Influencer: Promote Geoengineering!
  4. Coming Together in a Divided World: The World Social Forum 2024
  5. Governing by Juries
  6. Gwynne Dyer on Geoengineering
  7. Johan Galtung Obituary
  8. Kurti And Vucic: The Odd Couple Who Made Oddity A Science
  9. Newsworthy
  10. Opposition to the Extreme Right in Germany
  11. Reading Russian Minds
  12. Stephen Salter Obituary
  13. Surprising Partners and Enemies the South Caucasus
  14. The Crime of Starvation in Gaza
  15. Upholding the Human Right to Peace

Vol.40, No.1 Jan-Mar 2024

  1. COP 28's Report Card
  2. Cyber Tug of War at the UN
  3. Does a Magazine Educate You?
  4. Defrosting the Cold War with China
  5. Israel-Jordan Relations in the Wake of the Gaza War
  6. Meet a Peace Worker During a War
  7. Newsworthy
  8. Peacemaking, Peacekeeping, and Peacebuilding
  10. To Extract or Not to Extract
  11. To Pile Sand on Tuvalu
  12. Under the Baobab Tree

Vol.39, No.3 Jul-Sep 2023

  1. From the Editor
  2. Newsworthy
  3. Our Readers Write
  4. High Seas Biodiversity Treaty: A Pledge to Preserve Ocean Life
  5. A Vision without an Implementation Plan may only be a Hallucination
  6. Brazil's Politics of Scorn: Understanding Bolsonaro's Authoritarianism
  7. Jayantha Dhanapala
  8. World Population Day: Harnessing Entertainment Education to Address the Rights of Women and Girls
  9. A Faulty Advisor: The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
  10. Putin's War and Russia after Putin
  11. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
  12. Remembering Graeme MacQeen
  13. Ethiopia's Pursuit of Inclusive Peace and Democracy: Breaking the Cycle of Violence and Poor Governance
  14. Darkness: Nuclear Winter – Fire, Ice, Famine
  15. In Memoriam, Ronald Shirtliff
  16. A Japanese Buddhist Award for Peace
  17. Climate Change Threatens Canada’s Forest Carbon Sinks: What can we do?
  18. Nicaragua in the Global Chess Game with Russia and China
  19. Canada's Bob Rae at the U.N.

Vol.39, No.2: Apr-Jun 2023

  1. Newsworthy
  2. From the Editor
  3. Our Readers Write
  4. Free Trade or Just Green Trade?
  5. Human Rights, Water Insecurity on Six Nations: Is This Willful Negligence?
  6. Fix the World
  7. Realizing the Human Right to Peace
  8. C-20's Motherly Saint and Global Civil Society
  9. Iran in Ukraine: “Look to the East” Policy or Trapped in a Moral and Political Predicament?
  10. Just a Lump of Coal?
  11. War Criminals & Military Aggressors Who Occupy Seats in the Security Council

Vol.39, No.1: Jan-Mar 2023

  1. No Nuclear Weapons in Nordic NATO
  2. Amplifying Voices in Iran
  3. Our Readers Write
  4. Remembering Mary-Wynne Ashford
  5. Peace Work in a War Zone
  6. Who Will Pay for a Global Energy Transition?
  7. Cyber Security at the UN General Assembly: Déjà vu all over again
  8. Ukraine and Cluster Munitions
  9. Adam Hochschild on the Darkest Years of Democracy in America
  10. War in Ukraine: Lessons of 2022 and Outlook for 2023
  11. The Persuaders: At the Front Lines of the Fight for Hearts, Minds, and Democracy
  12. Project Save the World's Fall 2022 Talk Shows

Vol.38, No.4: Oct-Dec 2022

  1. Newsworthy
  2. From the Editor
  3. Our Readers Write
  4. Struggle to Save Two Forests -- in Russia and Ukraine
  5. Walking the Walk: Responsible State Behaviour in Cyberspace
  6. United Nations' Triple Nexus: Humanitarian, Development and Peace
  7. Escalation or Reconciliation: Options for Ukraine
  8. Deception for the Sake of Truth: Mikhail Gorbachev
  9. Victor Orban's Eyes May be Bigger Than His Stomach
  10. When the Bubble Pops: Catching COVID Babies Before the Fall
  11. Remembering Chandler Davis
  12. Will 2022 Mark the Turning Point in the Climate Crisis?
  13. Nuclear Power is Incompatible with World Peace
  14. The Tenth NPT Review Conference: Doomed to Failure?
  15. Another View of the NPT Review Conference
  16. Project Save the World
  17. Ever Green: Saving Big Forests to Save the Planet
  18. A Trillion Trees: Restoring Our Forests by Trusting in Nature
  19. Current Controversies: Feminist Foreign Policy or Eco-Humanism?

Vol.38, No.3: Jul-Sep 2022

  1. Newsworthy
  2. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  3. Our Readers Write
  4. Peace Heroes
  5. What Happened in Burma
  6. John Bacher The Wagner Group in Ukraine
  7. M.V. Ramana The Impossible Promises of Small Modular Nuclear Reactors
  8. James C. Simeon Ending Endless Wars
  9. Ralph Lysyshyn and Metta Spencer Ralph Lysyshyn on Moscow's Politicians in 2006
  10. Landon Pearson and Metta Spencer Landon Pearson on Political Socialization in Russia and Canada
  11. Ellen Thomas Join the Campaign for a Nuclear-Free Future
  12. Alan Whitehorn What is a War Crime?
  13. Adam Wynne The First Fascist Bombing in Canada
  14. John Feffer Biden's Making all the Wrong Moves on China
  15. Craig B. Smith and William Fletcher Basic Facts about the Climate Crisis
  16. John Bacher (reviewer) The Treeline
  17. Heather D. Alexander Chasing Lakes: Love, Science and the Secrets of the Arctic
  18. Robin Collins The Case of Frances Widdowson

Vol.38, No.2: Apr-Jun 2022

  1. Bill McKibben Newsworthy
  2. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  3. Our Readers Write
  4. Roy Culpeper A Tribute to Clyde Sanger (1928-2022)
  5. Tribute to Alexa McDonough O.C. on behalf of The Canadian Network to Abolish Nuclear Weapons
  6. Mojtaba Mahdavi Iran-US Relations: Past and Present
  7. Pinar Demircan Turkey's Reactors and Russia's Control of the Mediterranean
  8. Richard Sandbrook Demilitarization: Is It Time for Civilian-Based Defence?
  9. John Bacher Canadian Motor Speedway: Investment Deals with Dictatorships
  10. Pavel Palazhchenko and Metta Spencer Palazhchenko on Gorbachev
  11. John Feffer Building a Post-Extractivist Future for Latin America
  12. John Bacher (reviewer) Testimonio: Canadian Mining in the Aftermath of Genocide in Guatemala
  13. Peggy Mason (reviewer) Hiding in Plain Sight: Uncovering Nuclear Histories
  14. Metta Spencer Project Save the World's History and Plans
  15. Russian Invasion of Ukraine: Your slogans tell a story
  16. Winter 2022 Talk Shows

Vol.38, No.1: Jan-Mar 2022

  1. Newsworthy
  2. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  3. Our Readers Write
  4. John Bacher Ojibway Community's Bison Herd: Canada's "Pleistocene Park"?
  5. Mary-Wynne Ashford The Friendship of Two Heart Doctors
  6. Viren Bhuyian Modi's Government
  7. John Feffer Toward a Global Just Transition
  8. Jez Littlewood Nearly 25 Years of Chemical Weapons Disarmament: What Have We Learned?
  9. Metta Spencer How to Subtract
  10. John Bacher Blood Washing Blood
  11. Stephen Harold Riggins Postnational Memory, Peace and War
  12. Project Save the World's Fall 2021 Talk Shows
  13. Robin Collins Current Controversies
  14. Racism is Real, But is "Race"?

Vol.37, No.4: Oct-Dec 2021

  1. Newsworthy
  2. From the Editor
  3. Our Readers Write
  4. Some Silver Buckshot
  5. Elizabeth Riddell-Dixon Fear and Hypocrisy Regarding Russia's Arctic Continental Shelf
  6. Craig B. Smith and William D. Fletcher A Climate Change Code Red
  7. Lloyd Axworthy and Metta Spencer Axworthy's Refugees
  8. John Bacher Milk Tea Alliance Builds Support For Democracy in Eastern Asia
  9. René Wadlow The Hazara Population in Afghanistan
  10. Anne Venton (reviewer) Mind Abuse: Media Violence and its Threat to Democracy
  11. Barbara Wien (reviewer) Civil Resistance Tactics in the 21st Century
  12. Project Save the World's Summer 2021 Talk Shows
  13. Joanna Santa Barbara and Ron Shirtliff Current Controversies

Vol.37, No.3: Jul-Sep 2021

  1. Newsworthy: Nord Stream 2 Can Pump Gas Before the Summit
  2. Newsworthy: Canadians Want to Join the TPNW
  3. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  4. Our Readers Write
  5. James C. Simeon Stop Wars and End the World Refugee Crisis
  6. J. Enkhsaikhan Denuclearize the Korean Peninsula
  7. Alon Ben-Meir Erdogan's Misogyny Transcends His Moral Decadence
  8. Metta Spencer "No First Use" Becomes Possible Again
  9. Peace Magazine Goes Global
  10. John Bacher Save the Caribou!
  11. Mustafa Bahran The Yemeni Conundrum
  12. Yusur Al-Bahrani Israel Jails Palestinian Children
  13. Clips from Chats
  14. Stephen Harold Riggins Donald Willmott 1925-2021
  15. Craig B. Smith and William D, Fletcher (reviewers) How to Avoid a Climate Disaster
  16. Trudy Govier (reviewer) The Frontlines of Peace
  17. The Spring 2021 Video List
  18. Newsworthy: Daniel Ellsberg Reveals More
  19. Joanna Santa Barbara and Andre Kamenshikov Current Controversies

Vol.37, No.2: Apr-Jun 2021

  1. Newsworthy: Methane in the Arctic Ocean
  2. Newsworthy: Deciding Where to Put Nuclear Waste
  3. Newsworthy: France Underestimated Effects of Mururoa Tests
  4. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  5. Our Readers Write
  6. Jody Smiling Touch History and Take a Selfie
  7. Michaela Ehring The Mothers of the Disappeared
  8. René Wadlow New Start for Stability in Libya
  9. Clips from Chats
  10. Alon Ben-Meir Turkish Prisons are Beyond the Pale of Inhumanity
  11. Trudy Govier What About Privilege?
  12. The Winter 2020-21 Video List
  13. Bob Rae; Charles Burton; Paul Copeland; Calixto Avila; Metta Spencer (moderator) Ambassador Bob Rae on Human Rights
  14. Robin Collins Cynical Theories
  15. Nancy Covington Recovery: Peace Prospects in the Biden Era
  16. Franklyn Griffiths (reviewer) A Farewell to Ice: A Report from the Arctic
  17. 1) Maria Puerta Riera; 2) Joanna Santa Barbara Current Controversies

Vol.37, No.1: Jan-Mar 2021

  1. Newsworthy
  2. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  3. Our Readers Write
  4. Alon Ben-Meir Biden's Opportunity to End Israel-Palestine Conflict
  5. Anna Jane McIntyre Game Face (Now You Know)
  6. Metta Spencer People Love Their Dictators
  7. Craig B. Smith and William D. Fletcher Are we Facing a Climate Apocalypse?
  8. Rose Dyson Canada's Broadcast Act: Subsidizing Violence
  9. Yusur Al-Bahrani Sharia Courts in Nigeria Cover Corruption
  10. Sam Ben-Meir Destruction of Juukan Cave a Loss to Humanity
  11. James Dorsey The Muslim World's Changing Dynamics:Pakistan Struggles to Retain its Footing
  12. Marianne Larsen (reviewer) A Good War: Mobilizing Canada for the Climate Emergency
  13. John Bacher (reviewer) How Democracies Die
  14. Andrea Budgey (reviewer) Peace by Chocolate: The Hadhad Family's Remarkable Journey from Syria to Canada
  15. Our weekly talk show since the last issue

Vol.36, No.4: Oct-Dec 2020

  1. Peace Magazine Newsworthy
  2. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  3. Sally Campbell Our Readers Write
  4. Jan Noel Greenpeace: The First Fifty Years
  5. Douglas Roche The Peace Community in the Age of Zoom
  6. James Dorsey China in the Middle East
  7. Peter Baehr China in Hong Kong
  8. Charles Burton China in Xinjiang
  9. Adele Buckley China in the Arctic
  10. Subir Guin China in India
  11. John Bacher China in Niagara
  12. Rene Wadlow Mali: More Instability in an Unstable Region
  13. John Feffer Time for a Pandemic Pivot
  14. Walter Dorn From War Games to Peacekeeping Games
  15. Sam Ben-Meir Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Today's Movement for Racial Justice
  16. Michaela Ehring Global Parliament of Mayors
  17. Bruce Gilkison, Jenny Easton, and Carolyn Hughes Helping New Zealand Councils Act on Climate
  18. Robin Collins (reviewer) Why They Kill: The Discoveries of a Maverick Criminologist
  19. Michel Duguay (reviewer) Scorpion King: America’s Suicidal Embrace of Nuclear Weapons from FDR to Trump
  20. Project Save the World podcasts, Jul-Sep 2020

Vol.36, No.3: Jul-Sep 2020

  1. Newsworthy
  2. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  3. Letters
  4. Tamara Lorincz Twenty Years of UN Resolution 1325
  5. Jan Noel SIPRI Urges: Beat Guns into Ploughshares (or vaccines?)
  6. Tom Hastings Property Damage, Violence, Nonviolent Action, and Strategy
  7. Tariq Rauf Paradise Lost
  8. Nyla Ali Khan Kashmir, Modi, and the Indian Constitution
  9. Olivia Ward Reform the Police Now
  10. Louise Delany COVID-19: A Planetary Disease
  11. Thorsten Botz-Bornstein The New Geography of Eastern Europe
  12. Alon Ben-Meir Israelis and Palestinians: Architects of Their Own Destruction
  13. Dr. Ann Frisch The Hanford Plaintiffs: Voices from the Fight for Atomic Justice
  14. Gordon Edwards Plutonium: How Nuclear Power's Dream Fuel Became a Nightmare
  15. Our Weekly Talk Shows Since the Last Issue

Vol.36, No.2: Apr-Jun 2020

  1. Newsworthy
  2. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  3. Letters
  4. Pavel Palazhchenko On Sound Treaties
  5. Tamara Lorincz Burning and Bombing: Military Expenditures, Military Emissions and the Climate Emergency
  6. Adam Wynne Mennonites and the Canadian Government: A brief history of interactions about war
  7. Metta Spencer What to Do While You're Self-Isolating: Stop Nuclear Contamination!
  8. Ignat Kalinin The Russian Samsara Wheel
  9. Jill Carr-Harris Day 143 of the Global Jai Jagat March
  10. Joanna Santa Barbara We Won't Solve the Climate Crisis with a Growth-Driven Economy. What are the Alternatives?
  11. John Bacher (reviewer) The Big Thaw: Ancient Carbon, Modern Science and the Race to Save the World
  12. Rose Dyson Are We Done Fighting? Building Understanding in a World of Hate and Division

Vol.36, No.1: Jan-Mar 2020

  1. Newsworthy
  2. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  3. Letters
  4. Pope Francis Pope Francis in Nagasaki
  5. Metta Spencer Can Trees and Cows Save Us?
  6. René Wadlow Gambia Invokes Genocide Convention Against Myanmar
  7. Jodi Koberinski Towards a Regenerative Agriculture
  8. Metta Spencer A Second Editorial: What About Radioactive Contamination?
  9. John Bacher Muslim Peacemaker Teams are Working to Bring Peace to Iraq
  10. Subir Guin (reviewer) The Green New Deal
  11. James Loney (reviewer) Waging Peace in Vietnam: Soldiers and Veterans Who Opposed the War

Vol.35, No.4: Oct-Dec 2019

  1. Newsworthy
  2. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  3. Letters
  4. Alyn Ware Count the Money! Divest!
  5. Melchi-Zedek S.P. Dologbay Civil Society Builds Peace in Liberia
  6. Ashis Nandy, Subir Guin, Metta Spencer Modi's India: a Conversation
  7. Bruna Nota Acknowledging Indigenous Land
  8. Rose Dyson Populism and the Rise of the Alt-Right
  9. Evnur Taran Child Refugee Migration: a Short-lived Childhood
  10. Elisabeth Khan Five Questions for Jill Carr-Harris
  11. René Wadlow Growing Tensions on the Road to Persian Gulf Security
  12. Trudy Govier The Case of the White Poppy
  13. John Bacher (reviewer) Ill Winds: Saving Democracy From Russian Rage, Chinese Ambition, and American Complacency
  14. Talk About Saving the World: Recent videos and podcasts
  15. Navigating the Project Save the World website

Vol.35, No.3: Jul-Sep 2019

  1. Newsworthy
  2. Metta Spencer We're Ready at Last!
  3. Letters
  4. Paul Meyer Bleak Prospects for the 'Cornerstone' Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
  5. Rebecca Wolf Gage Why we're Organizing Climate Strikes
  6. Mary-Wynne Ashford, MD, PhD. Above All, Do No Harm
  7. John Bacher The Saving of Hambach Forest
  8. Fergus Watt Remembering Murray Thomson
  9. Metta Spencer Project Save the World
  10. Metta Spencer Our House is on Fire!
  11. Derek Paul Move the Nuclear Weapons Money
  12. Evnur Taran (reviewer) The Moral Imagination: The Art and Soul of Building Peace
  13. John Bacher (reviewer) Man of the Trees: Richard St. Barbe Baker, the First Global Conservationist
  14. Alex Belyakov (reviewer) Midnight in Chernobyl: The Untold Story of the World's Greatest Nuclear Disaster
  15. Are you a novice with podcasts? Here's how it's done

Vol.35, No.2: Apr-Jun 2019

  1. Newsworthy
  2. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  3. Our Readers Write
  4. Yusur Al-Bahrani Uighur Repression in China
  5. Metta Spencer, Sergey Rogov, Theodore Postol, Douglas Roche After the INF Treaty?
  6. Lois Wilson North Korea: Isolation or Engagement?
  7. abraham Weizfeld The Ben-Gurion Interrogation
  8. Erika Simpson SNC-Lavalin: Follow the (Big) Money
  9. Anna Karetnikova The Siren
  10. Sheila Pratt Canada's Main Peace Man: The Hon. Douglas Roche O.C.
  11. Douglas Roche (reviewer) The Doomsday Machine: Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner
  12. Rose Dyson (reviewer) Assassination Generation: Video Games, Aggression and the Psychology of Killing

Vol.35, No.1: Jan-Mar 2019

  1. Newsworthy
  2. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  3. Letters
  4. René Wadlow The Nobel Peace Prize and Women Victims of War
  5. Joseph Cirincione Hello, Canada
  6. Metta Spencer (interviewer); Jamila Raqib (interviewee) Our Friend Gene Sharp: A Conversation with Jamila Raqib
  7. Metta Spencer Negative Emissions are Positive
  8. Phyllis Creighton NATO, Realism, and Canada
  9. Brennain Lloyd "Roadmap" for Small Modular Reactors Drains the Public Purse
  10. James Dorsey Pakistan's Place in the Chinese Belt & Road Project
  11. Ken Simons Australia's Pacific Problem
  12. Mel Watkins (reviewer) Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress

Web extras 2019

  1. Open letter from Venezuelan peace and nonviolence activists
  2. Russia may have violated the INF Treaty. Here’s how the United States appears to have done the same.

Vol.34, No.4: Oct-Dec 2018

  1. Newsworthy
  2. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  3. Letters
  4. Alon Ben-Meir and Arbana Xharra Erdogan And The EU: A Collision Course In The Balkans
  5. Metta Spencer (interviewer); Alex de Waal (interviewee) Talking about Famine with Alex de Waal
  6. Ben Cramer and Felix Blanc A European Strategy for Nuclear De-Escalation
  7. Stephen Zunes Forty-Year Stalemate over Western Sahara Continues
  8. Sean Howard A Call to Reject Arms: A New UN Signpost to a Road Less Taken
  9. René Wadlow Preventive Diplomacy is Needed in Assam
  10. James Dorsey Xinjiang: Pan-Turkism Fuels China's Hearts and Minds Campaign
  11. Adam Wynne Lessons from Mayak: The Effects of Environmental Plutonium Exposure
  12. Derek Paul Review Essay: Drawdown

Vol.34, No.3: Jul-Sep 2018

  1. Newsworthy
  2. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  3. Letters
  4. Erin Hunt Are Canadians Banking on the Bomb?
  5. Metta Spencer Down from the Mountain
  6. The Platform for Survival
  7. Erika Simpson Trump's Space Force will Incite an Arms Race in Space
  8. Rose Dyson Can Democracy Survive in a Digital Age?
  9. Gordon Edwards Unanticipated Radioactive Repercussions
  10. Maggie Ziegler Conflict and Peacemaking in the Central African Republic
  11. René Wadlow Advancing Deserts and the International Decade of Water
  12. David Harries Move The Nuclear Weapons Money: A Handbook for Civil Society and Legislators

Vol.34, No.2: Apr-Jun 2018

  1. Newsworthy
  2. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  3. Letters
  4. Metta Spencer How Will the World End?
  5. Metta Spencer (interviewer); Larry Brilliant (interviewee) "Your Dharma is to Make the World Better": A Conversation with Larry Brilliant
  6. David Cortright A Mission of Reconciliation
  7. James VanHise Gene Sharp: Freedom, Tyranny, and Peace
  8. Gene Sharp 198 Methods of Nonviolent Action
  9. Abraham Weizfeld PhD The Non-Existent Palestine Lives
  10. Yusur Al-Bahrani Bahrain: The Hidden Revolution
  11. James Dorsey The Middle East's Nuclear Technology Clock Starts to Tick
  12. John Bacher (reviewer) Peace Issues in the 21st Century Global Context

Vol.34, No.1: Jan-Mar 2018

  1. Newsworthy
  2. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  3. Letters
  4. Subir Guin 2017 Nobel Peace Prize Awarded to ICAN: Where do we Go From Here?
  5. Tariq Rauf Restoring Canada's Leadership in Nuclear Arms Control and Disarmament
  6. Earl Turcotte Nuclear Disarmament: Universalizing the Treaty
  7. Robin Collins Who's More Dangerous: A Nuclear Kim or an Erratic Trump?
  8. René Wadlow Kurdish Cooperation and Renewal: Is there a way forward?
  9. Metta Spencer Update on Our Saving the World Project
  10. A. Walter Dorn Cyberpeacekeeping: the Challenge
  11. Will C. van den Hoonaard (reviewer) In Search of a Better World: Human Rights Odyssey

Web extras 2018

  1. Our daily video and podcast: "Talk about Saving the World"
  2. Anton Wagner Toronto City Council Endorses UN Ban Treaty

