From the Editor
By Metta Spencer | 1991-07-01 12:00:00
APART FROM an occasional paper about the conversion of military industries to civilian production, we hear too little about the economics of peace. Seeking to improve the situation, we turned to a defence economist, Erik Poole, who agreed to be a guest co-editor this issue. Besides writing an analysis of Canada's military industrial complex, Erik compiled several other articles on quite different facets of peace economics. By chance, Ivan Head, who had just retired from his chairing the International Development Research Centre, was in town and Erik set up an interview with him. We also have a discussion with Christopher Kruegler on the economics of nonviolent sanctions-a topic on which little research has been conducted.
- Turning from economics to ecocide, please have a look at the report on Kuwait by Randy Thomas. I cannot promise that you will enjoy it, but I am sure you'll recognize the value of knowing these sad facts. Then, give some thought to how Canadians can address them. Randy has just returned from the Middle East, where he made a hands-on contribution to the solution of the environmental devastation wrought by the war.
- Andrew Pakula has contributed two articles to this issue, both recounting his recent travels in Eastern Europe. One reports on Romania, the other on Yugoslavia.
- We want to invite your input for the next issue. The Citizens' Inquiry will be travelling around, listening to Canadians' views on defence policy. Send us a paragraph, up to 50 words, with your point of view on this. (Hurry: We want it by July 15!)We'll print the first ten we receive.
- Finally, we want to thank our favorite Chairman of the Board of CANDIS. Graeme MacQueen is taking sabbatical leave from McMaster University and will spend part of the time in India, studying his specialty, Buddhism. Have a great year, Graeme, and come back to us soon!