Vol.33, No.4: Oct-Dec 2017

  1. Newsworthy
  2. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  3. Letters
  4. Metta Spencer You Can Save the World
  5. Nivedita Das Kundu North Korea Today: Is There Any Solution?
  6. René Wadlow Liu Xiaobo and Charter 08: Fire under the Ashes
  7. Lee-Anne Broadhead A War against the World: Challenging the Vicious Cycle of Militarism and Climate Change
  8. Ernie Regehr Wars and Rumours of Wars: On War Prevention
  9. Sean Howard "If War Goes On..." The Search for Sustainable Peace
  10. Laura Grego Space Weapons: What Does the Future Hold?
  11. Subir Guin (reviewer) Hope Not Fear: Building Peace in a Fractured World
  12. Sarah Neiman (reviewer) HBO's "Cries From Syria" Chronicles Families Facing Refugee Crisis
  13. John Bacher (reviewer) Aftershocks: Great Powers and Domestic Reforms in the Twentieth Century

Vol.33, No.3: Jul-Sep 2017

  1. Newsworthy
  2. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  3. Letters
  4. Metta Spencer (interviewer); Cesar Jaramillo (interviewee) Talking About the Nuclear Weapon Ban with Cesar Jaramillo
  5. Nivedita Das Kundu and Ajey Lele The Chemical Weapons Ban: 20 Years of OPCW
  6. Yusur Al-Bahrani The Birth of Saudi Arabia and the Swamp of Extremism
  7. Richard Sandbrook The Second Time Around? Polanyi and Today's Fascist Tendency
  8. Judith Teichman Mexico: The Trump Effect
  9. Peggy Faw Gish This is an Uprising: How Nonviolent Revolt is Shaping the Twenty-first Century

Vol.33, No.2: Apr-Jun 2017

  1. Newsworthy
  2. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  3. Letters
  4. David Wright Trump and the Nuclear Codes: How To Launch a Nuclear Weapon
  5. Metta Spencer (interviewer); Mohamad Tavakoli-Targhi (interviewer); Homa Hoodfar (interviewee); Amanda Ghahremani (interviewee) Homa's Interrogation
  6. James Dorsey Women's Gyms and the Limits of Saudi Reforms
  7. Olivia Ward Truth, Lies and Democracy: Journalism in the Age of Trump
  8. Rama Singh Green Revolution and Gandhi's Charkha: 20th Century's Greatest Constructive Peace Movements
  9. Fergus Watt The Crime of Aggression
  10. Barbara Birkett The Campaign for a Nuclear Weapons Ban: From Horror to Hope and Humanity
  11. Lema Ijtemaye The Abandoned Mission: Life for Afghan Women after NATO's Withdrawal
  12. John Bacher (reviewer) Authoritarianism Goes Global: The Challenge to Democracy

Vol.33, No.1: Jan-Mar 2017

  1. Newsworthy
  2. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  3. Letters
  4. Janet Nicol Measuring Peace in a Dangerous World
  5. Metta Spencer Riding the Nuclear Tiger: The Fear of Disarmament
  6. Manpreet Abrol North Korea: A Year in Review
  7. Does Canada Want Nuclear Disarmament?
  8. Richard Sandbrook Toward this Generation's New Left: Impediments and Possibilities
  9. Mel Watkins Ursula Franklin (1921-2016)
  10. Paul Meyer Give Cyber Peace a Chance
  11. Adam Wynne Eisenhower's Atoms for Peace: The Mark of a New Age or Cause for Concern?
  12. René Wadlow Lanza Del Vasto, Nonviolence and Enduring Suspicion
  13. Ron Shirtliff (reviewer) Dark Money
  14. Paul Dekar (reviewer) Towards Less Adversarial Cultures
  15. Michel Duguay (reviewer) War and Evolution: A Review Essay

Vol.32, No.4: Oct-Dec 2016

  1. Newsworthy
  2. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  3. Our Readers Write
  4. Danny Harvey Global Warming: Is it Too Late?
  5. Brennain Lloyd Nuclear Waste Conference Offers Glimpse into Changing Nuclear Burial Plans
  6. René Wadlow Guilty Plea in Cultural Destruction Case
  7. Metta Spencer (interviewer); Shaazka Beyerle (interviewee) Civil Resistance Against Corruption: A Conversation with Shaazka Beyerle
  8. Mel Watkins Brexit and Trexit
  9. John Bacher Building a Sustainable Democratic Peace in the Marshes of Iraq
  10. Rosemary Frei And Lyn Adamson World Social Forum 2016: Burning Issues in Montréal
  11. James Dorsey Political Violence and Sectarianism in Pakistan
  12. Alon Ben-Meir The Afghanistan Quagmire: Time for an Exit Strategy
  13. Rama Singh (reviewer) Anubandh
  14. Shane Roberts (reviewer) Disarming Conflict
  15. Subir Guin (reviewer) Smart Peacekeeping: Toward Tech-Enabled UN Operations

Vol.32, No.3: Jul-Sep 2016

  1. Newsworthy
  2. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  3. Letters
  4. Earl Turcotte Call on Canada to Play a Leadership Role in Nuclear Disarmament
  5. Metta Spencer Let's Go Viral!
  6. Metta Spencer (interviewer); Pervez Hoodbhoy (interviewee) Pakistan's Bomb: A conversation with Pervez Hoodbhoy
  7. Erika Simpson Proliferation of Drones ­Raises New Concerns
  8. Yeshua Moser-Puangsuwan Stopping Killer Robots
  9. Adele Buckley Toward a Nuclear Weapon-Free Arctic
  10. Rana Khan REF Talks
  11. James C. Simeon Fleeing from War
  12. Mel Watkins Canada and the Trans-Pacific Partnership
  13. René Wadlow Dr. Radovan Karadzic : The Triumph of Death Against Life
  14. Michel Duguay Three Lessons from the Aviation Industry
  15. Richard Denton (reviewer) The Shadow World: Inside The Global Arms Trade
  16. Subir Guin (reviewer) Minutes to Midnight
  17. Film review: Eye in the Sky

Vol.32, No.2: Apr-Jun 2016

  1. Newsworthy
  2. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  3. Letters
  4. Alexander Belyakov Is Civil Resistance a Panacea to Modern Conflicts?
  5. James Dorsey Saudi Arabia and Iran: The Battle for Hegemony that the Kingdom Cannot Win
  6. Erika Simpson Canada's Arms Deal with Saudi Arabia
  7. Phyllis Creighton Signs of Change on Nuclear Disarmament?
  8. Mohamad Tavakoli The New Iran-US Détente and Post-Militarist Diplomacy
  9. Alon Ben-Meir The Unraveling of Turkey's Democracy
  10. Dr. abraham Weizfeld A Day in the Life of Palestine
  11. Janet Nicol A Global First as Mozambique Becomes Landmine Free
  12. Earl Turcotte Targeting Nuclear Armed States
  13. Michel Duguay (reviewer) Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind
  14. Subir Guin (reviewer) God's Terrorists
  15. John Bacher (reviewer) From the Land of Shadows

Vol.32, No.1: Jan-Mar 2016

  1. Newsworthy
  2. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  3. Letters
  4. James Dorsey and Mushahid Ali Future of Islamic State: Not Merely Religion
  5. Metta Spencer (interviewer); Lloyd Axworthy (interviewee) A Chat with Lloyd Axworthy
  6. Pavel Palazhchenko Russia, As Dmitry Furman Saw Us
  7. John Bacher Opposing Putin's War on the Environment
  8. Farrah Jaffer Dietrich Fischer 1941-2015
  9. Andrea Ionescu Canadian Diplomat Promotes Mining
  10. Lyn Adamson ClimateFast
  11. René Wadlow Yemen: Where Humanity is Flouted
  12. Debalina Ghoshal Banning Short-Range Nuclear-Capable Missiles from South Asia
  13. Yusur Al-Bahrani VOW Honors Outstanding Voices of Peace
  14. Ed Silva (reviewer) Meatonomics
  15. Ken Simons (reviewer) The United Nations in the 21st Century

Vol.31, No.4: Oct-Dec 2015

  1. Newsworthy
  2. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  3. Letters
  4. Rama Shankar Singh Gandhi Katha: A Life Lived According to Gita
  5. Metta Spencer (interviewer); Mary Kaldor (interviewee) New Wars and Old: An interview with Mary Kaldor
  6. James M. Dorsey The Middle East: Who Says Popular Quest for Change has Been Quelled?
  7. Paul Meyer Iran Agreement: Nuclear Diplomacy's Hard-won Victory
  8. Janis Alton Women Cross the DMZ
  9. Lema Ijtemaye Afghanistan's Parliamentary Elections and the Internal Political Chasm
  10. Sam Lanfranco and Jessica Wever The Internet: Disruption, Repression and Censorship
  11. Michael Taylor Ross Pope Francis and a New Dialogue
  12. Janet Nicol Implement Canada's Truth and Reconciliation Commission Recommendations
  13. Yeshua Moser-Puangsuwan (reviewer) Understanding Nonviolence: Contours and Context
  14. Michel Duguay (reviewer) Our Beleaguered Species: Beyond Tribalism
  15. John Bacher (reviewer) Putin's Kleptocracy: Who Owns Russia?

Vol.31, No.3: Jul-Sep 2015

  1. Newsworthy
  2. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  3. Letters
  4. Janet Nicol Violence Against Aboriginal Women 'a Human Rights Crisis'
  5. Metta Spencer (interviewer); Peter Ackerman and Hardy Merriman (interviewees) A Visit with Peter Ackerman and Hardy Merriman
  6. Pauline Luk Under the Umbrella: Impacts of Social Networks in Hong Kong's Umbrella Movement
  7. Bill Curry and Dale Dewar World Uranium Symposium
  8. Douglas Roche OC The Elusive Prize of a Nuclear-Free World
  9. Yeshua Moser-Puangsuwan A Working Ministry for Peace
  10. Jill Carr-Harris Nonviolence: Engaging Youth in Social Change
  11. Rozali Telbis Re-Emergence of the Other
  12. Ronald Shirtliff (reviewer) Don't Even Think About It: Why Our Brains are Wired to Ignore Climate Change

Vol.31, No.2: Apr-Jun 2015

  1. Newsworthy
  2. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  3. Letters
  4. Alon Ben-Meir Likud's Victory Is Israel's Defeat
  5. Metta Spencer (interviewer); John Feffer (interviewee) Obama's Legacy
  6. Valerie Zawilski "Real Men Do Not Hurt Others"
  7. Alexander Likhotal "Debugging" World Order
  8. Lawrence Wittner Détente from Below: How an East-West People's Alliance was created in the 1980s
  9. René Wadlow The Birth of Flower Power
  10. John Bacher Pilgrimage to Deir Istyia
  11. Tarik Oumazzane Algeria-Morocco: Have We Missed the Bridge?
  12. Yossef Ben-Meir A Billion Trees for Morocco
  13. Subir Guin and Ed Silva Ukraine and Russia: Prospects for Peace
  14. Ron Shirtliff (reviewer) This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. Climate

Vol.31, No.1: Jan-Mar 2015

  1. Newsworthy
  2. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  3. Letters
  4. Erin Hunt Civil Society and the Vienna Conference
  5. Cesar Jaramillo (drafter) No to Weapons in Space
  6. Metta Spencer (interviewer); Dmytro Potekhin (interviewee) A Peace Activist's War
  7. George Yu Watching Hong Kong's "Umbrella Revolution"
  8. Meir Amor (interviewer); Mubarak Awad (interviewee) Mubarak Awad on Nonviolence
  9. Desmond Morton The Political Consequences for Canada of the Great War
  10. Pavel Palazhchenko Conformism and Conformists
  11. John Bacher Peace Forest Lives Up to Its Name: Settlers' Group Stopped From Illegal Encroachment
  12. Jamie Swift (reviewer) Noble Illusions: Young Canada Goes to War

Vol.30, No.4: Oct-Dec 2014

  1. Newsworthy
  2. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  3. Letters
  4. Emma Bürgisser, Nina Maria Hansen, and Lucy O'Brien Whistleblowing on the UN
  5. Alon Ben-Meir Israel: The Danger From Within And The Occupation
  6. Science for Peace Statement on the Situation in Gaza and Israel
  7. Meir Amor Gaza War Model 2014: Letter to a Canadian from his Israeli Friend
  8. abraham Weizfeld Israel: A Jewish Nation-State?
  9. David Last Out of Dark Decades
  10. Yeshua Moser-Puangsuwan Civil Insurrection in Thailand
  11. Metta Spencer Ukraine: Civil War/Proxy War
  12. Mary Wareham US Edges Back Toward Landmine Treaty Path
  13. Peter Nicholls (reviewer) Can War be Eliminated?

Vol.30, No.3: Jul-Sep 2014

  1. Newsworthy
  2. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  3. Letters
  4. Metta Spencer (interviewer); Samantha Nutt (interviewee) War Child Works With Refugees
  5. Janet Nicol Will the Embargo Against Cuba Ever End?
  6. Alon Ben-Meir Fatah And Hamas Reconciliation: Rushing To Judgment
  7. Ramesh Thakur The Problem of Nuclear Weapons--and What To Do About It
  8. Subir Guin Expectations and Fears after India's Elections
  9. Cathy Vakil Physicians, Public Policy, and Peace
  10. René Wadlow A Divided Europe Reacts to a Divided Ukraine
  11. Canada vs. the Arms Trade Treaty?
  12. Mel Watkins Peacemakers: How People Around the World Are Building a World Free of War
  13. John Bacher (reviewer) Merging Fires: Grassroots Peacebuilding Between Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Peoples
  14. Lyn Adamson (reviewer) For Earth's Sake: Toward a Compassionate Ecology

Vol.30, No.2: Apr-Jun 2014

  1. Newsworthy
  2. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  3. Letters
  4. Joanna Santa Barbara A Partnership for Corporate Power?
  5. Metta Spencer (interviewer); James Turk (interviewee) CAUT's James Turk on Corporatized Universities
  6. Jack Matlock Ukraine: The Price of Internal Division
  7. Ken Simons The Catastrophic Success of Ukraine's Uprising
  8. Saul Arbess Infrastructures for Peace (I4P): A Way Forward in Peacebuilding
  9. Rebecca Johnson Banning Nuclear Weapons: Point of No Return
  10. Ed Silva Fukushima Nuclear Disaster Three Years Later
  11. Trudy Govier A Preview? Hillary Rodham Clinton's Breakfast Talk in Calgary
  12. Lee McKenna Three Snapshots: Tong Ping to Tong Ping
  13. Ron Shirtliff (reviewer) Command and Control: Nuclear Weapons, the Damascus Accident, and the Illusion of Safety
  14. Corruption Perception Index 2013

Vol.30, No.1: Jan-Mar 2014

  1. Joanna and Jack Santa Barbara (reviewers) The Trouble with Billionaires
  2. Newsworthy
  3. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  4. Letters
  5. Hiroshi Taka Where is Japan Going?
  6. Metta Spencer Ten Peace Women
  7. John Bacher Archbishop Elias Chacour's Prophetic Struggle for Peace
  8. Joseph Davidson Saving Syrians
  9. Gary Garrison Albertans Make Peace on the Prairie
  10. Gwynne Dyer More Gwynne Dyer
  11. Len Johnson 1929-2013
  12. Ron Shirtliff Reaching Critical Will Calls for Action
  13. Ron Shirtliff The Roma and Canadian Prejudice
  14. Paul Weinberg Snooping in the Cold War
  15. Penny Sanger (reviewer) Why Do We Fight? Conflict, War and Peace
  16. Ken Simons Howard Clark 1950-2013

Vol.29, No.4: Oct-Dec 2013

  1. Newsworthy
  2. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  3. Letters
  4. Lawrence Wittner How Disarmament Activists Saved the World from Nuclear War
  5. Metta Spencer Was Our Hope for the Arab Spring Just Wishful Thinking?
  6. Kevin Malseed Burma's Contradictions
  7. John Bacher Security and Desertification
  8. Jill Carr-Harris Power of the Poor and the Power of Nonviolence
  9. Jan Slakov White Poppies: Personal and Public Remembrance
  10. Margrit Eichler (reviewer) The War on Science
  11. Martha Goodings (reviewer) Five Myths about Nuclear Weapons
  12. Vital Discussions of Human Security

Vol.29, No.3: Jul-Sep 2013

  1. Newsworthy
  2. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  3. Letters
  4. Sedef Arat-Koç Three Surprises of the Gezi Park Protests
  5. Metta Spencer Let's Rescue Researchers
  6. John Dupuis Cuts and Muzzlings During the Harper Years
  7. Maggie Ziegler Breaking the Silence on the Rwanda Genocide: An Interview with Edouard Bamporiki
  8. Sergey Rogov U.S. Foreign Strategy to Create New Global Order
  9. The Chemical Weapons Convention, a Treaty for the Future?
  10. Operation Dolphin 2012: Underwater Humanitarian Mission
  11. Restoring Peace: The Case of Syria and International Diplomacy
  12. Recovering Nonviolent History: Civil Resistance in Liberation Struggles

Vol.29, No.2: Apr-Jun 2013

  1. Newsworthy
  2. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  3. Letters to the Editor
  4. Ben Cramer France: To Be or Not to Be a Nuclear Weapons State?
  5. Lyn Adamson Idle No More
  6. Martin Klein The Crisis in Mali
  7. Metta Spencer Will Russia Put Missiles on Rails?
  8. George Friedman Hellfire, Morality & Strategy
  9. Kenneth Hewitt Militarism and Peacetime Disasters
  10. Janet Nicol Human Rights Law and Colombia's Peace Talks
  11. Phyllis Creighton Shirley Farlinger: Friend of Peace, Earth, Justice, and People
  12. René Wadlow We need a UN-led Korean Peace Settlement Conference
  13. Paul Dekar (reviewer) Reconciliation: Clearing the Past, Building a Future
  14. Jonathan Granoff Another Peacebuilding Response to North Korea

Vol.29, No.1: Jan-Mar 2013

  1. Newsworthy
  2. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  3. Letters
  4. Walter Dorn Just Wars, Unjust Wars, and Everything In Between
  5. Metta Spencer (interviewer) Civil Resistance Beats Violence: The Verdict is In
  6. David Cortright Smart versus Dumb Sanctions
  7. Robin Collins Can We Fix Canada's Flawed Cluster Bomb Treaty Legislation?
  8. Jamie Swift and Ian McKay False memories of the War of 1812 or Glorifying war ... then and now
  9. Dr. Hippu Silk Kristle Nathan Who is Impeding Disarmament?
  10. International Peace Bureau (IPB) Military Spending Versus Development
  11. Rt. Hon Douglas Roche, O.C. Why Nuclear Disarmament Has Not Been Achieved
  12. Smadar Carmon A Village Faces its Destruction
  13. Ron Shirtliff Health and Security
  14. Ken Simons (reviewer) Walls: Travels Along the Barricades

Vol.28, No.4: Oct-Dec 2012

  1. Newsworthy
  2. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  3. Letters
  4. Mel Watkins Our Wiser Angels are Ending Warfare
  5. Metta Spencer (interviewer) The Multi-Tasking Peacenik Alyn Ware Has a New Job
  6. Lee A. McKenna Midwifing Peace in Sudan
  7. Duff Conacher What Makes up an Actual, Working, Modern Democracy?
  8. Rosalie Bertell, Anti-nuclear Nun (1929-2012)
  9. Maj-Gen (Ret.) Leonard V. Johnson Remembering Anatol, Five Years After
  10. Eric Walberg Intriguing Egypt
  11. Ron Shirtliff The Mexican Drug Wars
  12. Stephen Baranyi (reviewer) Peacebuilding and Local Ownership: Post-Conflict Consensus-building

Vol.28, No.3: Jul-Sep 2012

  1. Newsworthy
  2. From the Editor
  3. Letters
  4. Metta Spencer Putin and Russian Democracy
  5. Ignat Kalinin Russian Military Reforms
  6. Flavie Halais The Military Move Into Rio de Janeiro's Favelas
  7. Peter Langille Call UN 911: A Better Way to Prevent Mass Atrocities and Protect Civilians?
  8. Amy Goodman (interviewer); Johan Galtung (interviewee) Johan Galtung on "Democracy Now!"
  9. Anita Wolber and Alex Comninos Stigmatization of Former Child Soldiers
  10. Alon Ben-Meir Turkey and Israel: It's Time to Reconcile
  11. Ken Simons (reviewer) Warrior Nation: Rebranding Canada in an Age of Anxiety
  12. Tom Hastings (reviewer) Working for Peace and Justice: Memoirs of an Activist Intellectual

Vol.28, No.2: Apr-Jun 2012

  1. Newsworthy
  2. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  3. Letters
  4. Building Peace on Jeju Island
  5. Kenneth Epps Five Reasons to Reconsider the F-35
  6. Metta Spencer (interviewer) Central Europe in Transition: A Talk with Jan Kavan
  7. Charlie Rose (interviewer) What An Official of Iran Says
  8. René Wadlow Syria: To Break the Downward Spiral
  9. Merrick Nelson Social Media and the Egyptian Revolution
  10. John Bacher Khimki Forest Protests and the "Russian Winter"
  11. Shirley Farlinger (reviewer) Damned Nations: Greed, Guns, Armies & Aid
  12. Mel Watkins The Crimean War: A History
  13. Ron Shirtliff (reviewer) Wired for War

Vol.28, No.1: Jan-Mar 2012

  1. Newsworthy
  2. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  3. Letters
  4. Koozma Tarasoff Remembrance Day and the Occupy Movement
  5. Some Proposed Occupy Demands
  6. Metta Spencer (interviewer) Gene Sharp's Ideas are Breaking Through
  7. Metta Spencer Principled and Pragmatic Peace
  8. A Nuclear-Free Arctic: Why Now?
  9. Farzana Hassan Blasphemy in Pakistan
  10. Michael Veiluva Iran Through the Looking Glass
  11. John Bacher Forest Peace
  12. Ignat Kalinin Russia's Caspian War Games
  13. Ler Wah Lo Bo Should the World Push Burma Toward Genuine Change?
  14. Mel Watkins To End All Wars: A Story of Loyalty and Rebellion, 1914-1918
  15. Anna Jaikaran (reviewer) Captivity: 188 Days in Iraq and the Struggle for a World without War
  16. Justine Abigail Yu (reviewer) Keeping Watch: Monitoring, Technology, and Innovation in UN Peace Operations

Web extras 2012

  1. Fredrik Heffermehl A Norwegian or a Nobel peace prize?

Vol. 27, No.4: Oct-Dec 2011

  1. Newsworthy
  2. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  3. Letters
  4. Monia Mazigh Canada and the Middle East: Bystander or Player?
  5. Lyn Adamson The Canadian Boat to Gaza
  6. Joseph Dana Reaction to Palestinian Nonviolence Threatens Israeli Democracy
  7. Metta Spencer (interviewer) Responsibility to Protect and the Libyan Intervention
  8. Alex Comninos Anonymous: Information Conflict and New Challenges to Peace Practitioners
  9. Mel Watkins In Praise of Those Who Would Not Build the Bomb
  10. Justine Abigail Yu Media that Matters: Translating Rights into Reality
  11. Huseyn Aliyev The End of Humanitarian Aid to the North Caucasus
  12. Ron Shirtliff (reviewer) How We Stopped Loving the Bomb: An insider's account of the world on the brink of banning nuclear arms
  13. Prophets of War: Lockheed Martin and the Making of the Military-Industrial Complex

Vol.27, No.3: Jul-Sep 2011

  1. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Xiaolin Zhuo, Barry Wellman, and Justine Yu Egypt: The First Internet Revolt?
  4. Justin Panos The Canada-Bahrain Arms Connection
  5. Mark Leith Private Rationalizations, Public Lies: J. Robert Oppenheimer and the Birth of the Bomb
  6. Farzana Hassan A Brief History of the Veil in Islam
  7. Lilia Shevtsova Gorbachev: History Will Be a Fairer Judge
  8. Metta Spencer Peace and Democracy in Russia
  9. Alexander Likhotal The Right Side of the Kremlin Wall
  10. Ron Shirtliff (reviewer) The Russian Quest for Peace and Democracy
  11. René Wadlow In Memory of Hanna Newcombe (1922-2011)
  12. Newsworthy

Vol.27, No.2: Apr-Jun 2011

  1. Wendy Cukier Arms Control Begins at Home
  2. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  3. Letters
  4. Michael Schwartz Why Mubarak Fell: The (Sometimes) Incredible Power of Nonviolent Protest
  5. Rob Prince The Oil Crisis To Come
  6. René Wadlow Tunisia: The People's Revolution
  7. Stephen Herzog Following New START: The Necessity of Tactical Nuclear Arms Control
  8. Andrew Lichterman The START Treaty and US Disarmament Discourse
  9. Mike Peters The Freedom Riders Fifty Years On
  10. Cmdr. Robert Green, RN (ret.) Breaking Free from the Hoax of Nuclear Deterrence
  11. Joanna Santa Barbara The Biochar Solution
  12. Shirley Farlinger Terry Gardner (1926-2010)
  13. Ian Harris Ted Herman (1913-2010)
  14. Robert Johnson Irwin Abrams (1914-2010)
  15. Nigel Young Hakån Wiberg (1942-2010)
  16. Newsworthy

Vol.27, No.1: Jan-Mar 2011

  1. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Lyn Adamson, Marion Pape, and Madelyn Mackay Voice of Women for Peace: Building Peace and Resisting War for 50 Years
  4. René Wadlow Steps on the Road to Burmese Democracy?
  5. Project Censored US Military 'Worst Polluter on Planet'
  6. Fredrik S. Heffermehl The Fate of Alfred Nobel's Prize: A Peace Prize in the Hands of its Enemies
  7. Metta Spencer (reviewer) Review Essay: Who Deserves the Prize?
  8. Dr. Dale Dewar The Scalpel or the Sword: Physicians in the Peace Movement
  9. John Bacher Pakistan's Forest Crisis, the Taliban, and Theodore Roosevelt
  10. Ramesh Thakur Transnational Security Challenges: Threats without Enemies, Security without Borders
  11. Maximilian Puelma Touzel Joseph Rotblat is Dead: Who will Save the World Now?
  12. Ron Shirtliff (reviewer) Security Without Nuclear Deterrence
  13. Shirley Farlinger (reviewer) The Trouble with Billionaires
  14. Penny Sanger (reviewer) YES YOU CAN! Your guide to becoming an activist
  15. Newsworthy

Web extras 2011

  1. Metta Spencer Hanna Newcombe (1922-2011)
  2. Metta Spencer From Inner to Outer Peace in Newark

Vol.26, No.4: Oct-Dec 2010

  1. Editorial
  2. Letters
  3. Subir Guin James Hansen Speaks on Climate Change
  4. Hon. Douglas Roche, O.C. A Nuclear Weapons Convention: The Time Is Now
  5. Metta Spencer (interviewer); Peter Russell (interviewee) Nepal's Road to Democracy
  6. John Bacher Urgency of Siachen Park Peace Proposal
  7. Michael Wallace Prospects for the Fissile Material Cutoff Treaty
  8. Maggie Ziegler A Soap Opera for Peace in Rwanda
  9. Alon Ben-Meir Direct Talks and their Potential Consequences
  10. Paul Schwartzentruber Measuring Peace: A Critical Appraisal of the Global Peace Index 2010
  11. Ron Shirtliff The G20 Summit, Protests, and Policing
  12. Lyn Adamson Post-G20 Reflections on 'Diversity of Tactics,' or Why Nonviolence is Necessary
  13. Adele Buckley (reviewer) Countdown to Zero
  14. Yeshua Moser-Puangsuwan The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Peace
  15. Newsworthy

Vol.26, No.3: Jul-Sep 2010

  1. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. René Wadlow NPT Review Conference: Business as Usual Now, Disarmament Perhaps Later
  4. Metta Spencer Nuclear Spring: Interview with Jayantha Dhanaplala
  5. Rajan Philips Big Power Sanctions versus Middle Power Diplomacy for Iran
  6. Alan Whitehorn The Steps and Stages of Genocide
  7. Steacy Henry Harper's G20 Agenda or the World's?
  8. Alon Ben-Meir Now or Never for the Arab Peace Initiative
  9. Joan Montgomerie A European "Call for Reason"
  10. Adele Buckley (reviewer) Who Owns the Arctic?
  11. Subir Guin (reviewer) Why We Are in Afghanistan ...
  12. Ron Shirtliff (reviewer) What is America?
  13. Ken Simons (reviewer) People Power: Unarmed Resistance and Global Solidarity
  14. Newsworthy

Vol.26, No.2: Apr-Jun 2010

  1. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Mark Walsh The Body and Peace
  4. Robert M. Baxter 1926-2010
  5. Metta Spencer (interviewer); Andrei Kamenshikov (interviewee) Rights and Conflict in Russia: A Talk With Nonviolence International's Andrei Kamenshikov
  6. Marc Ellis Jewish Particularity and the Future of Israel and Palestine
  7. John Foster and Millie Morton Afghanistan, the Pipeline, and Politics
  8. Roger Hutchinson Comparative Ethics and the Responsibility to Protect
  9. Maggie Ziegler Jamail's Journey Through War
  10. Christopher Thornton A Window on Private Diplomacy
  11. Mel Watkins (reviewer) Hot News on the Cold War
  12. John Bacher Confronting the Bomb
  13. Rosalie Bertell Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment
  14. Newsworthy

Vol.26, No.1: Jan-Mar 2010

  1. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Jennifer Hansford "Peacing it Together" on Film
  4. Metta Spencer The Zero Nuclear Weapons Forum
  5. Elizabeth Raymer In Grassy Narrows
  6. Carmel Budiardjo The Prospects for Papuan-Indonesian Dialogue
  7. Ray Cunnington Peace Researchers Find Positive Signs
  8. Hanna Newcombe Human Survival, the H-Bomb, the Taboo Formula, the Game of Chicken, Power Politics, and Deterrence
  9. Sam Lanfranco The Population Issue: A Lament for the Enlightened Mind
  10. Janet Nicol Irish Laureates Join Dalai Lama at Vancouver Summit
  11. Yeshua Moser-Puangsuwan Canada Slow to Ratify Humanitarian Treaty
  12. Peter Nicholls Talking Nuclear in Europe
  13. Judith Deutsch (reviewer) Hidden Nuclear Histories
  14. Ron Shirtliff (reviewer) Putting the Nuclear Genie Back in the Bottle
  15. Sergei Plekhanov (reviewer) Peace: A History of Movements and Ideas
  16. Shirley Farlinger The Amazing Dr. Helen Caldicott
  17. Newsworthy

Vol.25, No.4: Oct-Dec 2009

  1. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. George Bryjak War and Rape
  4. Metta Spencer (interviewer) The Elections in Iran: A Conversation with Ervand Abrahamian
  5. Michael Spies Solving the Iran Nuclear Situation Peaceably: An Update on the Dual Track Approach
  6. Ed Silva The Coup in Honduras
  7. Alon Ben-Meir Supporting Fayyad's Vision
  8. Rosemarie Jackowski An Important Moral Question
  9. Phyllis Creighton Nuclear Weapons Abolition: Yes, We Can!
  10. David Last Rule of Law
  11. Alexei Gavriel The Desire to be One: Unity, Nationalism, and Fragmentation in ex-Yugoslavia
  12. Janet Nicol Beirut's Garden of Forgiveness
  13. Ignat Kalinin (reviewer) Fiesta Filipina: Reforms, Revolutions and Active Nonviolence in a Developing Society
  14. Walter Dorn (reviewer) What the Thunder Said: Reflections of a Canadian Officer in Kandahar
  15. Shirley Farlinger (reviewer) Under the Radar: Cancer and the Cold War
  16. Newsworthy

Vol.25, No.3: Jul-Sep 2009

  1. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Steven Starr, MT Climatic Effects of Nuclear War
  4. Maxine Kaufman Lacusta Strategic Organizing for the Middle East
  5. Hon. Douglas Roche, O.C. The Children of Adam: Obama, Canada and Peace
  6. Wojciech Gryc Cyber Warfare
  7. Emily McGiffin Food Security: A Post-War Recovery
  8. Judith Deutsch Pestilence, Famine, War, Neoliberalism, and Premature Deaths
  9. Rajan Philips Sri Lanka's Turmoil Far From Over
  10. Zoe K. Berman How to Address Human Rights Violations after a Regime of Terror: The Example of Guatemala
  11. Metta Spencer Statesmen Turning Anti-Nuclear Weapons
  12. John Bacher (reviewer) Descent Into Chaos
  13. Newsworthy

Vol.25, No.2: Apr-Jun 2009

  1. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Subir Guin Gaza's Hidden Resources
  4. Janet Nicol Women De-Miners Build Peace
  5. Joanna Santa Barbara Can Biochar Save the World?
  6. Dave Perri From Deserters' Oasis to Deportation Orders
  7. Marko Kananen Europe, Culture, and Non-State Actors
  8. Dr. Helen Caldicott and Tim Wright Ending the Madness
  9. Mel Watkins Four Faces of Globalization
  10. Mark S. Williams Iranian Non-Compliance with the IAEA
  11. Metta Spencer Afpak 101
  12. René Wadlow (reviewer) At the Nuclear Precipice: Catastrophe or Transformation ?
  13. In Brief
  14. Newsworthy

Vol.25, No.1: Jan-Mar 2009

  1. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Katie Meyer The Untold Story: Over One Million Civilian Deaths in Iraq
  4. Metta Spencer Gwynne Dyer's World
  5. Lee McKenna The Nonviolent Way in Sudan
  6. René Wadlow Eastern Congo: Need for Reconciliation Bridge-Builders
  7. Brian Adeba Canada After Bush
  8. Floyd Rudmin Military Oaths Confront the Constitution in Khadr Case
  9. Rajan Philips After the Mumbai Attacks
  10. Mary Kaldor New Thinking in the Pentagon
  11. Elizabeth Raymer The Nakba: Memory, Reality, and Beyond
  12. James Applegate (reviewer) Great Peacemakers: True Stories from Around the World
  13. Shirley Farlinger (reviewer) Creative Dissent: A Politician's Struggle for Peace
  14. Mark Leith (reviewer) Prescription for Survival
  15. Newsworthy

Vol.24, No.4: Oct-Dec 2008

  1. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Metta Spencer Democracy and the Russians
  4. Metta Spencer (interviewer) Ludmilla Alexeeva: Moscow, May 26
  5. Metta Spencer (interviewer) Grigory Yavlinsky: Moscow, June 2
  6. Maggie Ziegler Kenya: Together We Go Forward
  7. Linda Yates Down the Tubes
  8. Michael Dennis Wendell Willkie in Baghdad: Roads Not Taken in the Middle East
  9. Jill Carr-Harris Humbled by Nonviolence
  10. Hanna Newcombe Natural Selection as a Ratchet Effect
  11. Ron Shirtliff (reviewer) Twilight War: The Folly of U.S. Space Dominance
  12. Newsworthy

Vol.24, No.3: Jul-Sep 2008

  1. Ken Simons Editorial
  2. Letters
  3. Diana Ralph Uniting for Change as Israel Turns 60
  4. John Cooper At the Peaceful Games
  5. Metta Spencer (interviewer) Poppies for Medicine: An interview with The Senlis Council's Norine MacDonald
  6. René Wadlow Banning Cluster Bombs: Light in the Darkness of Conflicts
  7. Howard Clark Kosovo and its Discontents
  8. Brian Adeba Think Tank for Activists: Inside the Rideau Institute
  9. Marc Pilisuk and Jennifer Achord Rountree Not Quite a Conspiracy: Networks of Power
  10. Ramya Ramanathan Preparing for Peace
  11. Impeaching George Bush
  12. James Applegate (reviewer) The Unexpected War: Canada in Kandahar
  13. Judith Deutsch (reviewer) First, Do No Harm
  14. Newsworthy

Vol.24, No.2: Apr-Jun 2008

  1. From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Angela Pinchero Peace Work in Sri Lanka's War
  4. Michael Shipler Nepal's Youth as Peacebuilders
  5. James Applegate Democratizing the UN, One Click at a Time
  6. Ed Broadbent Global Democratic Development: What Should and Should Not Be Done
  7. John Bacher Awami National Party Support is Up in Pakistan
  8. Katie Meyer Kenya: Healing the Nation
  9. Ron Shirtliff Canada's Radarsat: High-Tech Satellites for Peace or for War?
  10. Judy Deutsch The Emergency in Gaza
  11. Marshall Beck Censorship, Information Warfare and the Battle to Protect the Net: a Conversation With Ron Deibert
  12. Joanna Santa Barbara Review essay: How Canada Could Learn from New Zealand in Taking a Stand on Nuclear Weapons
  13. Metta Spencer (reviewer) The Seventh Decade: The New Shape of Nuclear Danger
  14. Ken Simons (reviewer) Peace Parks: Conservation and Conflict Resolution
  15. Newsworthy

Vol.24, No.1: Jan-Mar 2008

  1. From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Nonviolence in Burma's Struggle
  4. Paul Di Stefano No Laughing Matter
  5. Katie Meyer (Bangkok, Thailand) Yin and Yang: The Media's Role in the Burmese Peace Movement
  6. Metta Spencer (interviewer) Training Pro-Democracy Movements: A Conversation with Colonel Robert Helvey
  7. Sara Marlowe The Right to Refuse to Kill: Women Resisters Speak Out
  8. Alan Whitehorn Laying Out The Bare Bones of Genocide
  9. Michelle Singerman U.S. Vote on Armenian Genocide Swayed by Geo-Politics
  10. Ron Shirtliff The Big Bomb
  11. Chris Wright John Donne, Existentialism, and Activism
  12. Shirley Farlinger (reviewer) Global Conscience
  13. Mel Watkins (reviewer) Free Speech in Fearful Times: After 9/11 in Canada, the US, Australia & Europe
  14. Ron Shirtliff (reviewer) The Assault on Reason
  15. Newsworthy

Vol.23, No.4: Oct-Dec 2007

  1. From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Pugwash Anniversary
  4. Revitalizing Nuclear Disarmament
  5. Carolyn Pogue The Art of Peace: A Camp for Kids
  6. James Rodney Ledwich On Terrorism
  7. Don Ayre Harper, Bush, War, and Peace
  8. Joan Montgomerie One Laptop Per Child
  9. Metta Spencer (interviewer) Progressive Spirit: A Conversation with Rabbi Michael Lerner
  10. Amelia Jane Dietrich Smoke Signals
  11. John P. Holdren Devaluing the Currency of Nuclear Weapons
  12. Daniel Robicheau, MA and Philippa Winkler, PhD Iran, the US, and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
  13. Mel Watkins (reviewer) Oppenheimer: The Tragic Intellect
  14. Janette Watt (reviewer) Peace Action: Past, Present and Future
  15. First Global Peace Index Ranks 121 Countries
  16. Newsworthy

Vol.23, No.3: Jul-Sep 2007

  1. From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Ray Acheson Puppeteering the NPT
  4. Adele Buckley Urgent Need for New Thinking on Regulating Nuclear Energy
  5. Metta Spencer (interviewer) Genes, Global Warming, and Bread: A Talk with M.S. Swaminathan
  6. Derek Paul The Global Issues Project
  7. Walter Dorn Technology for Peacekeeping: Tools of the Trade?
  8. Metta Spencer Pugwash and the Bomb
  9. Dietrich Fischer Peace and Humor
  10. George Bryjak The Tragedy of Child Soldiers
  11. James Young (reviewer) Nonviolence: Twenty-five Lessons from the History of a Dangerous Idea
  12. John Bacher (reviewer) Life, Money & Illusion: Living on Earth as if We Want to Stay
  13. Mel Watkins (reviewer) The Scientist as Rebel
  14. Newsworthy

Vol.23, No.2: Apr-Jun 2007

  1. From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Erin Simpson Who Failed the World's "Failed States"?
  4. Metta Spencer (interviewer) Addicted to War: A Conversation with Chris Hedges
  5. Craig Barnes Minoa: Society Without War
  6. Cheshmak Farhoumand-Sims Anatol Rapoport 1911-2007
  7. Metta Spencer Seymour Martin Lipset 1922-2006
  8. Robert Massoud Farming Under Occupation in Palestine
  9. Judy Deutsch "The Culture of Death in Israel"
  10. Andres Kahar Stephen Colbert Speaks 'Truthiness' to Power
  11. Joan Montgomerie Conscience Canada Shows Another Way
  12. Ken Simons Iraq's Uncertain Oil Future
  13. René Wadlow Ban Cluster Bombs: The Pressure Grows...
  14. Bre Walt (reviewer) HEAT: How to Stop the Planet From Burning
  15. Bill Bhaneja (reviewer) Peace Mom: A Mother's Journey Through Heartache to Activism
  16. David Wurfel (reviewer) Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid
  17. Martha Goodings (reviewer) The Ursula Franklin Reader: Pacifism as a Map
  18. Norman Alcock 1919-2007
  19. Newsworthy

Vol.23, No.1: Jan-Mar 2007

  1. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Adam Elkus America's Kingdom of Heaven
  4. Debbie Grisdale Make Room for Peace at the War Museum
  5. Yeshua Moser-Puangsuwan The Mine Ban at 10 Years
  6. Eric Walberg Central Asian States Grow Colder to the West
  7. Eric Walberg Aral Sea update
  8. Joan Montgomerie Islam and Education in Toronto
  9. Metta Spencer Climate Change and the Coming Energy Crisis
  10. Caroline Thomas Ignoring Rwanda: From Genocide to Justice
  11. Deborah L. Bassett The Clinton Global Initiative: Inspiring Change
  12. Michelle R. Johnson Dalai Lama Finds (even more) Happiness in Becoming Canadian Citizen
  13. James Applegate (reviewer) War Law: Understanding International Law and Armed Conflict
  14. Shirley Farlinger (reviewer) Missile Defence: Round One
  15. Ken Simons (reviewer) X-Static fabric
  16. Ron Shirtliff UN Passes Arms Trade Treaty
  17. Newsworthy

Vol.22, No.4: Oct-Dec 2006

  1. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Annemarie Wolff Bhopal Survivors March to Delhi
  4. Joanna Santa Barbara A 'Third Option' for Canada in Afghanistan
  5. Matt Polacko The Decline of the Petrodollar
  6. René Wadlow Storm Warning: Somalia
  7. Lene Mosegaard Søbjerg The UN's New Peacebuilding Commission
  8. Walter Dorn Canada: The Once and Future Peacekeeper?
  9. Janet Nicol Past Meets Present at "Our Way Home" Reunion
  10. Kellee Jacobs, Anita Krajnc, and Larry Wartel Participant Production Films: Taking Action When the Show's Over
  11. Joan Montgomerie (interviewer); Metta Spencer (interviewee) Fictional Characters Can Change the World!
  12. Rebecca Johnson Faslane 365 - Freeing Britain of Nuclear Weapons
  13. John Bacher (reviewer) Empire Lite: Nation-Building in Bosnia, Kosovo and Afghanistan
  14. Shirley Farlinger (reviewer) Enough Blood Shed: 101 Solutions to Violence, Terror and War
  15. Shirley Farlinger (reviewer) Nuclear Power is Not the Answer
  16. Newsworthy

Vol.22, No.3: Jul-Sep 2006

  1. Ron Shirtliff Editorial
  2. Letters
  3. Saving Japan's Article Nine
  4. Anna Kirkpatrick Growing Resistance to War: Learning from Victory Gardeners
  5. Metta Spencer (interviewer) Those Who Knew Evil: A visit with Adam Hochschild
  6. Alan Phillips and Steven Starr Change "Launch on Warning" Policy
  7. Walter Dorn Canadian Peacekeeping: A Proud Tradition
  8. Paul Di Stefano Turning Over a New Leaf
  9. David Wurfel Israel/Palestine: Long-Term Dreams, Short-Term Despair
  10. Mel Watkins The Beatification of J. Robert Oppenheimer
  11. Newsworthy

Vol.22, No.2: Apr-Jun 2006

  1. Ken Simons Editorial
  2. Letters
  3. Tom Fox 1941-2006
  4. Rennie Calder The Noble War
  5. Janet Nicol Romano Finds Conflict in Pursuit of Peace
  6. Metta Spencer (interviewer) Squandered Victory in Iraq: A talk with democracy expert Larry Diamond
  7. René Wadlow Ibrahim Rugova : Non-violent Actions in Violent Kosovo
  8. Elizabeth Raymer The Challenges of Peacebuilding: Reconstructing Shattered Societies
  9. Alex Diceanu Haiti Deserves Better from the United Nations
  10. Metta Spencer Recycling Sub-Launched Ballistic Missiles
  11. Rajan Philips US-India Nuclear Handshake
  12. George Bryjak Fourth Generation Warfare
  13. Shannon Boyce Nepal: Maoist Insurgency vs. Monarchist Obduracy
  14. René Wadlow (reviewer) War is a Crime Against Humanity: The Story of War Resisters' International
  15. Theresa Wolfwood (reviewer) Rethinking War and Peace
  16. Theresa Wolfwood (reviewer) Hope In The Dark: Untold Histories, Wild Possibilities
  17. Karin Brothers (reviewer) The Case for Palestine: An International Law Perspective
  18. Newsworthy

Vol.22, No.1: Jan-Mar 2006

  1. From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Theresa Wolfwood Veterans Against the War
  4. Support Campaign for Deserters in Canada
  5. Mark Leith To the Death: George Bush and the Addiction to War
  6. Dean Clark Norway's New Nobel Prize
  7. Paul Di Stefano Remembering Saro-Wiwa and the Ogoni Nine
  8. Kirstin Brothers (interviewer) Saddam Hussein's Iraq
  9. Daisaku Ikeda The Cruel Waste of War
  10. Jean Drèze Democracy and the Right to Work
  11. Andres Kahar Christopher Hitchens is Right Again
  12. Michelle Singerman "Never Again" Again and Again
  13. Peter Teffer Northern Ireland Deals with its Past - Slowly
  14. Tom Fox Why Are We Here?
  15. Douglas Alton (reviewer) Beyond Hiroshima
  16. Shirley Farlinger (reviewer) Unquiet Diplomacy
  17. Maggie Helwig (reviewer) The Faith of the American Soldier
  18. James Applegate (reviewer) Future: Tense: The Coming World Order
  19. Newsworthy

Vol.21, No.4: Oct-Dec 2005

  1. From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Jean Drèze Globalization and Love
  4. Metta Spencer (interviewer) Toward a Department of Peace
  5. Sir Joseph Rotblat 1909-2005
  6. Jack Santa Barbara Peak Oil, Energy Futures and Violent Conflict
  7. Ryan Gawn A Year of Bold Decision?
  8. Joanna Santa Barbara OK, So the Nukeslingers Wrecked the NPT Review Conference. What's Next?
  9. Pugwash Canada Fiftieth Anniversary of the Russell-Einstein Manifesto
  10. Jeremy Hinzman An American Deserter in Canada
  11. Anne Goodman (reviewer) Transcend & Transform: An Introduction to Conflict Work
  12. Derek Paul (reviewer) The Diplomacy of Hope: The United Nations Since the Cold War
  13. Also Received
  14. Newsworthy

Vol.21, No.3: Jul-Sep 2005

  1. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Andres Kahar The Terrorized Worlds of Jack and Michael
  4. Metta Spencer (interviewer) Mayors Are For Peace
  5. Gloria Paul CFB Gagetown: Clean it Up, Shut it Down!
  6. David Evans Corporate Profit and Modern War
  7. Tom Fox, Joe Carr, Sheila Provencher Looking for Signs of Peace in Iraq
  8. Paul Di Stefano The Struggle for Land and Liberty in Honduras
  9. Peace Magazine staff; Eric Walberg The Uprisings in Central Asia
  10. Rachel Sutton Ordinary People Do Extraordinary Things
  11. Alexandra Innes "A Matter of Self-Respect"
  12. Teresa Wolfwood (reviewer) Rosalie Bertell: Scientist, Eco-Feminist, Visionary
  13. John Bacher (reviewer) Waging Nonviolent Struggle:20th Century Practice and 21st Century Potential
  14. Newsworthy

Vol.21, No.2: Apr-Jun 2005

  1. From the Editor
  2. Maxine Nash; Norman Epstein Letters
  3. Ken Simons Lebanon's Democratic Culture Shows Its Roots
  4. Peter S Moore British Peace Activists Find Many Ways to Challenge Iraq War
  5. Carl Stieren A Civilian Peace Service for Canada?
  6. Carl Stieren Hans Sinn, Civilian Peace Specialist
  7. John Bacher The Nonviolent Opposition in Iran
  8. Graham Ashford Meeting the North Koreans
  9. Basel Saleh Palestinian Suicide Attacks Revisited
  10. John Valleau Victory As Canada Opts Out of Missile Defence
  11. René Wadlow Nepal: Darkening Clouds in the Shadows of Mount Everest
  12. Wendy E. Smith Refusing to be Tools of the State
  13. Andres Kahar The Importance of Being Seriously Funny
  14. Ed Silva (reviewer) Rushing to Armageddon: The Shocking Truth About Canada, Missile Defence, and Star Wars
  15. Karin Brothers (reviewer) Imperial Hubris: Why the West is Losing the War on Terror
  16. Newsworthy

Vol.21, No.1: Jan-Mar 2005

  1. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  2. Edwin and Vivien Abbott; Felice Cohen-Joppa Letters
  3. John Packer Abu Ghraib! Of All Places, Abu Ghraib!
  4. Metta Spencer (interviewer) Hanna Newcombe, Pioneering in Peace Research
  5. Hanna Newcombe The Importance of Being Saved
  6. Paul Hamel Preventing Democracy in Haiti
  7. Kirstin Brothers Caldicott's Vision: Peace and Security
  8. Dr. Norman L Epstein A Call for Action on Darfur
  9. Peace Magazine editors Canada's International Policy Review
  10. Polaris Institute Canada and Missile Defence
  11. Bill Bhaneja (reviewer) Nonkilling Global Political Science
  12. Rose Dyson (reviewer) Learning To Hate Americans
  13. Joanna Santa Barbara (reviewer) Breaking the Conflict Trap: Civil War and Development Policy
  14. John Bacher; The Sunflower Newsworthy

Vol.20, No.4: Oct-Dec 2004

  1. From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Metta Spencer (interviewer) Development as Conflict Prevention: A Conversation with Susan Brown
  4. Eric Walberg Uzbekistan to Stop Use of Landmines
  5. Ayad Al-Qazzaz In the Cradle of Civilization
  6. Graeme MacQueen, Thomas Nagy, Joanna Santa Barbara, and Claudia Raichle War, Water, and Ethics: Iraq Water Treatment Vulnerabilities
  7. Andres Kahar Hawking Ideas About War in Iraq
  8. Maxine Kaufman Lacusta A Glimpse of Palestinian Nonviolence
  9. Ron Shirtliff Darfur
  10. Amber McNair (reviewer) The Human Right to Peace
  11. Jean Smith (reviewer) The Final Frontier: America, Science and Terror
  12. John Bacher (reviewer) On Strategic Nonviolent Conflict: Thinking About the Fundamentals
  13. Ken Simons (reviewer) Radical Pacifism: The War Resisters League and Gandhian Nonviolence in America 1915-1963
  14. Newsworthy

Vol.20, No.3: Jul-Sep 2004

  1. From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. George Bryjak Prisoner Abuse in Iraq: Why Good People do Bad Things
  4. Peace Signs: The Anti-War Movement Illustrated
  5. Metta Spencer From Peacekeeping to "Peace Operations"
  6. Sean Howard and Lee-Anne Broadhead Going Too Far?
  7. Gilles-Philippe Pagé Greenpeace's Campaign Strategies
  8. Timothy Donais Peace without Prosperity: The Legacy of Peacebuilding in Drvar
  9. Paul Dekar Healing Communities Torn by Racism and Violence
  10. Peter Moore A Visit with the Dalai Lama
  11. Simon Jones Terror in Uzbekistan: Who's to Blame?
  12. Jennifer Gearey Vern Redekop and the Practice of Reconciliation
  13. David Petersen Will to Peace: The Legacy of Hiroshima and the Atomic Bomb Literature
  14. John Bacher Democracy for Somalia
  15. René Wadlow Darfur: A Post-Rwanda Call for Action Against Genocide
  16. Metta Spencer (reviewer) Toward Nuclear Abolition: A History of the World Nuclear Disarmament Movement, 1971 to the Present
  17. Lyn Adamson (reviewer) Peace, Conflict, and Violence: Peace Psychology for the 21st Century
  18. Ron Shirtliff (reviewer) Occupied Voices: Stories of Everyday Life from the Second Intifada
  19. Newsworthy

Vol.20, No.2: Apr-Jun 2004

  1. From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Sean Howard Reflections on a Century of Flight
  4. John Bacher Who's Afraid of PD?
  5. Metta Spencer Buddhist Peacemakers
  6. Susan McClelland Francis Bok, Escaped Slave
  7. Bruna Nota and Jan Slakov Defending a Peaceable Kingdom
  8. Lt. Col. David Last Changing the Guard: Security Decisions Under Paul Martin
  9. René Wadlow Divide and Cooperate
  10. Ler Wah Lo Bo Fighting with Landmines
  11. Susan McClelland (reviewer) Another Day in Paradise: International Humanitarian Workers Tell Their Stories
  12. Murray M Thomson (reviewer) The Heart of Conflict: A Spirituality of Transformation
  13. Newsworthy

Vol.20, No.1: Jan-Mar 2004

  1. From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Metta Spencer Healing Environmental War Wounds: A talk with Alexander Likhotal
  4. Felice Cohen-Joppa Vanunu's Release Date Nears
  5. Gregory Kipling Gun Rules in Guatemala
  6. John Sloboda and Hamit Dardagan The Killing in Iraq Goes On and No One is Counting the Full Cost
  7. Anne M. Pearson The Mahila Shanti Sena: New Womens Peace Movement in India
  8. Compiled by Staff Child Soldiers
  9. Nick Oliver and Nigel Young International Peace Park for the Balkans
  10. Paul R. Dekar Facing North Korea
  11. Kaare Willoch The Misguided War on Terrorism
  12. James Applegate (reviewer) The No-Nonsense Guide to Terrorism
  13. John Bacher (reviewer) Why America Slept: The Failure to Prevent 9/11/01
  14. Karin Brothers (reviewer) Navigating a New World: Canada's Global Future
  15. Newsworthy

Vol.19, No.4: Oct-Dec 2003

  1. From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Eric Walberg Einstein's Legacy
  4. Walter Dorn An Eye That Does Not Slumber: the UN's Global Watch
  5. Joseph Rotblat The Nuclear Issue: Pugwash and the Bush Politics
  6. Yeshua Moser Nonviolence: From India to Burma
  7. Ler Wah Lo Bo My Journey from Violence to Nonviolence
  8. Evan Goldstein Don't Let the Light Go Out
  9. Angela Pinchero Joining the Nonviolent Peaceforce
  10. Rebecca Johnson The Need for Full Spectrum Cooperation
  11. Kurt Perry Review: Gaza Strip
  12. John Bacher and Metta Spencer (reviewers) Review: The Unconquerable World: Power, Nonviolence and the Will of the People
  13. Viktor von Buchstab (reviewer) Review: From War to Peace: A handbook for peace activists with negotiating ambitions
  14. Newsworthy

Vol.19, No.3: Jul-Sep 2003

  1. From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Penny Sanger If You Want Peace, Work for It
  4. Kirsty Pazek Gender and Security in the Chittagong Hill Tracts
  5. Sarah Estabrooks Options for Preventing the Weaponization of Space
  6. Aaron Bates Working for Human Rights in Guatemala
  7. Metta Spencer (interviewer) Gene Sharp 101
  8. René Wadlow Toward an Organization for Security and Cooperation in the Middle East
  9. John Bacher Targeted Sanctions Challenge Tyrannies
  10. Lloyd Axworthy Missile Defence?
  11. Allison Martell Youth Joins the Peace Movement
  12. Bob Whitehurst Review: Humanity: A Moral History of the 20th Century
  13. Rose Dyson Media Violence and its Effect on Aggression
  14. Also received
  15. F.H. Knelman Pax Americana
  16. Newsworthy

Vol.19, No.2: Apr-Jun 2003

  1. From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. David Wurfel Israel/Palestine: the Peace Movement Endures Crisis
  4. John Bacher Robert Helvey's Expert Political Defiance
  5. Karin Brothers (interviewer) Speaking of Israel/Palestine
  6. Ken Simons The Strange Journey of a Piece of Disinformation
  7. Meredith Wain Ghana's National Reconciliation Commission
  8. Metta Spencer A Peacenik Soldier: David Last
  9. Carol Wolner Robert Muller's Joy
  10. On to Plan B: "Uniting for Peace"
  11. Christian S., a disabled American veteran My Visit to the Pro-War Rally
  12. Maggie Helwig (reviewer) Review: Northern Passage: American Vietnam War Resisters in Canada
  13. Susan McClelland (reviewer) Review: The Impact of War on Children
  14. Newsworthy

Vol.19, No.1: Jan-Mar 2003

  1. From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Desmond Tutu and Ian Urbina A Moral and Nonviolent International Campaign
  4. Raid Fahmi Regime Change in Iraq through Non-military Intervention
  5. Metta Spencer Ushering Democracy into Iraq - Nonviolently
  6. Elana Summers Truth and Reconciliation
  7. Paula Green An Infusion of Dialogues
  8. Tara Ashtakala The Ongoing Battle for the International Criminal Court: American "Might" versus International "Right"
  9. Johann Christoph Arnold Remembering Philip Berrigan
  10. Kamala Sarup Nepal's Democracy Confronts Maoist Rebels
  11. Ken Simons Sovereignty and Responsibility to Protect
  12. Jessie Forsyth (reviewer) Review: Bridging the Commitment-Capacity Gap: A Review of Existing Arrangements and Options for Enhancing UN Rapid Deployment
  13. John Bacher (reviewer) Review: Searching for Peace: The Road to Transcend
  14. Viktor von Buchstab (reviewer) Review: Development as Freedom and In Our Own Best Interest
  15. Shirley Farlinger (reviewer) Review: The New Nuclear Madness: George W. Bush's Military-Industrial Complex
  16. Newsworthy

Vol.18, No.4: Oct-Dec 2002

  1. From the Editor
  2. Fergus Watt International Criminal Court Advances Despite US Opposition
  3. Amber Mcnair Tibetan Nonviolence Movement Revitalizes
  4. Nonviolence Versus Saddam Hussein
  5. Metta Spencer (interviewer) Small's Great Contribution
  6. The Afghan Project
  7. Bruce Johnston Three Roads Less Traveled: The Pacifism of Huxley, Isherwood, and Auden
  8. Lloyd Axworthy On Terrorism and Iraq
  9. John Bacher Palestinian Pacifism
  10. Rajan Philips Journey to Jaffna
  11. Major David Last, PhD What Kind of Friends Does America Need?
  12. Cyril Powles Nuclear Weapons for Japan?
  13. Dave Mozersky Reinforcing Peace in the Sudan
  14. Shirley Farlinger (reviewer) Review: Love of Enemy: The Cross and Sword
  15. Andrew Brink (reviewer) Review: The Emotional Life of Nations
  16. Peter Nicholls (reviewer) Review: The Shield of Achilles: War, Peace, and the Course of History
  17. Review: SIPRI Yearbook 2002
  18. Newsworthy

Vol.18, No.3: Jul-Sep 2002

  1. From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Gregory Kipling Old Guns for a New War: The Resurgence of Arms Smuggling in Costa Rica
  4. Metta Spencer (interviewer) Visiting the Powder Keg: A Chat with Ayad Al-Qazzaz
  5. Robin Collins The Shadow Campaign: Cluster Bombs and Explosive Remnants of War
  6. Metta Spencer (interviewer) Networking in the Newly Independent States: A Visit with Andre Kamenshikov
  7. Floyd Rudmin Gush Shalom: Israelis for Peace
  8. Judge Norman Dyson Reflections on the ICC
  9. Amber Mcnair The ICC: A Victory Despite US Resistance
  10. Eric Walberg Post-War Nobel Laureates
  11. Meir Amor A Reply to Edward Said's "Thinking Ahead"
  12. Douglas Roche NPT: Crisis and Challenge
  13. Ken Simons Financial Intervention
  14. John Bacher Video review: Bringing Down a Dictator
  15. René Wadlow (reviewer) Review: The International Relations of the Middle East in the 21st Century: Patterns of Continuity and Change
  16. Newsworthy

Vol.18, No.2: Apr-Jun 2002

  1. From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Rajan Phillips Canadian Foreign Policy in the American Millennium
  4. Metta Spencer (interviewer) International Doctoring and Entertaining: Samantha Nutt and Eric Hoskins
  5. Michael Leube Las Ramblas's Lamas
  6. Adriana Paasche Dakin Human Rights in Guatemala: Intelligence Control and Responses to Atrocity
  7. Aaron Bates Protective Accompaniment
  8. Eric Walberg Past Nobel Peace Prize Winners
  9. Richard Alan Leach Deterrence or Detonation?
  10. Meir Amor (reviewer) Review: Petrotyranny
  11. John Bacher (reviewer) Review: The Sanctions Decade: Assessing UN Strategies in the 1990s
  12. Review: Beyond Pain: The role of pleasure and culture in the making of foreign affairs
  13. Video Review: The Good War and Those Who Refused to Fight It
  14. Newsworthy

Vol.18, No.1: Jan-Mar 2002

  1. From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. David V. J. Bell Sustainability, Peace, and Security
  4. Nicholas Abbey Preventing Terrorism
  5. Rajan Philips The World After 9/11
  6. John Bacher Democratic Nonviolence Lives Among the Pushtuns
  7. Jeff Halper Defeating the Palestinians
  8. Erika Change in Iran
  9. Prasenjit Maiti Human Rights Violation in Kashmir
  10. Jeff Lindemyer Iraqi Economic Sanctions: Myth and Fact
  11. Julia Kalinina As the Chechens See It
  12. Metta Spencer Islamic Politics in the Balkans: A Short History
  13. Eric Walberg Power Shift in Islamic Central Asia
  14. John Bacher (reviewer) Review: Democratic Equality: What Went Wrong
  15. Newsworthy

Vol.17, No.4: Oct-Dec 2001

  1. From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Carolina Schwarz Peace Olympia Festival for Children
  4. John Bacher What to do about Osama bin Laden
  5. Zeina Awad Palestinian-Jewish Dialogue: Try Again!
  6. Metta Spencer, Chris Miller, and Gene Sharp Gene Sharp and Serbia
  7. Lucky Lanre-Ojo Nigeria: Calls for a National Conference
  8. Metta Spencer Rapoport at Ninety
  9. Joan Montgomerie The Family Planning Soap Opera
  10. Ron Shirtliff (reviewer) Review: Nato and the Bomb: Defenders Confront Critics
  11. Joanna Santa Barbara (reviewer) Video review: Whose Home on the Range?
  12. Ken Simons (reviewer) Review: Civil Resistance in Kosovo
  13. Newsworthy

Vol.17, No.3: Jul-Sep 2001

  1. From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Lucky Lanre-Ojo Do Young Men Cause Wars? A Conversation with Neil Wiener
  4. Carl Stieren Making Peace on a Global Scale
  5. Clare Hanrahan Trial and Truth in a Georgian Courtroom
  6. Carolyn Bassett Fear and Spectacle at the FTAA
  7. Maggie McDonald Tear Gas as a Potential Weapon
  8. Ken Simons The Rise and Fall of the Plastic Bullet
  9. Eric Walberg An NGO Worth its Salt (With Salt to Spare)
  10. Metta Spencer (interviewer) That Peace Monk: Junsei Terasawa
  11. Metta Spencer (moderator) A Conversation Among Friends About National Missile Defence
  12. René Wadlow Algeria: A Clap of Thunder in a Summer Sky -or the Start of a Long Rain?
  13. Peter Nicholls The Lord Advocate's Reference: The Outcome
  14. Ron Shirtliff (reviewer) Review: Runaway World
  15. John Bacher (reviewer) Review: The Lessons of Yugoslavia
  16. Joanna Santa Barbara (reviewer) Review: Searching for Peace: The Road to TRANSCEND
  17. Niliema Karkhanis (reviewer) Review: Children of the New Fatherland
  18. Newsworthy

Vol.17, No.2: Apr-Jun 2001

  1. From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Anna Jarvis Resistance and Radical Hospitality
  4. Sheila Gruner and Liisa North Colombia's Invisible Wars
  5. David Webster West Papua: The Next East Timor?
  6. Geoffrey Forden, Pavel Podvig, And Theodore A. Postol Colonel Petrov's Good Judgment
  7. Andres Kahar Michael Ignatieff's Surprising Habits
  8. Gregg Blakely The Formative Influences on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
  9. Karin Brothers Working for "Win-Win" in the Middle East
  10. Victor Fic (reviewer) Review: From Japanese Citizens to the People of the World
  11. John Bacher (reviewer) Review: In the Shadow of a Saint
  12. Newsworthy

Vol.17, No.1: Jan-Mar 2001

  1. From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Kathy Vandergrift Winnipeg's Conference On War-Affected Children
  4. Geoffrey Pearson Trudeau and Foreign Policy
  5. Morris Miller Poverty: A Cause of War?
  6. Alan Phillips Nuclear Winter Re-Visited
  7. Hanna Newcombe Uses of Democracy
  8. Peter Weiss And Metta Spencer Sleepwalking To Armageddon: A Conversation with Peter Weiss
  9. James Graff War Crimes and the Rule of Law
  10. Justice Paul Reinhardt The International Criminal Court
  11. Johann Galtung and Dietrich Fischer Nobel Peace Prize for Kim Dae Jung
  12. Andres Kahar Re-imagining Security in Latvia
  13. Shirley Farlinger Just Mocking Around: A Phone Call From Shirley
  14. Peter Nicholls Listening to the Lord Advocate's Reference
  15. Lynn McDonald (reviewer) Review: Citoyennes Militairement Incorrectes
  16. Anne Goodman (reviewer) Review: Cultures of Peace: The Hidden Side of History
  17. Newsworthy

Vol.16, No.4: Oct-Dec 2000

  1. From the Editor
  2. Eric Fawcett 1927-2000
  3. Letters
  4. Erica Zaraté Protective Accompaniment and Violence in Colombia
  5. Leonard Desroches and Ursula Franklin Pacifism And Power
  6. The Cross and the Sword
  7. Meir Amor (interviewer); Mubarak Awad (interviewee) Nonviolence in the Middle East: A Talk with Mubarak Awad
  8. Adam Keller The View from Jerusalem: The Israeli Peace Movement During the Peace Negotiations With Arafat
  9. Dr. Gershon Baskin Peace Making and the Israel/Palestine Center for Research and Information
  10. Metta Spencer Update: Opposing Nuclear Weapons
  11. Eric Walberg Central Asian NWFZ
  12. René Wadlow Geneva 2000: World Focus on Social Development
  13. Newsworthy
  14. Shirley Farlinger (reviewer) Video Review: Fury For The Sound
  15. Derek Paul (reviewer) Review: Virtual War
  16. John Bacher (reviewer) Review Essay: What Michael Ignatieff Left Out

Vol.16, No.3: Jul-Sep 2000

  1. From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. John Feffer And Karin Lee Building Peace in Korea: The Trickle-Up Approach
  4. Abdul Omar Challenges of Human Security in Africa
  5. Michelle Renay Johnson No More/No Mas: A Glimpse into Colombia
  6. Metta Spencer Democracy Matters: A Conversation with Seymour Martin Lipset
  7. Shirley Farlinger National Missile Defence
  8. Betty A. Scott Corporate Responsibility in the Third World
  9. Meir Amor Key Challenges for a Middle Eastern Peace Settlement
  10. Theodore Herman The Balkan Peace Studies Centre in Skopje, Macedonia
  11. Rick Palmer Trying New Things: Bibliotherapy in Prison
  12. Paul Dekar The Australian No Uranium Mining Campaign
  13. Ron Shirtliff (reviewer) Review: Bread, Not Bombs: A Political Agenda for Social Justice
  14. Review: Bloody Hell: The Price Soldiers Pay
  15. Newsworthy

Vol.16, No.2: Spring 2000

  1. From the Editor
  2. Safe House Project The War is Not Over Yet
  3. Letters
  4. The Origin of Mother's Day
  5. Bishop Artemije Kosovo Aftermath
  6. Elke Semerad Killology 101: How Media Violence is Consuming Our Children
  7. Andres Kahar Altered States: Latvian Security
  8. John Bacher Van der Stoel's Democracy
  9. Barbara E. Joe Dissidents Extend Castro an Olive Branch
  10. Metta Spencer and Mr Justice Norman Dyson (interviewers) Prosecuting War Criminals
  11. Kelly Scheufler The White Rose Protests
  12. David Smith And Jocelyne Costin What Can Be Learned About Peace from the Culture of the Deaf?
  13. Barrie Zwicker (reviewer) Review: Mind Abuse: Media Violence in an Information Age
  14. Rose Dyson (reviewer) Review: A Call To Action Against TV, Movie & Video Game Violence
  15. Newsworthy

Vol.16, No.1: Winter 2000

  1. From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Michael Schull MSF, the Nobel Peace Prize, and the Canadian connection
  4. James Orbinski There is no such thing as military humanitarianism
  5. Julia Kalinina Chechnya is a dangerous place
  6. Serguei Grigoriants And Russia is a dangerous place
  7. Michael Oliver Global governance
  8. John Bacher Osama bin Laden: king of the petro-tyrannies
  9. Tim Donais Steering a new course in the Balkans
  10. Susan Jagminas (reviewer) Review Essay: Life is Beautiful
  11. Chris Hendry (reviewer) Review: Strangers at the gate: the Boat People's first ten years in Canada
  12. Bob Baxter (reviewer) Review: How things come together: a collection of essays
  13. Newsworthy

Vol.15, No.5: Fall 1999

  1. From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Kevin Shimmin Critique of R. J. Rummel's "Democratic Peace" Thesis
  4. R.J. Rummel, With Peace Magazine Editors A Reply to Shimmin
  5. John Bacher Development Includes Democracy
  6. Ian S. Spears Democracy and Africa: A Reply to Bacher
  7. Shirley Farlinger Grassroots Peace Activism
  8. Janet Nicol The Middle East Peace Quilt
  9. Walter Dorn The Militias in East Timor: Personal Encounters
  10. David Wurfel Human Security in East Timor? Xanana's Leadership
  11. Corey Levine Peace in the Hills
  12. Bob Baxter Conflict In The Horn Of Africa
  13. Joanna Santa Barbara Health Reach: Helping Children Affected By War
  14. Geoffrey Pearson (reviewer) Resisting The Bomb: A History Of The World Nuclear Disarmament Movement
  15. Humanitarian Times The Geopolitics of Hunger: Using Hunger As a Weapon
  16. Gideon Forman (reviewer) Waging Peace for a Living: An Action Plan for Survival of Life on Earth
  17. Newsworthy

Vol.15, No.4: Summer 1999

  1. From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Norm Abbey Nukes at Nanoose? No Thanks!
  4. Codes of Conduct and the Legal Trade in Light Weapons
  5. Paul Heinbecker Human Security
  6. Handling Human Security
  7. Metta Spencer Securing Security: Canada's Development Policies
  8. Shirley Farlinger At The Hague - What I Saw and What You Missed
  9. Jeff Shaw Anti-Trident Activists Acquitted
  10. Matthew George Tibetan Freedom Concert
  11. Elizabeth Barger We Just Have to Love the War Makers to Death!
  12. Rick Mercier (reviewer) The Zapatista Social Netwar in Mexico
  13. Ken Simons (reviewer) Challenge to Mars: Essays on Pacifism from 1918 to 1945
  14. Newsworthy

Vol.15, No.3: Spring 1999

  1. Letters
  2. Metta Spencer (interviewer) A New Opportunity to Abolish Nuclear Weapons
  3. R.J. Rummel Democracies Don't Fight Democracies
  4. Hugh MacDonald Cougars Near the Library
  5. F.H. Knelman Y2K and Accidental Nuclear War
  6. Corey Levine Saving Kosovars?
  7. Johan Galtung, Kinhide Mushakoji and Ramon Lopez-Reyes The Crisis in Kosova:
  8. Gary Shapiro Peacebuilding in Bosnia
  9. Robert Stewart What Is The Formula For Peace?
  10. Janet Nicol Mongolia's Purge Museum
  11. Newsworthy
  12. Every Life is a Story: The Social Relations of Science, Ecology, and Peace
  13. Media Literacy in Schools
  14. Mary Rawson (reviewer) Unequal Freedoms: The Global Market as an Ethical System.

Vol.15, No.2: Mar-Apr 1999

  1. From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Senator Douglas Roche, O.C. Nuclear Weapons and the Right to Peace
  4. Terry Crawford-Browne South Africa's Militarism
  5. Susan Jagminas Consequences of Gulf War May Never Be Known
  6. Metta Spencer Are You Going To The Hague?
  7. Anne Adelson Genocide Survivors' Dialogue
  8. Timothy Donais Of Soft Power and Human Security: Canada and the U.N. Security Council
  9. John Mohawk The Peacemaker and the Great Law
  10. Michel Chossudovsky Citizens Take the Canadian Government to Court
  11. Mary Robinson, Phil Fontaine Anything to Celebrate?
  12. Susan McClelland Human Rights Violations in the United States
  13. Valerie Zawilski Women in Conflict Zones Network
  14. Newsworthy
  15. Ron Shirtliff (reviewer) Dilemmas of Trust

Vol.15, No.1: Jan-Feb 1999

  1. From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Anne Adelson Reconciliation: Truth and Consequences
  4. Paul Dekar The need for reconciliation in Australia
  5. Ken Simons Pretended Thunder over Kosovo
  6. David Last Conflict Resolution Training Opportunities in Canada
  7. Nelson Valdes On Cuba
  8. For the Twenty-First Century
  9. Hisham Zerriffi And Arjun Makhijani Pure Fusion Weapons?
  10. David Mcreynolds The U.S. Bombing of Iraq
  11. Educating for a Peaceful Future
  12. Warfare and Social Violence in the Deserts of the Old World
  13. Newsworthy

Vol.14, No.6: Nov-Dec 1998

  1. From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Warren Allmand Why APEC Must Change
  4. Metta Spencer (interviewer) A Bamboo-Roots Peacenik, Yeshua Moser-Puangsuwan
  5. Carl G. Jacobsen The Changing War Culture
  6. Alan Phillips, M.D. Y2K and Accidental Nuclear War?
  7. Susan McClelland (interviewer) A Peacekeeping General Recalls Sarajevo
  8. Richard Plevin A Visit to Taniperla
  9. Dr. T.V. Subba Rao And Dr. I. Ramabrahmam Public Policy and the Right to Work in India
  10. Hans Sinn A Civilian Peace Service
  11. Murray Tbomson (reviewer) The Warrior's Honour: Ethnic War and the Modern Conscience
  12. Newsworthy

Vol.14, No.5: Sep-Oct 1998

  1. From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Gila Svirsky Lena Doesn't Live Here Any More
  4. Fred H. Knelman Moving up the Escalation Ladder
  5. Vincent J. Romero Inspecting the Inspectors
  6. John Bacher Nigeria: Oil and Dictatorship
  7. Sergei Rogov Nuclear Weapons in the 21st Century
  8. Patrick Moore Kosova's Threat to Macedonia
  9. Barbara Bedont and David Matas Negotiating for an International Criminal Court
  10. J. M. Dykstra (reviewer) Social Trust and Human Communities
  11. Joanna Santa Barbara (reviewer) Aftermath: The Remnants of War
  12. Newsworthy

Vol.14, No.4: Jul-Aug 1998

  1. From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Laura Simich and Metta Spencer (interviewers) Visiting a Peace Professor
  4. Douglas Roche The Middle Powers Initiative
  5. Kate Dewes Civil Society and Officials Teamed Up in the World Court Project
  6. Abdelkrim Debbih A Dark Path in Algeria
  7. M V Ramana and Douglas Roche The New Nuclear Arms Race
  8. Gerry Pascal Death in Chiapas
  9. Rob Fairmichael Northern Ireland Chooses New Possibilities
  10. Maggie Helwig Ousting Suharto
  11. Franklyn Griffiths Against MOX
  12. Early Warning of Violence in the North Caucasus
  13. Ken Simons (reviewer) Review: Literacy: Key to Democracy in the Americas.
  14. Video Review: A New Tool For Peace Activists
  15. Newsworthy

Vol.14, No.3: May 1998

  1. From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Johan Galtung And Dietrich Fischer Prepare Today for Our Next Crisis Over Iraq
  4. John Bacher Oil and Dictatorship
  5. Korey Capozza Chile Confronts its Painful Past
  6. Mordecai Briemberg Holocaust Research and Intellectual Freedom
  7. Richard Plevin March to Acteal
  8. Ken Simons Keeping the Military Weak and the Party Strong
  9. Michael J. Bischoff Resistance is the Secret of Joy
  10. Kevin Shimmin Bring Peace and Justice to Sri Lanka
  11. Deb Ellis Afghan Women in the Refugee Camps
  12. Alice Ackermann Preventive Action in Macedonia
  13. Canadians Want Nuclear Disarmament
  14. Newsworthy
  15. Joanna Santa Barbara (reviewer) Review: The War Next Door: A Study Of Second-Track Intervention During The War In Ex-Yugoslavia
  16. Review: History of Russian Pacifism

Vol.14, No.2: Mar-Apr 1998

  1. From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Metta Spencer Governing Bosnia
  4. Metta Spencer (interviewer) The heart of Tibetan resistance
  5. Wendy Cukier Firearms and small arms control
  6. Jan Egeland and Ole-Petter Sunde Norway debates small arms
  7. Enough Sishi Small arms in Southern Africa
  8. Tim Trevan and Out There News Saddam's Secret Weapons
  9. John Bacher Democratic Peace
  10. Robin Black and Christine Harmston Burma: the tyranny continues
  11. Eric Walberg Central Asian Nuclear Free Zone
  12. Hanna Newcombe Review: Gandhian Economics
  13. Joanna Santa Barbara (reviewer) Review: Peace by Peaceful Means: Peace, Conflict, Development and Civilization
  14. Review: Fire Under the Snow
  15. Newsworthy

Vol.14, No.1: Jan-Feb 1998

  1. From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. M.V. Ramana India's Changing Nuclear Policy
  4. Howard Clark Kosova's nonviolent struggle
  5. David Wurfel Vietnam revisited
  6. Metta Spencer (interviewer) What have sanctions done to Iraq -- and to peace? A Conversation with Ayad Al-Qazzaz
  7. Hanna Newcombe The ethics of economic sanctions
  8. Timothy Donais Broadbent urges trade as a social contract
  9. Colin Archer Calming the winds of war
  10. Mary-Wynne Ashford The power of one
  11. Stephen Dankowich Sam Day speaks out for Vanunu
  12. Robert Baxter Review: The Eleventh Plague: The Politics of Biological and Chemical Warfare
  13. Ron Shirtliff Review: The Ultimate Evil: The Fight to Ban Nuclear Weapons
  14. Newsworthy

Vol.13, No.6: Nov-Dec 1997

  1. From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Timothy Donais Democracy and division
  4. Metta Spencer Eastern and Western activists meet in Moscow
  5. Asad Ismi Her Majesty's drug traffickers: Britain, Hong Kong and the Opium Wars
  6. Stephen Dankowich Working for peace in Israel
  7. Mordecai Briemberg Pebbles and ripples
  8. Celia Tuttle Landmine ban rooted in civil society
  9. Derek Paul Peace Studies at Bradford
  10. Clea Kahn Supporting survivors of torture
  11. J.M. Dykstra Rwanda: tracing the roots of genocide
  12. Beverley Keefe Gang members speak up
  13. Shirley Farlinger (reviewer) Review: At the Border Called Hope: Where Refugees are Neighbours
  14. Jean Smith (reviewer) Review: The Social Gospel and Globalization
  15. Jennie Barron Voisey's Bay And The Innu

Vol.13, No.5: Sep-Oct 1997

  1. From The Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Franklyn Griffiths Nato Enlargement: The Implications For Canada
  4. Sergei Rogov Five Challenges for Russia
  5. Lara Paul Women in Danger in Afghanistan
  6. Asad Ismi Taliban in Retreat
  7. Dietrich Fischer, Anatol Rapoport, Gene Sharp Leading Edges of Peace Research
  8. David V.J. Bell Earth Summit Plus 5
  9. David Wurfel The Tragedy of Cambodia Compounded: Facing New Dilemmas
  10. Carl Jacobsen Conflict Transcence: A Review Essay
  11. Hanna Newcombe (reviewer) Review: Quebec Separatism, Canadian Unity
  12. Hanna Newcombe (reviewer) Review: Dimensions of Peace
  13. Newsworthy

Vol.13, No.4: Jul-Aug 1997

  1. From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Anita Krajnc, Michael Greenspoon Singing Together For Social Change
  4. Metta Spencer Winning Democracy For The Tamils
  5. Frederick N. Mattis Nine Points For Abolishing Nuclear Weapons
  6. David C. Smith De-Militarizing Language
  7. Cheshmak A. Farhoumand The Evolution of World Order: Building a Foundation for Peace in the Third Millennium
  8. Morris Miller Technology Against Poverty
  9. Derek Paul Male and Female in Parliaments
  10. Caledon Declarations:
  11. Ian Wood (reviewer) Review: Good Taxes
  12. Naila Daniel Palestinian Women In The Intifada
  13. Newsworthy
  14. Natalie Lund Children's Stories for Peace Day
  15. Shirley Farlinger (reviewer) Reforming the United Nations: Bust or Robust?

Vol.13, No.3: May 1997

  1. From The Editor
  2. Gen. Leonard V. Johnson Brigadier (Ret) Michael Neale Harbottle, OBE
  3. Letters: The Great Cuba Debate
  4. John Kirk Cuba: Setting A Context
  5. Holly Ackerman The Great Cuba Debate:
  6. Timothy Donais Bosnia's Uncertain Future
  7. Ken Simons Islands of Civility and Resistance
  8. Metta Spencer Why Did Yugoslavia Break Up?
  9. Asad Ismi Canadian Business in Chile
  10. Newsworthy
  11. R.M. Baxter (reviewer) Review: The Secret War: CIA covert operations against Cuba 1959-62
  12. Metta Spencer (reviewer) Review: Castro's Final Hour: The Secret Story Behind the Coming Downfall of Communist Cuba

Vol.13, No.2: Mar-Apr 1997

  1. From The Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Celeste Wallander NATO Enlargement to the East
  4. Holly Ackerman Transition in Cuba: Terms of Change
  5. Matthew Lauder Cyber-Hate
  6. Metta Spencer (moderator) The Old Yugoslavia Re-visited: A Conversation
  7. Metta Spencer A Doctor Without Borders: James Orbinski
  8. Angus Archer Kofi Annan: A New Kind of Secretary-General
  9. Fergus Watt Update on the International Criminal Court
  10. David Morgan Newsworthy
  11. Shirley Farlinger (reviewer) Review: Armed Conflicts Report 1996
  12. Brian Burch (reviewer) Review: Fighting the Lamb's War: The Autobiography of Philip Berrigan
  13. Lara Paul (reviewer) Film Review: Prisoner of the Mountains

Vol.13, No.1: Jan-Feb 1997

  1. From The Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Metta Spencer State Violence and the Law: Interview with Mona Rishmawi, International Commission of Jurists
  4. Holly Ackerman Searching for Middle Ground: Cuba's Chronic Dilemma
  5. Rajan Philips Ethnonationalism and the Sri Lanka Crisis
  6. Dirty Clothes, Dirty System
  7. Newsworthy
  8. Mordecai Briemberg Vanunu: the Dam Breaks
  9. David Webster Will the Nobel Prize Help East Timor?
  10. Ron Shirtliff (compiler); David Morgan (author) Close calls of the nuclear age
  11. Mitch Dykstra Star Wars
  12. John Ralston Saul Burma: Time to Put on the Pressure
  13. J.M.Dykstra (reviewer) Review: I Have Lived Here Since The World Began
  14. John Bacher (reviewer) Review: Allow the Water: Anger, Fear, Power, Work, Sexuality, Community and the Spirituality and Practice of Nonviolence

Vol.12, No.6: Nov-Dec 1996

  1. From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. David Thiessen Airshow Canada: The Eighth Most Censored Story Of 1995
  4. Metta Spencer (interviewer) Nonviolence and Aboriginal Rights
  5. Newsworthy
  6. Fábio Lacerda Soares Petrarolha The Real Cost of Controlling Inflation in Brazil
  7. Rose Dyson (reviewer) Review: Power and Sex
  8. Ernie Regehr (reviewer) Review: Light Weapons and International Security
  9. Doris Jean Dyke (reviewer) Review: Transforming Abuse: Nonviolent Resistance and Recovery
  10. Bev Delong, Bill Robinson, and Henrietta Langran Desbrisay The People Versus the Bomb
  11. Alan F. Phillips, M.D. Consensus in Canberra: No Nukes from Now On!
  12. Ron Shirtliff Treaty After 51 Years of Nuke Tests
  13. Marc Pilisuk, Ph.D. Taking on Goliath: The Lawrence Livermore Lab

Vol.12, No.5: Sep-Oct 1996

  1. From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Ken Simons Taking on McDonald's
  4. Anna Jarvis Is Vegetarianism a Peace Issue?
  5. Joanna Santa Barbara Some Wars Never Happen
  6. Lisa Roberts Long Path Home for Guatemalan Refugees
  7. Daniel Mac Sweeney World Court Rules Against Nuclear Weapons
  8. Shirley Farlinger (interviewer) On the Road with Roche
  9. Derek Paul Angels Don't Play this HAARP
  10. Diana Zisserman-Brodsky Modest Charm Of Nationalism: The End Of The Fair Epoch
  11. Gennady Dertkin Let the Sun Rise
  12. Richard E. Clark The Peace Arch's International Mission Begins at Home
  13. Newsworthy

Vol.12, No.4: Jul-Aug 1996

  1. From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Rosalie Bertell An Elite Pow Wow
  4. Ross Smyth A Forgotten Canadian Peace Hero
  5. Silvija Jaksic Anti-landmines Campaign: Not Much Success So Far!
  6. Sam Nick Alvaro The Threat of Nuclear Terrorism
  7. Colleen Malone Scarcity and Conflict: Homer-Dixon's Findings
  8. John Bacher Ingenuity Gaps and Democracy
  9. Metta Spencer Becoming a Peace Researcher: A Profile of Walter Dorn
  10. Peter Nicholls A Just and Sustainable World
  11. Derek Smith Futuristic Weapons
  12. Brian Burch (reviewer) Review: Fighting for Hope: Organizing to Realize our Dreams
  13. Polly Mann (reviewer) Review: On Killing: The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society
  14. Francis Peddle (reviewer) Review: The Corruption of Economics
  15. Newsworthy

Vol.12, No.3: May 1996

  1. From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Metta Spencer (interviewer) The Russian "Democratura"
  4. Kristen Ostling Ten Years After Chernobyl: What Prospects for the Nuclear Option?
  5. Norman Abbey From Goose Bay To Nanoose Bay:
  6. Patricia Herdman, Rose A. Dyson, And Shirley Farlinger Save Our Cultural Environment: Democratize It
  7. Michel Chossudovsky The Causes Of Global Hunger
  8. Alison Macgregor Policing the Police in Haiti
  9. Johan Galtung And Peter Atteslander To End the Crusades: A Peace Declaration
  10. M. V. Ramana Urgent: A Fissile Material Cut-Off Treaty
  11. F.H. Knelman, Ph.D. U.S. Nuclear Policy from Reagan to Clinton: A Continuum of Terror
  12. Bob Baxter (reviewer) Review: The Night Voyagers
  13. Ute Lischke-McNab (reviewer) Film review: The Promise
  14. Newsworthy

Vol.12, No.2: Mar-Apr 1996

  1. From The Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Fergus Watt and Peggy Teagle Creating an international criminal court
  4. Joanna Santa Barbara Children and war in the Philippines
  5. Metta Spencer (interviewer) Sharing nonviolence: an interview with Ed Garcia
  6. Andrew Pakula The Dayton Accord: pro: a reluctant defence
  7. David L Parnas The Dayton Accord: con: Dayton's a step back, way back!
  8. Hanna Newcombe Gross violations of human rights
  9. John P Holden Arms limitation and peace building in the post-cold-war world
  10. Disarmament Events
  11. Bob Baxter (reviewer) Lethal commerce: the global trade in small arms & light weapons
  12. Derek Paul (reviewer) An unacceptable risk: nuclear weapons in a volatile world
  13. Lisa Ferguson (reviewer) Children as peacemakers

Vol.12, No.1: Jan-Feb 1996

  1. From The Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Metta Spencer From black mist to poisoned fish
  4. Cmdr Robert Green, RN (retd.) What are nuclear bombs for? A military perspective
  5. Ursula Franklin Peace, technology and the role of ordinary people
  6. Alan Dearnley; Michael Johnston; Susan McClelland People of global spirit
  7. Alan Phillips Beyond the World Court project: abolition of nuclear weapons
  8. Pat Kipping Media literacy: an important strategy for building peace
  9. Metta Spencer (interviewer) The impact of Pugwash
  10. Janis Alton The potential of the Beijing declaration and the platform for action
  11. Niloo Kalaam (reviewer) Lajja
  12. Chris Hendry Newsworthy

Vol.11, No.6: Nov-Dec 1995

  1. Editorial
  2. Letters
  3. Newton R Bowles Securing the future: a new United Nations agenda
  4. Bruna Nota; Ian Russell Peace train toward a more peaceful world
  5. Bruna Nota In the peace tent
  6. Janis Alton Beijing 1995: justly maligned? Or did it really work?
  7. Ross Wilcock An international violence registry
  8. Metta Spencer (interviewer) The Russian peace movement and its western friends
  9. Ruzanna Ilukhina; Tatiana Pavlova Totalitarianism and free thinking
  10. Ross Wilcock; Shirley Farlinger Selling all the stories
  11. Carol Bright The story of the International Red Cross: it all began on the battlefield
  12. Dorothy G Rosenberg Peace, health and the environment: challenging a conspiracy of silence
  13. Bev T Delong; Henrietta Langran World court close to a decision
  14. Shirley Farlinger (reviewer) Tree of wishes
  15. Lisa Ferguson (reviewer) Beyond Rangoon
  16. Susan McClelland UNICEF And The Girl Child
  17. Peace Notices
  18. Newsworthy

Vol.11, No.5: Sep-Oct 1995

  1. Editorial
  2. Letters
  3. Sean P Cain and Metta Spencer Dr Muller, Beethoven and the University for Peace
  4. Metta Spencer After the NPT extension: testing 3, 2, 1...
  5. Richard A Falk Reforming the security council
  6. Caitlin McVean Germans grapple with racist politics
  7. Meir Amor Creating common interests in the Middle East
  8. Rose Dyson Hold the government accountable for media violence
  9. Ross Wilcock Tolstoy and Christian pacifism
  10. Jan B Van Stolk Mitsu
  11. John Marshall (reviewer) The battle for history: re-fighting World War Two
  12. Newsworthy

Vol.11, No.4: Jul-Aug 1995

  1. Editorial
  2. Letters
  3. Michel Chossudovsky Who won the Vietnam War?
  4. Chris Higgins The heavy hand of China
  5. Shirley Farlinger (interviewer) Linking the weapons producers to the weapons recipients
  6. Metta Spencer (interviewer) That's the way it is
  7. Alyn Ware To court the bomb: the Non-Proliferation Treaty and the World Court cases
  8. Drew Glick Urban terrorism: could it happen here?
  9. Julia Kalinina Under seige: when they shoot toward the right side, sleep on the left side
  10. Caitlin McVean Peace in the schoolyard: conflict resolution in the classroom
  11. Newsworthy
  12. Caitlin McVean (reviewer) A million for peace: the story of the peacemaking fund of the United Church of Canada

Vol.11, No.3: May 1995

  1. Editorial
  2. Letters
  3. Newsworthy
  4. Patricia Adams Misspent billions: Third World aid?
  5. John Bacher Dams, cars, refrigerators, and population control
  6. Metta Spencer (interviewer) Secession and its outcomes
  7. Andrew Pakula War and peace: Yugoslavia, the world's failure
  8. Leonard V Johnson Rethinking the roles for Canadian forces abroad
  9. John Bacher The peaceful greening of Central America
  10. Balancing market and community interests: sustainability and the global economy
  11. John Marshall (reviewer) The wages of guilt: memories of war in Germany & Japan
  12. Yevgenia Issraelyan (reviewer) United Nations reform: looking ahead after fifty years

Vol.11, No.2: Mar-Apr 1995

  1. Editorial
  2. Letters
  3. Metta Spencer It's not my war: becoming a peacenik in Sarajevo
  4. Yevgenia Issraelyan Muzzling the bear: Russia and the west, prospects for partnership
  5. Julia Kalinina What's behind the Chechen war?
  6. Our stupidity races ahead of our actions
  7. Jessica Alford Countdown year for US-Nanoose agreement
  8. Trudy Govier Hang on to hope!
  9. Subha Xavier Nuclear showdown in North Korea: who won?
  10. Derek Paul New life for the NPT?
  11. Hans Sinn A peaceful path for Germany
  12. Newton R Bowles (reviewer) World security: the new challenge
  13. Brian Burch (reviewer) Between the lines: international short stories of war
  14. Newsworthy

Vol.11, No.1: Jan-Feb 1995

  1. Editorial
  2. Letters
  3. Patricia Albanese (interviewer) Balkan express: no light at the end of the tunnel
  4. Metta Spencer (interviewer) Brutality in Burma: forced labor on the road to Mandalay
  5. Newsworthy
  6. Metta Spencer Politics of Noam Chomsky
  7. Shirley Farlinger Reaping what the military sows
  8. Adam Jones The cocaine kids
  9. John Marshall (reviewer) When in doubt, do both: the times of my life
  10. Shirley Farlinger (reviewer) Get a life: a green cure for Canada's economic blues

Vol.10, No.6: Nov-Dec 1994

  1. Editorial
  2. Letters
  3. Kari Reynolds Dead centre in the war games
  4. Theodore Herman The road not yet taken in the former Yugoslavia
  5. Slobodan Drakulic Another War Path?
  6. Metta Spencer (interviewer) Globalization: from above or below?
  7. Liz Bernstein Peace walks through Cambodia
  8. Amit Kumar Peace through a south Asian economic bloc
  9. Peter Brogden Plutonium: the enigma of the nuclear age
  10. Susan Jagminas (interviewer) Peace is the absence of fear: Ursula Franklin on peace and Polanyi
  11. Anatol Rapoport Of monkeys and men
  12. Alan H Weatherley Of vertebrates and violence
  13. Murray Thomson The Ursula Franklin Academy
  14. Graeme MacQueen (editor) Unarmed forces
  15. Newsworthy

Vol.10, No.5: Sep-Oct 1994

  1. Editorial
  2. Letters
  3. Yeshua Moser Political struggle in the Land of Snows (Tibet)
  4. The Defence Policy Advisory Group of Science for Peace No army!
  5. Peter Nicholls Sides of the same coin: affection/aggression
  6. Mohamed Urdoh Arms and Mandela?
  7. Lynn McDonald Peace and the nuclear industry: are "atoms for peace" possible?
  8. Valerie Smith Television advertisers reject violence
  9. Nancy Toran-Harbin Serial killer entertainment: freedom of expression or toxic products?
  10. Petra Kelly Nonviolence speaks to power
  11. Kate Millett The politics of cruelty: an essay on the literature of political imprisonment
  12. Newsworthy

Vol.10, No.4: Jul-Aug 1994

  1. Editorial
  2. Letters
  3. Mohamed Urdoh Democracy in Yemen: Pandora's box?
  4. Ed Chudnovksy Landmines in Cambodia: his left foot, and the right one too
  5. Subir Guin Kashmir: idyllic battleground?
  6. Trudy Govier Reconciliation with the Stasi?
  7. Metta Spencer (interviewer) Preventive diplomacy in Burundi: a conversation with Normand Beaudet
  8. Scott Robarts and Fergus Watt Tribunal may pave way to international criminal court
  9. Michael Enright (interviewer) Crimes of the past
  10. Maxine K Nunn The Bedouins and the bulldozers
  11. Phyllis Creighton and Natasha Feder Population challenge
  12. Tom Clairmont Ode to MAGDI: addressing military base closures
  13. Michael Ignatieff Blood & belonging: journeys into the new nationalism
  14. Jerry Ellis Walking the trail: one man's journey along the Cherokee trail of tears
  15. Newsworthy

Vol.10, No.3: May 1994

  1. Editorial
  2. Letters
  3. Yves Belanger and Pierre Paquette Union versus management on the road to conversion
  4. Heidi Rathjen and Wendy Cukier Disarmament begins at home
  5. Maha Broum A generation of war: the youth of Lebanon
  6. Anatol Rapoport and Metta Spencer (interviewers) Swiss watch with Major Ruth Meyer
  7. David Burman LETS creates community: and community creates peace
  8. Metta Spencer (interviewer) A war-resister combining social research with peace action in Belgrade
  9. James Laxer False God: how the globalization myth has impoverished Canada
  10. William Christian George Grant: a biography
  11. Newsworthy

Vol.10, No.2: Mar-Apr 1994

  1. Editorial
  2. Letters
  3. Mohamed Urdoh The struggle for peace in Somalia
  4. Slobodan Drakulic (interviewer) Srdja Popovic: an exiled Yugoslav speaks
  5. Richard Roman The Mexican rebellion and NAFTA
  6. David Matas Justice for refugees
  7. J Taylor Wentges Decision 94: El Salvador
  8. Eric Fawcett Rebuilding the United Nations
  9. Phyllis Creighton Weaning the world off nuclear weapons: a new coalition
  10. Derek Paul A pox on violence, and a tax?
  11. Eric Fawcett The ethics of science and scholarship
  12. Myrna Kostash Bloodlines: a journey into Eastern Europe
  13. Seth Shulman The threat at home
  14. Newsworthy

Vol.10, No.1: Jan-Feb 1994

  1. Editorial
  2. Metta Spencer Helsinki Citizens Assembly
  3. Kourosh Farrokhzad The IMF: the International Manipulation Fund?
  4. J Taylor Wentges Ti Tanyen, Haiti's killing fields
  5. Meir Amor Peace of enmity, peace of amity
  6. Dietrich Fischer Paying for peace
  7. Brian Burch In memoriam: Clarke MacDonald 1920-1993
  8. Rose Dyson New code of TV violence
  9. Carolyn Langdon, Jean Smith, and Danni Stor In memoriam: Grace Hartman 1918-1993
  10. Dietrich Fischer Preventing nuclear terrorism
  11. Janet Creery Read the fine print first
  12. Dietrich Fischer Lessons from Versailles
  13. Terry Gardner Nonviolent action against NAFTA
  14. Maj-Britt Theorin No weapons, no war!
  15. Non-military aspects of security
  16. Peacekeeper at war
  17. Collateral damage
  18. Newsworthy

Vol.09, No.6: Nov-Dec 1993

  1. Editorial
  2. Letters
  3. Meir Amor A Soldier's Limit
  4. David M Last The future of peacekeeping
  5. Mile Bozickovic The Urquhart debate
  6. Normand Beaudet Real Peacekeeping or War Control Missions?
  7. Metta Spencer (reviewer) Peacekeeper: the road to Sarajevo
  8. Brian Burch (reviewer) Why I Survived the A-Bomb
  9. John Marshall (reviewer) Pledge of Allegiance: The Americanization of Canada in the Mulroney Years
  10. Slobodan Drakulic Peacekeepers as warmongers and peacemakers as warkeepers
  11. Nancy Toran-Harbin The tides of justice
  12. Metta Spencer Salman Rushdie in Prague: Helsinki Citizens Assembly
  13. MV Naidu US strategy to militarize Japan
  14. John McMurtry The Free Market, Human Rights, and Armed Forces: Report from the Far East
  15. Newsworthy

Vol.09, No.4: Sep-Oct 1993

  1. Editorial
  2. Letters
  3. Alison Acker The road to Ixcan: going home to Guatemala
  4. Alan Phillips The World Court Project
  5. Phyllis Creighton Monitoring chemical and biological defence work in Canada
  6. Metta Spencer Helsinki Citizens Assembly
  7. Anatol Rapoport and Leonard Johnson Peacekeeping as a conversion opportunity
  8. David M Last Negotiating skills for peacekeepers
  9. Col. (ret.) Donald S Ethell, OMM, MSC, CD Peace-Keeping Operations and Future Trends
  10. Rick McCutcheon Keeping the peace or making war
  11. Mohammed Urdoh The United Nations in Somalia: is it peacekeeping?
  12. Emilia Casella After the elections in Cambodia
  13. Rose A Dyson (reviewer) Game over
  14. John Bacher (reviewer) Peace: an idea whose time has come
  15. Nola Dippenaar South Africa, My Home
  16. Newsworthy

Vol.09, No.3: Jun-Jul 1993

  1. Editorial
  2. Letters
  3. Metta Spencer What if they gave a war and nobody came?
  4. Kelly L Green Life in a picture tube: drugging our children; rum and coke or Mr Dress Up?
  5. Hanna Newcombe Maastricht and NAFTA
  6. Metta Spencer (interviewer) Rolling back human rights
  7. Newsworthy
  8. Mikhail Gorbachev Our common home: world prospects for peace, human rights, and the rule of law: a discussion with Mikhail Gorbachev
  9. Peigi G Rockwell A Professor for peace: Thomas Homer-Dixon
  10. Metta Spencer Voting peace
  11. Metta Spencer Helsinki citizens assembly: the results are in!
  12. Rose A Dyson (reviewer) Hollywood vs America: popular culture & the war on traditional values
  13. Rose A Dyson (reviewer) Earth in the Balance: Ecology and the Human Spirit
  14. Elma Ondrey (reviewer) I, Rigoberta Menchu: an Indian woman in Guatemala
  15. Anne Hansen (reviewer) How much is enough? The consumer society & the future of the earth
  16. John Marshall (reviewer) The un-Canadians: true stories of the blacklist era
  17. D Atkins and J Young (reviewers) Playing fair
  18. Kell Antoft Giff Gifford
  19. Regional News

Vol.09, No.2: Mar-Apr 1993

  1. Editorial
  2. Letters
  3. Metta Spencer (interviewer) This Jewish Quaker is a friend of Palestinians
  4. Carole Yawney The front line is everywhere
  5. Janet Creery Racism in action
  6. Lani T Montreal Women: part of the loot
  7. Pat Cleto Under Foreign Eyes
  8. Jim Hollingworth Why Buy?
  9. Majority oppose helicopters
  10. Joanna Manning Does father know best?
  11. Demilitarization and Development
  12. Floyd Rudmin Bordering on Aggression
  13. World scientists' warning to humanity
  14. War rape: letters from ex-Yugoslavia
  15. Newsworthy
  16. Brian Burch (reviewer) Conflict mediation across cultures
  17. Metta Spencer Helsinki Citizens Assembly
  18. Regional News

Vol.09, No.1: Jan-Feb 1993

  1. Editorial
  2. Letters
  3. Lani Montreal, Dale Hildebrand, and Ric Esguerra An Olive Branch in the Philippines
  4. Margo Harvie A political turnaround for two old friends
  5. Robert Rodvik Rigoberta Who?
  6. Democracy Guatemala-style
  7. Vikash Jain Rigoberta Menchú Talks
  8. Shirley Farlinger The partnership way
  9. Hanna Newcombe The battle of the peace models
  10. Hans-Werner Sinn Next: UN reform?
  11. Brian Burch General Electric on parole
  12. Jean Smith This scientist is not neutral
  13. Joanna Santa Barbara (reviewer) Peacemaking among primates
  14. Ed Silva (reviewer) News & dissent: the press & politics of peace in Canada
  15. Newsworthy
  16. Metta Spencer Helsinki Citizens Assembly
  17. Regional News

Vol.08, No.6: Nov-Dec 1992

  1. Editorial
  2. Letters
  3. Yeshua Moser Memorial on the Move
  4. Metta Spencer War and Peace in the Post-Soviet World
  5. Shirley Farlinger The Changing Face of the United Nations
  6. Yeshua Moser Trees in Monks' Clothing
  7. Dietrich Fischer The Black Hole
  8. Mark Leith, M.D. and Alex Bryans, M.D. A Step Forward for the Test Ban
  9. Rob Prince Following the Money Trail at the World Peace Council
  10. Pilar Galiana and Valarie Oosterveld Breaking the Silence
  11. Barry Stevens (moderator) Ex-Yugoslavia: What Can Be Done?
  12. Howard Breen-Needham (reviewer) Walking the Red Line: Israelis in Search of Justice for Palestine
  13. Metta Spencer Helsinki Citizens Assembly
  14. Ed Silva (reviewer) Common Cents: Media Portrayal of the Gulf War and Other Events
  15. Regional News
  16. Newsworthy

Vol.08, No.5: Sep-Oct 1992

  1. Metta Spencer Editorial
  2. Letters
  3. Moira Gracy The March of Peace in El Salvador
  4. Metta Spencer Test Ban?
  5. Stephen Dankowich Time to Remember Vanunu
  6. Michael Christ If They Nuked Toronto
  7. William Klassen Test of Tolerance
  8. Dave Plummer Win-Win Negotiation
  9. Garth Katner Despite Good Intentions
  10. Doris Strub Epstein From the Screen to the Street
  11. Dorothy Goldin Rosenberg After UNCED
  12. Debra Ferrens Slippery Links
  13. Brian Burch The United Church Divided
  14. Penny Sanger (reviewer) Code of Peace: Ethics and Security in the World of the Warlord States
  15. Wendy Eifel (reviewer) Voice of Women: The First Thirty Years
  16. Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media
  17. Marilee Rhodi Planet Project Lift-Off
  18. Jerry Diakiw War Novels that Teach Peace
  19. Metta Spencer Helsinki Citizens Assembly
  20. Regional News
  21. Newsworthy

Vol.08, No.4: Jul-Aug 1992

  1. Janet Creery Editorial
  2. Letters
  3. Mairead Maguire Mairead Maguire: Peace by Peaceful Means
  4. Paul Dekar Mairead Corrigan Maguire and the Northern Irish Peace People
  5. Toronto Appeal
  6. Fred Knelman Patti Willis, Pacific Pacifist
  7. Shirley Farlinger A New Face of Helen Caldicott
  8. Marion Mathieson The 52% Solution
  9. Madeline Gilchrist A Celebration of Partnership
  10. Len Desroches Non-Violence in the Jane Finch Corridor
  11. Tariq Rauf New Nuclear Nightmares
  12. Derek Paul How Much is Too Much?
  13. Shirley Farlinger Summer reading
  14. Shirley Farlinger (reviewer) Transformation Moment: A Canadian vision of Common Security
  15. Jerry Diakiw War Novels that Teach Peace
  16. Stephen Dankowich Helsinki Citizens Assembly
  17. Regional News
  18. Newsworthy

Vol.08, No.3: May 1992

  1. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  2. Janey Skinner Spring Training with the Peace Brigades
  3. Rose Dyson Toyland as Terror Zone
  4. Kristen Ostling The Impact of Militarism on the Environment
  5. Subir Guin Trouble in the Valley
  6. Brian Masse Why Won't Canada Follow Its Own Human Rights Rules?
  7. David Webster And What Is Stopping the U.N.?
  8. Gil Kezwer Dresden protests statue of "Bomber" Harris
  9. Rob Prince The Ghost Ship of Lönnrotinkatu
  10. C.G. Jacobsen Soviet Successor States Search for a New Order
  11. Jerry Diakiw Planetmates
  12. Metta Spencer Helsinki Citizens Assembly
  13. Notes
  14. Mark Leith (reviewer) The Samson Option
  15. Shirley Farlinger (reviewer) Submarine Dead Ahead
  16. Newsworthy
  17. Richard Sanders Budget Doublespeak
  18. John McMurtry Budget Boondoggle

Vol.08, No.2: Mar-Apr 1992

  1. From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Richard Sanders How to Convert!
  4. Shirley Farlinger ... And Some Conversion Ideas
  5. Dorothy Goldin Rosenberg Unsaid at UNCED
  6. Women, Militarism, and Environment
  7. Dr. Yuri Mischenko Crisis in Ukraine
  8. Len Desroches The Soul of Civilian-Based Defence
  9. Ayad Al Qazzaz US Hangs Onto The Devil They Know
  10. David Parnas Never Again
  11. Andrew Pakula (interviewer) Aftermath
  12. Sue Markey Toward Reconciliation with Iraq
  13. Subir Guin (interviewer) The Kurd Factor
  14. Gil Kezwer After the Iron Curtain: The Damask Veil
  15. Johan Galtung The Problems of Recognition
  16. Appeal to Stop the War in Yugoslavia
  17. Adi Roche She's Educating Ireland for Peace
  18. Connie Douglas (reviewer) Nuclear Family
  19. Alan Silverman (reviewer) Perestroika and the Soviet People
  20. Dorothy Goldin Rosenberg (reviewer) If Women Counted: A New Feminist Economics
  21. Helsinki Citizens Assembly
  22. Newsworthy
  23. Notes

Vol.08, No.1: Jan-Feb 1992

  1. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Shirley Farlinger Letter from Stockholm
  4. Ljuubinka Trgovcevic History Assaulted
  5. What's PEACE Magazine's Future?
  6. Review of the State of the World
  7. David Wurfel Cambodia: Celebration and Foreboding
  8. Subir Guin India: Precarious Peace
  9. Murray Thomson Burma: Peace Prisoner
  10. Colleen O'Manique Africa: Little to Celebrate
  11. Joe Flexer Middle East: False Peace
  12. Ellen Flanders Middle East: Israel/Palestine
  13. Tair Tairov Soviet Union: Slavic Re-Union?
  14. Joe Cassidy Central America: Opportunity Knocks
  15. Leonard V. Johnson Europe: Plenty of Trouble For Europe
  16. Rob Prince Europe: Warmakers Still Prevail
  17. Audrey McLaughlin Coalition Victory Forgets Iraq's Children
  18. Annie Bourret (interviewer) The Importance of Being Ernie
  19. Finding Security
  20. Peggy Hope-Simpson Helsinki Citizens Assembly
  21. Erik Poole (reviewer) Blue Paper on Defence
  22. Gideon Forman (reviewer) Guidance for Peacemakers
  23. Notes
  24. Newsworthy

Vol.07, No.6: Nov-Dec 1991

  1. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Mac Makarchuk, Andrew Pakula, Janis Alton HCA
  4. Janet Creery Peace Personalities Meet at IPB in Toronto
  5. Andrew Pakula Yugoslavia on fire
  6. Leonard Desroches Maintaining the People's Joy
  7. Julia Kalinina Mail from Moscow
  8. Metta Spencer (interviewer) The Colonel and the Coup
  9. Karen Ridd Resistance
  10. Iain Atack Refugees in their Own Country
  11. Shirley Farlinger (interviewer) Burma Watch
  12. Maire Collette, O.P. Faith Beyond Factions
  13. John Bacher Peace & Confederation
  14. Paul Dekar (reviewer) Courage and Truth
  15. Alan Silverman (reviewer) Canada And The World: Agenda For The Last Decade Of The Millennium
  16. Newsworthy
  17. Deborah Ferens, Saul Chernos NOTES

Vol.07, No.5: September 1991

  1. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  2. Dorothy Goldin Rosenberg Letter From Boston
  3. Letters
  4. W.K. Wardroper, Anne-Marie Claret, Shirley Farlinger Pieces Of Sovereignty
  5. B.G. Ramcharan A Gulf in the Charter
  6. Hanna Newcombe Peace Not a Pool Game
  7. Peggy Hope-Simpson Save Our Seas
  8. Barry Stevens Free Simcoe Court
  9. Metta Spencer A Coup for Nonviolence
  10. Hans Modlich U.N. Fails Kurds
  11. Rinchen Dharlo, John Bacher, Ursula Franklin, Peter Timmermann The High Road to Sovereignty
  12. Joanna Santa Barbara, Shirley Farlinger, Marion Frank Conference Call
  13. Citizens' Inquiry
  14. Stephen Dankowich North American First
  15. Metta Spencer Canadians Act To Promote Helsinki Process
  16. Maxine Kaufman Nunn (interviewer) Sticks and Stones: An interview with Palestinian educator Mary Khass
  17. John Feffer (reviewer) Warpaths: The Politics Of Partition
  18. Alan Silverman (reviewer) Alternative Security: Living Without Nuclear Deterrence
  19. Jean Smith (reviewer) On a Hinge of History: The Mutual Vulnerability of South and North
  20. Isabelle George (reviewer) Building on the Past: Future Directions for Peacekeeping
  21. Dorothy Goldin Rosenberg Newsworthy
  22. Nadia Bhabha, Stephen Dankowich Big Success In A Small Town
  23. Deborah Ferens, Saul Chernos Notes

Vol.07, No.4: Jul-Aug 1991

  1. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Metta Spencer (interviewer) Ecocide in Kuwait
  4. Andrew Pakula, Sonja Licht HCA Delegation Visits Romania
  5. Andrew Pakula Letter from Belgrade
  6. Janet Creery, Gideon Forman Citizens' Inquiry Rolling this Fall
  7. Erik Poole (editor) Financing Peace
  8. Metta Spencer, Erik Poole (interviewers) The Economics of War and Peace
  9. F.W. Crickard Put the Horse Before the Cart, Pleads Resigning Vice-Admiral Thomas
  10. Erik Poole _Military_ Welfare in Canada
  11. Metta Spencer (interviewer) The Cost of Nonviolent Sanctions
  12. John Bacher War Resisters
  13. Leonard V Johnson (reviewer) Beyond Nuclear Thinking
  14. Norman Dyson (reviewer) Canadian Churches and Foreign Policy
  15. Janet Creery Quoth the Raven
  16. Richard Sanders, Mac Scott Newsworthy
  17. Deborah Ferens, Saul Chernos Notes

Vol.07, No.3: May 1991

  1. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  2. Alan Newcombe
  3. Erik Poole Peace in Power in Ontario!
  4. Alexander Kalinin Soviet Military Doctrine: Why Does it Change So Slowly-If At All?
  5. John Murray The Nuclear Industry Comes A'Knocking in Kiggavik
  6. Metta Spencer (interviewer) Looking Back
  7. Metta Spencer (moderator) Is it the New World Order? Or is it Just the Yellow Ribbon Syndrome?
  8. David V.J. Bell New World Order and its Alternatives: Introduction
  9. Thom Workman Conflict Management in the Gulf
  10. Jack Yost The Role of the U.N. After Desert Storm: Rule of Law or Business as Usual?
  11. David B. Dewitt The New World Order and the Future of the Middle East
  12. Stephen Gill America, Europe, and the Emerging World Order
  13. Sandra Whitworth What's So New About the New World Order?
  14. Vincent Mosco Whose Media? Whose New World Order?
  15. Deborah Ferens, Saul Chernos Notes
  16. Saul Chernos An Invitation to Ontario Peace Activists

Vol.07, No.2: Mar-Apr 1991

  1. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  2. Barry Stevens, Mac Scott, Saul Chernos Newsworthy
  3. Hanna Newcombe The U.N. is Finally Operating As It Was Designed To Operate <i>But Do We Like It?</i>
  4. Metta Spencer (interviewer) The Gulf Peace Team: Interview with Jean Drèze
  5. Harriet Friedmann The Forgotten Alternative
  6. Shirley Farlinger Letter from New York
  7. John Bacher The Lessons From Oka: A Special Section on Native Issues
  8. John Bacher (interviewer) Sharing Ancestral Knowledge: An Interview with Chief Jake Thomas
  9. Doug George Where the Violence Began
  10. Tony Hall Racism, First Nations, and the Constitution
  11. Linda Champagne The Mohawk Nation Struggles for Peaceful Ways
  12. Dawn Hill Last Stand of the Lubicon
  13. Dan Gasp&eacute; Oka From The Inside
  14. Anabel Cathral A Call To Action!
  15. Deborah Ferens, Bob Fink, Saul Chernos Notes

Vol.07, No.1: Jan-Feb 1991

  1. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  2. Hans Sinn Letter from Germany
  3. Dietrich Fischer A Peace Plan for the Gulf
  4. Leonard V Johnson Folly Unleashed: War in the Gulf?
  5. Anatol Rapoport The State of the World/The Year That Was
  6. William Epstein, Douglas Roche, WD Macnamara, Betty Reardon The State of the World in the Beginning of the Last Decade of the Century: 22 Questions
  7. Jonathan Barker South Africa: Warlords and Shanty Dwellers
  8. Is there a Gorbachev for China?
  9. Harn Yawnghwe Burma: The Racket in Rangoon
  10. David Webster The Genocide Generation in East Timor
  11. Peggy Teagle Civil War and Peace in Sudan
  12. Sarah Genaite Can Anyone Save the USSR?
  13. Anatol Rapoport The Twelve Most Unfortunate Countries in the World
  14. Disarmament Campaigns Disarmament Campaigns
  15. Ross Smyth, Mac Scott Newsworthy
  16. Saul Chernos Notes

Vol.06, No.5: Oct-Nov 1990

  1. From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Barry Wellman How to Beat a Bulgarian Radar Trap
  4. John Bacher Roots of the Mohawk Crisis
  5. Metta Spencer (interviewer) And now Iraq
  6. David Wurfel Cambodia Update -1990
  7. Issue on Post-Secondary Peace Education
  8. Joanna Santa Barbara The (Incomplete) Making of a Peace Educator
  9. Donna Smyth Beyond Opposites
  10. Graeme MacQueen (interviewer) An interview with the Rector of the University of El Salvador, José Luis Argueta Antillon
  11. Anatol Rapoport The Three Branches of The Peace Movement:
  12. Bonnie Constable; Amir Hussain Students Reflect on Peace Studies
  13. Joanna Santa Barbara (interviewer) Thought and Action at the University for Peace: An interview with Julio Quan
  14. William Klassen; John Bacher The Origins of Violence
  15. Bruce Torrie, Richard Sanders Newsworthy
  16. Disarmament Campaigns Disarmament Campaigns
  17. Anne Bourret, Saul Chernos Notes

Vol.06, No.4: Aug-Sep 1990

  1. From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Hanna Newcombe What is Common Security? A Conceptual Comparison
  4. Arnold Simoni Regional Security Associations: A Security Solution for Middle and Small Powers
  5. Dietrich Fischer Lessons from Munich and Sarajevo
  6. Ronald Chiu The Instructive Tragedy of the Airbus: the perils of offensive technology
  7. Theodore Olson Some Problems With Common Security:
  8. (staff) In Memoriam: Norah Toole
  9. Peter Langille Changing of the Guard
  10. Metta Spencer Popular Democracy in Prague after the Velvet Revolution
  11. Disarmament Campaigns; Guenther Schonegg Disarmament Campaigns
  12. (staff) Newsworthy
  13. Donald Craig, Saul Chernos Notes

Vol.06, No.3: Jun-Jul 1990

  1. From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Simon Rosenblum Tribute to Andrei Sakharov
  4. Dean Babst Accidental Nuclear Weapon Explosion
  5. Metta Spencer Self Determination; or, who's whispering to the Armenians?
  6. Diana Chown Those Toxic Chemicals in Alberta
  7. Simon Rosenblum German Reunification and the Future of the Blocs
  8. Hans Sinn Germany: The Conservatives Have It-For Now
  9. Mark Shepard France's Community of the Ark
  10. Mark Bourrie The Greens in Canada
  11. Subir Guin Update: Palau Still Resists Pentagon's Pressure
  12. Metta Spencer Peace and Environment in the NDP
  13. Amendment conference Underway at U.N.
  14. David McArthur Hidden Capabilities of B-2 Stealth Bomber Threaten START Talks
  15. Kenneth McNaught (reviewer) Sovereignty or Security? Government Policy in the Canadian North, 1936-1950
  16. Ruth Taronno Books for and About Children
  17. Shirley Farlinger Peace Steps
  18. Tarzie Vittachi Newsworthy
  19. Deborah Ferens; Donald Craig Notes

Vol.06, No.2: Apr-May 1990

  1. From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Shirley Farlinger Letter from Nicaragua
  4. David Wurfel Peace Zones
  5. John Mecartney India Adopts Non-Violent Defense When Free
  6. Graeme MacQueen Flying Students and String Hammocks: Images of Four Places in El Salvador
  7. Supporting Non-Violence in a Violent Land
  8. Joanna Miller Infact's General Electric Boycott
  9. Germans Object to Canadian Plans for Lahr
  10. Let Us Found A Helsinki Citizens Assembly
  11. Philip Demont Where's the Peace Dividend?
  12. Erhard Geissler How to Prevent a Biological Arms Race
  13. Dean Babst; Patricia Axelrod This HERO is a Villain!
  14. Eleanor Powell Conflict Resolution for a Sustainable World
  15. Marko Hren Abolishing the Draft in Switzerland
  16. Disarmament Campaigns; Luc Deliens, Age Skolev Disarmament Campaigns
  17. (staff) Newsworthy
  18. Edward Silva (reviewer) The Media
  19. Jean Smith (reviewer) Canada and the Dictators
  20. Val Klassen Notes

Vol.06, No.1: Feb-Mar 1990

  1. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Maxime Faille The Name of the Game
  4. Metta Spencer Congratulations, World!
  5. Hana Federowicz A Role for Canadians in the Helsinki Civic Assembly
  6. Bruce Allen; John Bacher; Arial Braun; Harriet Friedmann; Barry Stevens (moderator) Through the Brandenburg Gate: A Conversation about Eastern Europe
  7. George Crowell Exploring The Ethics Of Nonviolence In Moscow
  8. Hanna Newcombe; Arnold Simoni Stable Peace
  9. Disarmament Campaigns Disarmament Campaigns
  10. Morris Miller Debt & Disarmament
  11. Peter Andreas; Coletta Youngers The U.S. Drug War in the Andes
  12. Metta Spencer Opening the Sky
  13. Anne Hanson Tritium Update
  14. Carol Ferguson Notes
  15. Desiree McGraw Peace Education
  16. Martin Zellig (reviewer) If You're Considering Going to Jail...
  17. Joan Geurts, Laurie MacBride Newsworthy
  18. Edward Silva (reviewer) Binding Triad, Anyone?
  19. Neil Aberle (reviewer) Militarism and the Quality of Life

Vol.05, No.6: Dec 1989-Jan 1990

  1. Letters
  2. Shirley Farlinger Ben Ferencz: Upbeat Man From a Deadbeat Country
  3. Richard Sanders Merchants of Death Conference
  4. David Webster East Timor's Pain - and Canada's Complicity
  5. Shirley Farlinger (interviewer) The Mysterious Events at Greenham Common
  6. Rose Dyson Violence In The Media
  7. Dorothy Goldin Rosenberg Biological and Chemical Weapons: Poisonous Cauldrons
  8. Metta Spencer (interviewer) Margarita Papandreou: Feminist Summitry
  9. Stephen Dankowich A Tale of Two Conferences: END and WiP
  10. Walt Taylor Matriotism: The Waging of Total, All-Out Peace
  11. Aaron Tovish (reviewer) The Return of a Peacenik
  12. Hans Sinn (reviewer) Thinking About Security
  13. Nancy Howell (reviewer) Exposing Nuclear Phallacies
  14. Seth Klein Looking for Peace in Israel
  15. Alan R. Drengson The Martial Art of Reconciliation
  16. Disarmament Campaigns; Owen Wilkes; Christa Nickels Disarmament Campaigns
  17. Holly Head; Deborah Ferens; Donald Craid Notes
  18. Newsworthy

Vol.05, No.5: Oct-Nov 1989

  1. From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Jean Smith What to Remember on Remembrance Day
  4. Mary-Wynne Ashford Canada Needs a New Security Corps
  5. Marianne Larsen Who Reads PEACE?
  6. Bonnie Kim Before Beijing Spring: A Talk with Victor Falkenheim
  7. Dean Babst To learn from Chernobyl, watch out for bombs that are <i>RADIOACTIVE!</i>
  8. Cyril Powles Japanese Elections and Prospects for Peace
  9. Martin Zellig Sam Day, Nuclear Prisoner
  10. Douglas Roche Farewell to a Peacemonger
  11. Alex Dickman (interviewer); George Ignatieff (interviewee) G·E·O·R·G·E · I·G·N·A·T·I·E·F·F
  12. Geoffrey Pearson New Opportunities for Peace Research By Geoffrey Pearson
  13. Peter Meincke The Closing of CFB Summerside
  14. John Bacher Canadian Soldiers Hugged the Trees
  15. Disarmament Campaigns Disarmament Campaigns
  16. Edward Nixon and staff Newsworthy
  17. David Webster, Donald Craig Notes

Vol.05, No.4: Aug-Sep 1989

  1. From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Barry Stevens First there was the bomber gap. Then the missile gap. And next: The Awful Pants Gap of 1990!
  4. Hans Sinn The Germans: Rediscovering Their National Interests
  5. Saul Chernos Trying to Keep a Secret
  6. Mary Boite and Matthew Behrens Resisting the Warmakers
  7. Randall Forsberg Randall Forsberg discusses her work and the current international situation
  8. David Schulze McGill's Military Research Enlisted in U.S. Air Force Program
  9. Malcolm Spaven Goose Bay: Canada's Best Arms Control Opportunity
  10. Elizabeth Penashue and Rose Gregoire Nitassinan: Our Land, Our Struggle
  11. Metta Spencer (interviewer); Gene Sharp and Mubarak Awad (interviewees) Killing the Pig to Frighten the Monkey
  12. Cesar A. Chelala, M.D. Medicine and War in Central America
  13. John Bacher (reviewer) Across the Berlin Wall
  14. Disarmament Campaigns Disarmament Campaigns
  15. Elaine Bri&egrave;re The War in East Timor
  16. Christine Peringer, Saul Chernos, John Bacher, Karen Ridd Newsworthy
  17. Deborah Ferens, Donald Craig Notes
  18. Dick Holland (reviewer) Peacemaking with Young People
  19. Alvin M Schrader Libraries and Peace
  20. Marianne Craig United Nations of the People?
  21. John McMurtry This is War!

Vol.05, No.3: Jun-Jul 1989

  1. From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Bruce Dodds Letter from Chernobyl
  4. Wally Keeler Canada's CANDU Sale to Romania
  5. Metta Spencer (interviewer) Why Worry about _Waves?_
  6. Brennan Lloyd Low-Level Training Flights
  7. Patti Willis Playing Nuclear War in "SUPER NATURAL" British Columbia
  8. John Bacher Ecocidal Wars
  9. Kevin McMahon Arctic Ecocide
  10. David Kraft Nuclear Subs: Environmental Hazard
  11. Irene Kock, Joy Phillips, and Norman Rubin Tritium
  12. John Willis What's Next for Canada's Uranium Mining Business?
  13. David Bennett Labour
  14. Maxime Faille Partial Test Ban Treaty Amendment Conference Is ... On!
  15. John Bacher (reviewer) Indians' Survival: Environment and Uranium Mining
  16. M.V. Naidu Peace Education
  17. Don Craig Notes
  18. Newsworthy

Vol.05, No.2: Apr-May 1989

  1. Editorial
  2. Letters
  3. Peace Education
  4. Alan Weiss A Marxist-Christian Symposium in Moscow
  5. James Graff What Chance for Peace Between Israel and the PLO?
  6. Subir Guin What Chance for Peace on the Indian Subcontinent?
  7. Mohamed Y. Urdoh What Chance for Peace in the Horn of Africa?
  8. Colleen O'Manique What Chance for Peace in Southern Africa?
  9. David Wurfel What Chance for Peace in Indo-China?
  10. Tim Draimin and Liisa North What Chance for Peace in Central America?
  11. Richard Sanders ARMX '89 and the Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade
  12. Brydon Gombay Mama Nancy
  13. Mordecai Breimberg Israel After Vanunu
  14. Peter Langille In Pursuit of Strategic Flexibility
  15. Jean Smith (reviewer) Our Militarized North
  16. Koozma Tarasoff (reviewer) Getting to Know the Stranger
  17. Joanna Santa Barbara (reviewer) Aikido Peacemaking
  18. John Bacher (reviewer) Peace with Freedom
  19. Dorothy Goldin Rosenberg Japan's Economic Miracle: Masking its Nuclear and Military Growth
  20. Disarmament Campaigns; Jacek Czaputowicz Disarmament Campaigns
  21. Seth Klein, Donald Craig, Deborah Ferens, Ellen Gould Notes
  22. Saul Chernos, John Bacher Newsworthy

Vol.05, No.1: Feb-Mar 1989

  1. Letters
  2. Ann Crosby The NATO/WTO Women's Meetings with the NATO Foreign Ministers
  3. Metta Spencer The Filming of Mile Zero
  4. Peggy Hope-Simpson Getting Secure
  5. Diana Chown Suffield, Chemical Warfare, and Canadian/US Relations
  6. Metta Spencer (interviewer), George Ignatieff (interviewee) On Gorbachev's Speech at the United Nations
  7. Patra Dounoukos Update on the South Pacific Unrest
  8. Ruth Loomis, Marion Lightly, Phil Esmonde Nanoose
  9. Maxime Faille The 43rd General Assembly
  10. Dimitrios Roussopoulos Realism and a New Politics
  11. John Bacher (reviewer) The Road to Peace
  12. Simon Rosenblum, Fergus Watt, Christine Peringer, Robert Penner (panelists) What's there left to wish for, since the election?
  13. Donald Craig, Deborah Ferens, Seth Klein Notes
  14. Elias Stavrides Labour
  15. Disarmament Campaigns Disarmament Campaigns

Vol.04, No.6: Dec 1988-Jan 1989

  1. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  2. Metta Spencer (interviewer); Mubarak Awad (interviewee) Nonviolent Resistance in the Holy Land
  3. Barry Martin Native Spiritualities and the Great Law Of Peace
  4. Lois M. Wilson Women of Faith and Peace
  5. Patra Dounoukos Father Bruno's Dream Alive in Israel
  6. Maxime Faille Canada and the Test Ban
  7. John Bacher The Secret Team, Part VII: The Secret Team in the Iran-Contra Affair
  8. Graeme MacQueen Buddhism and Nonviolent Social Action
  9. Leonard Desroches Love of Earth and Enemy
  10. Some Literature on Nonviolence
  11. Why States Manipulate Nonviolent Movements
  12. John Bacher Islamic Nonviolent Resistance in the Struggle for Indian Independence
  13. Jerilynn Prior One Quaker's Peaceable Victory Over the U.S.
  14. Joseph T. O'Connell Indian Resources For Establishing Peace
  15. Amnesan W. Dorn Sri Chinmoy: The Message of Inner and Outer Peace
  16. John Bacher; Joy Phillips; Maxime Faille Newsworthy
  17. Eva Torok (reviewer) Resisting the S.S. in France
  18. Eva Torok (reviewer) Cesar Chavez for Children
  19. Quaker Publications
  20. Jordan Bishop (reviewer) The Crime of Deterrence
  21. Peace Education
  22. Valerie Osborne, Seth Klein Notes
  23. Bill Thompson Saryozek: First Contract for Peace
  24. Disarmament Campaigns; Jane Mayes (interviewer) Disarmament Campaigns

Vol.04, No.5: Oct-Nov 1988

  1. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  2. Andrew Kapos, Ernie Regehr, Maxine Kaufman Nunn, Colin McKinley Letters
  3. David H. Erickson, Penny Tilbay, Alison Walkley The B.C. Activist: A Survey
  4. Bruce Allan Letter from East Berlin
  5. Marion Kerans Muriel Duckworth: the Peace Movement's Best Friend
  6. Metta Spencer (moderator); Norman Rubin, Derek Paul (discussants) Nuclear Exports: A Talk about Power and Bombs
  7. Ursula Franklin Nuclear Energy Wasn't Invented to Produce Domestic Electricity
  8. John Bacher The Secret Team, Part VI: Who Did in the Prime Minister?
  9. Maxime Faille Bold New Conference for Test Ban by Amending Existing Treaty
  10. Mary-Wynne Ashford French Doctors and the Bomb
  11. Subir Guin Militarization Around the Indian Ocean
  12. Joe Mihevc (reviewer) Economic Conversion, Canada, and Free Trade
  13. Patricia Pearson Peace Education
  14. Donald Craig, Peter Davison, Alan Wilson, Kathleen O'Hara, Andrea Levy, Eric Shragge, Ellen Gould Notes
  15. Disarmament Campaigns Disarmament Campaigns
  16. Isabelle George; Martin Zelig; Patra Dounoukos Newsworthy

Vol.04, No.4: Aug-Sep 1988

  1. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  2. Gavin McEwen, S. Millen, Eugenia Johnson, J. Barber-Starkey, Phil Esmonde Letters
  3. Toronto Disarmament Network (interlocutors); Douglas Frith MP (speaker) The Liberal Defence Policy: Douglas Frith Answers Questions
  4. Patra Dounoukos Rx for Healing Our Planet
  5. Carl Cuneo (interviewer); Barbara MacQuarrie (interviewee) Peace Brigades and Nonviolence
  6. Peter Meincke Canada: A Global Peacekeeper?
  7. John Bacher The Secret Team, Part V: Cha Cha Cha! Overthrowing Latin Democracies
  8. John Bacher For Lack of Evidence: It's Hard to Sue the Secret Team
  9. Metta Spencer UNSSOD III: Setback for Multilateralism
  10. Disarmament Campaigns Disarmament Campaigns
  11. Patra Dounoukos; staff Newsworthy
  12. Peace Education
  13. Eva Torok (reviewer) Faces of the Enemy
  14. Hans Sinn (reviewer) Arms Under the Maple Leaf: Canadian Forces in West Germany
  15. Jeff de Freitas Electing Peace
  16. Betty Brightwell Unsafe Harbours
  17. Subir Guin After the INF Treaty. . .Are We Really Better Off?
  18. Alan Wilson Notes
  19. Conscientious Objection in Hungary
  20. David Kattenburg Going Down the Road

Vol.04, No.3: Jun-Jul 1988

  1. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  2. Peter Danenhower, Peter Stoett, Jack Mills, Len Desroches Letters
  3. Shirley Farlinger Letter from Geneva
  4. Dwight Burkhardt Churches Respond to Defence White Paper
  5. Ron Dart Ground Zero:
  6. Radio Days are Back!
  7. Madeline Gilchrist Women From NATO Meet Warsaw Pact Foreign Ministers
  8. John Bacher The Secret Team, Part IV: Visiting Vietnam
  9. Phil Smith-Eivemark Discriminate Deterrence
  10. Mark Shepard Vinoba: Gandhi's "Spiritual Successor"
  11. William Epstein Uncertain Prospects for UNSSOD III
  12. Pat Dounoukos (interviewer) She Still Loves This Planet
  13. Jillian Skeet The NDP Security Policy
  14. Ted Turner, Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan The Terror Trade: Buying the Bomb
  15. The Occupation
  16. Peter Langille Non-Offensive Defence: A Canadian Option?
  17. Metta Spencer Peace Education: Peace Castle
  18. John Bacher (reviewer) The View from the East
  19. John Bacher (reviewer) How to Invest Your Money With a Clear Conscience
  20. William H. Barton (reviewer) A Life in Peace and War
  21. Shirley Farlinger (reviewer) At Work in the Fields of the Bomb
  22. John Baumann More on Del Tredici's Book... The Olive Branch Awards
  23. Jeff de Freitas; staff Newsworthy
  24. Valerie Osborne, Alan Wilson, Lynn Marriott Notes
  25. Disarmament Campaigns Disarmament Campaigns

Vol.04, No.2: Apr-May 1988

  1. Metta Spencer From the Editor
  2. Sunshine Goldstream, Anna Briggs, Silas Townsend, Paul Eastwood, Andrew Van Velzen, Eric Tollefson, Alan Maxwell Letters
  3. Stephen Salaff Hans Blumenfeld 1892-1988
  4. Chris Williams Letter from Gaza
  5. Phil Smith-Eivemark, Subir Guin Going Nuclear: Brazil and India
  6. John Bacher The Secret Team, Part III: Chaos in Laos
  7. Betty Brightwell The Raging Grannies
  8. Barry Stevens Speechless For Once?
  9. Phil Smith-Eivemark Thin Ice: Canada's Arctic Pact with the U.S.
  10. Bruce Dodds Soviet Realism: Looking Back at the USSR
  11. The Nuclear Resister Nuclear Resisters
  12. Eva Torok Preventing Chemical Warfare
  13. Barry Stevens (moderator) Nonviolence and Armed Struggle: a Conversation
  14. Kathleen O'Hara (compiler) Free Trade Fallout
  15. Peter Langille Developing a Complex
  16. Simon Rosenblum After the INF?
  17. Disarmament Campaigns Disarmament Campaigns
  18. Peter Armitage (reviewer) Sonic Booms vs. The American Way
  19. Gillian Thomas (reviewer) The Name of the Chamber was Peace
  20. Bruce Dodds (reviewer) A General for Peace
  21. Metta Spencer; Kathleen O'Hara; Robert Penner Newsworthy
  22. Valerie Osborne, Alan Wilson, Lynn Marriott, Sheena Lambert Notes
  23. Metta Spencer, Jennifer Ramsay, John Bacher (interviewers) Peace Education

Vol.04, No.1: Feb-Mar 1988

  1. Metta Spencer From the Editor:
  2. Louis-Claude Desjardins, Hania Fedorowicz, Kim Goldberg, Cecil Stedman, Joan Hadrill Letters
  3. Jennifer Ramsay Letter from Prison
  4. Shirley Farlinger Letter from Hungary
  5. Anne Adelson, Barry Stevens, Canadian Centre for Arms Control and Disarmament Hooray for the INF Treaty?
  6. John Bacher The Secret Team, Part II: The Way of Pigs
  7. Jennifer Ramsay (interviewer); Larry Ross (interviewee) This Country Must Stay Nuclear-Free
  8. David Kattenburg The Web
  9. Kazimierz Orlos, Piotr Niemczyk, Joanne Landy Poles Apart: Letters from Warsaw and New York City
  10. Jillian Skeet Canada, a Peacemaker? They're Only Fooling Us!
  11. Ann Crosby (interviewer); Joanna Santa Barbara (interviewee) Peace Education
  12. Disarmament Campaigns Disarmament Campaigns
  13. Andrew Van Velzen (reviewer) Winning the Big One
  14. Joanna Santa Barbara (interviewer) Solutions for a Troubled World
  15. G.K. Ingham (reviewer) End the Arms Race: Fund Human Needs
  16. Koozma Tarasoff; Barry Stevens; Jennifer Ramsay; Metta Spencer Newsworthy
  17. Valerie Osborne, Ellen Gould, Bruce Pope Notes
  18. Kathleen O'Hara Military Intelligence

Vol.03, No.6: Dec 1987-Jan 1988

  1. From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. John Bacher The Secret Team, Part I: The Secret's Out
  4. Robert Bater Arming For Armageddon
  5. Jennifer Ramsey Fiji
  6. Dorothy Beavington Walking With Big Ben
  7. Simon Rosenblum The U.N. Disarmament and Development Conference
  8. Metta Spencer (interviewer) Dialogue at Cornwall: Ambassador Roche and his Consultative Group on Disarmament
  9. Donald Wells A. J. Muste and the Politics of Peace
  10. Disarmament Campaigns Disarmament Campaigns
  11. The Peace Movement is...
  12. Elizabeth Pasternak, Bruce Pope OPC '87
  13. Barbara Cooper New Elementary Children's Program
  14. Newsworthy
  15. Matthew Behrens A Crowbar Damages U.S. First-Strike Capability
  16. Richard T McCutcheon (reviewer) Gandhian Activism Continues!
  17. Barrie Zwicker (reviewer) The Journey, The 1.6 Billion Dollar Movie
  18. Valerie Osborne, Martin Zeilig, Deborah Ferens Notes

Vol.03, No.5: Oct-Nov 1987

  1. From the Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Shirley Farlinger Letter From Philly
  4. Ann Crosby Women From 184 Nations Meet in Moscow
  5. Marion Kerans The Soviet Peace Fund
  6. Robert Norman Did You Know About Canada's Uranium Transfers to the Soviet Union?
  7. Karen Gaudun NWFZ: The Canadian Scene
  8. David Jackman Project Ploughshares: R&D for a Peaceful World
  9. Gary Genosko (interviewer) Ernie Regehr
  10. Peter Armitage Why Can't They Accept a Moratorium on Low-Level Flying?
  11. Express Peace!
  12. Walter Dorn Paxsat: A Canadian Initiative in Arms Control
  13. Helen Spiegelman Canadian Peace Movement: A British Columbia Perspective
  14. David Langille Growing Pains: The Maturing of the Canadian Peace Movement
  15. Robert Penner Peace Movement Needs More Ambitious Strategies
  16. Sheena Lambert The Canadian Peace Pledge Campaign
  17. Simon Rosenblum and Fergus Watt Election Priorities 88/89
  18. Kay Macpherson and Sara Good Canadian Voice of Women for Peace
  19. Science for Peace
  20. Canadian Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War
  21. What's Going on in The Canadian Peace Movement Today?
  22. Helen Spiegelman, Valerie Osborne, Phil McCann, Shirley Farlinger Notes
  23. John Bacher (reviewer) Witness Against War
  24. Kathleen O'Hara (reviewer) Roots of Peace
  25. Metta Spencer (reviewer) How We Work for Peace
  26. Jean Smith, Shirley Farlinger Peace Education
  27. Disarmament Campaigns Disarmament Campaigns
  28. Arnold Simoni, Hans Sinn, Metta Spencer Newsworthy

Vol.03, No.4: Aug-Sep 1987

  1. Metta Spencer From The Editor
  2. Letters
  3. Phil Esmonde Desperate Need for Arms Control in the Pacific
  4. Horst E Richter Dealing With Nuclear Anxieties In Children
  5. Metta Spencer Nuclear Treason
  6. C.G. Gifford Gorbachev's Vision: A 'Post-Nuclear Age'
  7. John Bacher The Brundtland Report: Our Common Future
  8. Phil Esmonde (interviewer) The American Lake: Superpower Conflict in the Pacific
  9. Peter Bruck, Hania Fedorowicz, and Dorothy Goldin Rosenberg Ottawans Celebrate Canada's Own "P-MAG"
  10. David Peterson Tritium: Premier Peterson's Reply
  11. Lee Kelly U.N --. Earth's Most Important Organization
  12. Barbara Koerner NATO Practices: Invasion in Labrador: A German-Canadian View
  13. Ulf Panzer In the Name of the People: Away with the Missiles!
  14. Disarmament Campaigns Disarmament Campaigns
  15. Barry Stevens (interviewer) The Defence White Paper: Six Comments
  16. Kay Macpherson Women at NATO
  17. Chandler Davis Mathematicians Challenge Military Funding
  18. Robert Light Disarming the Seas
  19. Peter Armitage What Can Media Do? Some Concrete Answers
  20. Richard Leach (reviewer) Chomsky: Our System Depends on Arms Race
  21. Alan Phillips (reviewer) The Stunning Record of Our Nuclear Culture
  22. Peter Armitage, Steve Shallhorn, Koozma Tarasoff Newsworthy
  23. Annabel Cathrall Science for Peace
  24. Helen Spiegelman, Valerie Osborne, John Osborne, Phyllis Aronoff, Eric Shragge, Shirley Farlinger, Vera de Jong, Ish Theilheimer Notes
  25. Alan Wilson Peace Education

Vol.03, No.3: June 1987

  1. Letters
  2. Shirley Farlinger Letter From Nicaragua
  3. John Bacher The NDP and the Peace Movement
  4. Margaret Dyment The Vigil on Parliament Hill
  5. David Kattenburg Zapping The Movement
  6. Eric Shragge Universities and Arms
  7. Donald Craig Setting Up a Nuclear Weapon Free Zone
  8. George Ehring Ontario May Move Toward Conversion
  9. Disarmament Campaigns Disarmament Campaigns
  10. Stathis Stathopoulos On the Zero Option
  11. Chris Reid The Case for Social Defence
  12. Narayan Desai Growing Up With Gandhi
  13. Annabel Cathrall Toronto Lectures
  14. John Bacher (reviewer) Arms Canada: The Deadly Business of Military Exports
  15. David Webster (reviewer) The Worst Accident in the World: Chernobyl and the End of the Nuclear Dream
  16. Anthony Bond (reviewer) Citizen Diplomats: Pathfinders in Soviet-American Relations and How You Can Join Them
  17. Brett Mann (reviewer) Hawks, Doves And Owls: An Agenda for Avoiding Nuclear War
  18. Newsworthy
  19. Joanne Blythe, Bonnie Wilson, Claire Perry, Marie Roulleau, Valerie Osborne, Brennain Lloyd Notes
  20. John Prendergrast Peace Education

Vol.03, No.2: Apr-May 1987

  1. Letters
  2. John Lamb The Cruise Threat to Canadian-U.S. relations
  3. Barry Stevens (reviewer) Platoon
  4. George Ignatieff (reviewer) Towards a World Without War: Next Steps in Canadian Defence Policy
  5. Leonard V Johnston (reviewer) Defending Europe: Options for Security
  6. Kathleen O'Hara (reviewer) Hope in Hard Times
  7. Fran Thoburn The Bishop and the Bomb
  8. David H Martin Tritium Traffic: Deadly Dividends for Nuclear Industry
  9. Metta Spencer (interviewer) A Talk With a Samizdat Writer
  10. Hania Federowicz, Dan Heap, Dorothy Goldin Rosenberg, Solanges Vincent The Costs of Militarization: A Discussion
  11. David Parnas (interviewee) Professor Parnas Strikes Back at the Star-Warriors
  12. Disarmament Campaigns Disarmament Campaigns
  13. Ruth Pierson Toward A New Way Of Thinking
  14. Hans Sinn Toward an Alternative to NATO and the Warsaw Pact
  15. David Fairhall, Kit Pineau, Shirley Farlinger, Simon Threlkeld, Valerie Osborne Newsworthy
  16. Randy Dryburgh, Dimitrios Roussopoulos, Phyllis Aronoff, Sheena Lambert, Isabelle George, David Kraft Notes
  17. Anabell Cathrall Toronto Lectures
  18. Beverly Olds Peace in the Schools

Vol.03, No.1: Feb-Mar 1987

  1. Letters
  2. Shirley Farlinger Useful in the Third Quarter: a Profile of Ann Gertler
  3. Martin Zeilig Athletes Against the Bomb
  4. Shirley Farlinger and Barry Stevens An Unamerikan Act
  5. Anthony Bond In The Minds and Hearts of Men
  6. Richard Taylor The British Peace Movement and Radical Change
  7. Metta Spencer (interviewer) Militarizing the Third World
  8. Disarmament Campaigns Disarmament Campaigns
  9. David Delaunay Small Victories are Big Steps
  10. Ted Dyment Afghanistan: a Million Deaths Later
  11. Dennis Bockus (editor); Barry Stevens (moderator) Views of Eastern Dissidents
  12. John Bacher Eurocommunism: Showing a Human Face to Both Blocs
  13. Matthew Speier Peace Studies Moves Along
  14. Brydon Gombay (reviewer) Artisans de Paix
  15. Rajan Phillipupillai (reviewer) Star Wars
  16. Shirley Farlinger (reviewer) Peace: a Dream Unfolding
  17. Shirley Farlinger (reviewer) Harder Than it Looks
  18. Jean Wright, Metta Spencer, Isabel Hobson Newsworthy
  19. Kay Macpherson, Phyllis Aronoff, Valerie Osborne, Metta Spencer, Sheena Lambert Notes

Vol.02, No.6: Dec 1986-Jan 1987

  1. Letters
  2. Leigh Edwards We're Still Marching!
  3. Andrew Van Velzen What's AirLand Battle?
  4. Canadian Centre for Arms Control and Disarmament On the Confusion Surrounding Reykjavik
  5. Disarmament Campaigns Disarmament Campaigns
  6. Metta Spencer and Mary Kaldor (interviewers) Two Talks in Pugwash, Hungary
  7. Sheila Sullivan Peace Education
  8. Medvedkovs and Brodskys Leave Soviet Union in September
  9. Maxine Nunn Israeli Doves Say: No Solution with Violence!
  10. Barry Stevens War and Mir: Reflections on Peace in the Soviet Union
  11. Peter Dale Scott The Day NORAD Was Born
  12. Helen Forsey, Tana Dineen, Lori A McElroy Sexism And Peace: Two Perspectives
  13. Peggy Hope-Simpson New Tales of the Sea
  14. Camille Fouillard Should St.John's Compete for a NATO Base?
  15. Walter H Dorn Peacekeeping Satellites for the United Nations
  16. Ruth Morris and Colleen Heffren The Practice of Peace
  17. Bryan Loucks Elders Speak of Peace at Cape Croker Reserve
  18. Ross Smyth, Christine Peringer, Paul Dilse, Eric Walberg, John Bacher Newsworthy
  19. Barry Stevens (reviewer) Top Gun
  20. Bruce Dodds (reviewer) The Myth of Soviet Military Supremacy
  21. John Bacher (reviewer) The Coming of World War Three
  22. Barry Stevens Return to Dresden
  23. Valerie Osborne, Sheena Lambert, Shirley Farlinger, Simon Rosenblum, Margot Trevelyan Notes

Vol.02, No.5: Oct-Nov 1986

  1. Letters
  2. Phil Esmonde Letter from Fiji
  3. John Bacher Recent Months in Review
  4. Fergus Watt Canada's Foreign Policy Review
  5. Disarmament Campaigns Disarmament Campaigns
  6. Christine Peringer LLB What Peace Activists Need to Know About International Law
  7. Michael Duff The Ottawa Peace Movement
  8. Dieter Heinrich Courts Will be Asked to Make Canada a Nuclear Weapons Free Zone
  9. Eric Fawcett, Arthur Forer, Derek Paul, and Metta Spencer A 'New Way of Thinking' in the Soviet Union
  10. Al Banner (interviewer) Untrustworthy PALS: an interview with Mike Wallace about accidental nuclear war
  11. Simon Rosenblum Uncommon Security: Appraising the Special Joint Committee Report on Canada's International Relations
  12. Ask us about PEACE Magazine!
  13. Shirley Farlinger Toronto International Year of Peace
  14. Carol King Peace Education
  15. Barry Stevens The March
  16. Notice the Magazine's Changes?
  17. Project Ploughshares What's the DIPP in Canada's Military Production?
  18. Miles Lord The Statement of Judge Lord
  19. Gideon Foreman (reviewer) Reagan, God and the Bomb
  20. Randy Dryburgh, Chris Gainor, Shirley Farlinger, George Barnett, Sally Curry Newsworthy
  21. Laurie MacBride The Motherpeace Action: Building the Circle
  22. Martin Zeilig The Missiles Next Door
  23. Simon Rosenblum Jobs and Military Spending
  24. Betty Patterson, Nina Westaway, Sheena Lambert Notes

Vol.02, No.4: Aug-Sep 1986

  1. Letters
  2. John Bacher Twentieth Century Hawks and Doves
  3. Fergus Watt At the NATO Ministers' Meeting
  4. Peter Brown Unsafe Harbors: Canada Plays Host to Nuclear Weapons
  5. Margaret Gouin AlterNET at the Fate of the Earth Conference
  6. Alan Wilson Playing the Orpheum
  7. Anthony Bond Beyond War…
  8. Ann Crosby Best Friends
  9. Irene Kock and David Martin Question the Atom
  10. Janet Daley (interviewer) Our Efforts are Not Wasted
  11. Anne Hume, Derek Paul, and Metta Spencer PeaceTravel
  12. Peace Education
  13. Hans Blumenfeld, Barry Stevens, Shirley Farlinger Newsworthy
  14. Joanne Santa Barbara (reviewer) Can We Do Without the Bomb?
  15. Peter Wade (reviewer) A Czech View of the Western Peace Movement
  16. Resources and New Items
  17. Jean-Guy Vaillancourt, Ronald Babin, Gary Marchant, Valerie Osborne, Joan Bishop, Shirley Farlinger, David Delaunay Notes

Vol.02, No.3: Jun-Jul 1986

  1. Letters
  2. Simon Rosenblum Recent Months in Review
  3. Arnold Simoni Canada, Libya, and the International Court of Justice
  4. Anton Hornbrook, Jason Birch Winning Essays
  5. Peter A. Bruck Prime Time for Peaceniks?
  6. Joanne Santa Barbara (interviewer) The View from Down Under
  7. Doug Mohr Peace Productions: Radio Ads for Disarmament
  8. John Bacher How Socialist France Embraced the Bomb
  9. Shirley Farlinger Doing a Finland
  10. Anthony Bond The Garry Davis Prescription for World Peace
  11. Metta Spencer with Sue Mackenzie Sue and the Splatter Gun Gang
  12. Shirley Farlinger, John Bacher, Al Rycroft, Janis Alton, Anne Runyan, David Collins, Woodrow W Coward Newsworthy
  13. Peace Education
  14. David Kraft, Shirley Farlinger, Martin Zeilig, Jim Oakes, David Delaunay, Gary Marchant Notes

Vol.02, No.2: Apr-May 1986

  1. Letters
  2. Michael Candler The People's Enquiry
  3. Simon Rosenblum Canada Renews NORAD: No Questions Asked
  4. Barry Stevens and Garry Pascal Peace Marching Through a War Zone
  5. Eugene Carroll, Franklyn Griffiths, George Ignatieff Disarmers Respond to Gorbachev
  6. Christopher Ross The Language of Enmity
  7. Ronald Babin Telling the Secrets of the Sea
  8. Matthew Behrens Making Nuclear Weapons Illegal
  9. Gary Fuhrman Notes from Underground: Peaceniks Invade NORAD
  10. Shirley Farlinger (reviewer) World Military and Social Expenditures 1985
  11. Edward Silva (reviewer) Misguided Missiles: Canada, The Cruise and Star Wars
  12. Dieter Heinrich Toward Common Security
  13. Peter Pentz Finite Deterrence
  14. Dorothy Goldin Rosenberg What Should We Do?
  15. Doug Mohr National Letter Writing Coalition
  16. Shirley Farlinger Newsworthy
  17. Norman Rubin Canada's Tritium May Add Hundreds of Bombs to U.S. Nuclear Arsenal
  18. Shirley Farlinger Coming Soon
  19. Valerie Osborne, Alison Dyer, Peter Armitage, Jennifer Kinloch, Gary Marchant, Donna Balkan, Phyllis Aronoff, Howard Scott Notes

Vol.02, No.1: Feb-Mar 1986

  1. Letters
  2. Phil Esmonde Letter from Hawaii
  3. John Bacher Our Very Own Arms Broker
  4. Laurie MacBride Momentum Builds at Nanoose
  5. Hans Blumenfeld Are the U.S. and the USSR Mirror Images of Each Other?
  6. Metta Spencer Profile of an Activist: Dorothy Goldin Rosenberg
  7. Barry Stevens The Numbers Game
  8. Gillian Thomas (interviewer) In New Zealand, Our Side Winning: Here's Owen Wilkes
  9. Bill Robinson Rethinking NORAD
  10. Pauline Jewett National Letter Writing Campaign
  11. Andrew Van Velzen Newsworthy
  12. Simon Rosenblum Canada Votes Against Freeze
  13. Joan Rentoul, Alan Silverman, Duncan MacDonald, David Delaunay, Donald Craig, Eric Shragge, Gary Marchant Notes

Vol.01, No.9: December 1985

  1. Letters
  2. Paula Rochman (ed) Letters from Prison
  3. Simon Rosenblum A Knock-and-Drop Campaign?
  4. National Letter-Writing Campaign
  5. Deb Ellis Why War Toys?
  6. John Bacher The Independent Peace Movements in Eastern Europe
  7. Simon Rosenblum Allies in Wonderland: Canada, the U.S., and Star Wars
  8. Andrew Pakula and Mark Pancer Interview with a Peacemaker-Veteran
  9. Newsworthy
  10. Shirley Farlinger (reviewer) No Laughing Matter
  11. Andrew Blackwell Learning Peace
  12. Eric Shragge Goals Beyond Star Wars
  13. David Horwood (reviewer) Don't Count on NORAD's Computers
  14. Network News

Vol.01, No.8: November 1985

  1. Letters
  2. Betty Reardon Letter From The U. N.
  3. Shirley Farlinger, Leonard Farlinger, and Kafitryn Rogers Remembrance of Wars Past
  4. National Letter-Writing Coalition
  5. Metta Spencer (interviewer) Disarmament
  6. Shirley Farlinger S.O.S.: Save Outer Space
  7. Metta Spencer Greenpeace: The Protest in Paradise
  8. Newsworthy
  9. Network News
  10. Dimitrios Roussopoulos, David Kraft Two Views of the Canadian Peace Alliance
  11. What Happened to October?
  12. Christopher Ross (reviewer) Over Twenty Years of the CND in Britain

Vol.01, No.7: October 1985

  1. What Happened to October?

Vol.01, No.6: September 1985

  1. Letters
  2. Shirley Farlinger Letter from London
  3. Ed Silva and Metta Spencer (interviewers) Amazing Grace: A Labour Day profile
  4. Jim Oakes Nuclear Imagery Photographed
  5. George Crowell Top Priority: Comprehensive Test Ban!
  6. National Letter Writing Coalition
  7. Sheila Slaughter and Metta Spencer (interviewers) Canadian Peace General: Maj-Gen (ret.) Leonard V. Johnson
  8. Network News
  9. Anatol Rapoport Is Military Capability a Component of Security?
  10. Ken Hancock The Right to Take Your Conscience to Work
  11. Newsworthy

Vol.01, No.5: August 1985

  1. Letters
  2. John Marsh Letter from Hiroshima
  3. Newsworthy
  4. National Letter-Writing Coalition
  5. M Clark (reviewer) Deadly Gambits: The Reagan Administration and the Stalemate in Arms Control
  6. Shirley Farlinger Sister Watch: Halifax 1985
  7. Metta Spencer and Michael Johansen (interviewers) Nonprovocative Defence
  8. Ronald Babin Québec Group Opposes Coalition
  9. Al Rycroft Star Wars: Accidental War by Computer
  10. Metta Spencer Security: What Dare Europeans Hope For?
  11. Network News

Vol.01, No.4: June 1985

  1. Nancy Watt Editorial Letter
  2. Letters
  3. Newsworthy
  4. National Letter-Writing Coalition
  5. Coleman Romalis What is Star Wars Doing to Canada?
  6. Metta Spencer (interviewer) Speaking Their Peace
  7. Nancy Watt (ed) Network News
  8. Gary Marchant Peace Marches Allow People To Take First Step For Peace
  9. Jennifer Kinloch Vancouver March Serves As Case Study Of Media Manipulation Of "News"
  10. Metta Spencer NPT Review Conference Provides Forum For Peace by Member States

Vol.01, No.3: May 1985

  1. Letters
  2. Cyril and Marjorie Powles Letter from New Zealand
  3. Wendy Wright Stop Star Wars' Campaign
  4. Laurie MacBride Nanoose Peace Camp Opens Again
  5. Chris Frazer Student Protesters Disciplined
  6. Robert Penner Alliance Planners Agree To Hold Convention
  7. Metta Spencer Physicians Host Peace Conference
  8. Roy McFarlane Pearson Discusses Peace And Security Institute
  9. Metta Spencer New Proposal Would Cut Through Arms Asymmetries
  10. Steve Shallhorn Depth Charges in the Political Landscape
  11. Metta Spencer (interviewer); Rosalie Bertell (interviewee) Low-Level Radiation and Species Death Syndrome
  12. Andrew Pakula President Reagan's 'Star Wars' Plan Is No Mere Bargaining Chip In Arms Talks
  13. Doug Mohr Peace Movement Needs To Empower People, Not Just Educate them
  14. David Mandel and Eric Shragge Movement Should Work Towards An End To Canada's Role In NATO
  15. Network News

Vol.01, No.2: April 1985

  1. Ann Rowan Letter From the States
  2. Graeme Macqueen G.I. Joe Magazine Recruits Children And Allows Them To Make Up New Enemies
  3. Ken Hancock Understanding Of History Necessary If Movement Is Going To Succeed
  4. Bob Fink Movement Must Raise Awareness Of The "Shell Game" Arms Negotiations
  5. Metta Spencer (Interviewer) The Soul of Nonviolence
  6. Moira Armour Women Planning International Conference On Negotiations
  7. Metta Spencer De-Militarized Zone Discussed In Europe
  8. Andrew Vanvelzen Arkin, Gelb Reveal Plans to Place Nuclear Depth Charges in Canada
  9. Hamish Wilson Watkins Film Wraps Up Shoot at NFB Studios In Montréal
  10. National Letter-writing Coalition
  11. Bob Penner Peace Alliance Underway
  12. Helen Spiegelman Nuclear-Free Pacific Group Sets Priorities
  13. Network News
  14. Joe Mihevc Review: Economic Conversion: Revitalizing America's Economy

Vol.01, No.1: March 1985

  1. Jon Spencer What's This Doing Where My Peace Calendar Used To Be?
  2. Letters
  3. Tom Joyce Letter from the States
  4. National Letter-Writing Coalition
  5. Simon Rosenblum; Arnold Simoni Directions
  6. Coleman Romalis The Business of Defence
  7. Al Rycroft Business Leaders Call For "More"
  8. Cathy Busby, Andrew Van Velzen Pentagon Protests in Halifax ... And Elsewhere
  9. Metta Spencer (interviewer) You Can't Always Get What You Want
  10. Newsworthy
  11. Metta Spencer Joanne Young: A Civilly Disobedient Peace Activist
  12. CANDIS Fact-Sheets
  13. Network News
  14. Paul Miceli (reviewer) Review: Fearful Warriors: A Psychological profile of U.S.-Soviet relations.
  1. Metta Spencer and Alexander Likhotal Likhotal on Putin
  2. From the Editor
  3. Tree Planting Opportunities
  4. Haiti and the Persistent Dilemmas of Intervention
  5. Atomic Days: The Untold Story of the Most Toxic Place in America
  6. Web extras
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