Peace Education

Are you an instructor or researcher in peace studies at the post-secondary level? If so, you may want to know more about resources and professional support facilities.

COPRED, the acronym for "Consortium on Peace Research, Education, and Development," gets my vote as the misnomer of all time. Who could possibly guess that COPRED is not actually a consortium at all, but the professional association for individuals who work in the field of peace studies? Primarily for professors in peace studies, it also includes activists and elementary and secondary teachers, mediators, and social workers.

COPRED's annual conference "Toward Positive Peace,"will be October 16-19 at Manhattan College, Bronx, New York. About twenty other organizations are co-sponsors, including Educators for Social Responsibility, United Nations Association USA, and War Resisters League. Proposals for papers were due July 15. However, if you have an idea, contact Kathleen Kanet, Intercommunity Center for Justice and Peace, 20 Washington Square North, New York, N.Y. 10011 (212) 475-6677.

COPRED membership (U.S.$45 per year) includes subscriptions to the Peace Chronicle (an excellent guide to programs, resources, funding sources, conferences), plus Peace and Change, an interesting journal published with the Conference on Peace Research in History. COPRED belongs to PeaceNet.

The Co-Presidents of COPRED are Betty Reardon (of Teachers College, Columbia University) and James H. Laue, an expert on group process. COPRED's sections--called " networks" --are University Peace Studies; Arts, Media, and Peace; Peace Action; Primary/Secondary Peace Education; Peace Research; Religion and Ethics; and Students. The organization also supports a number of study groups and task forces, such as one on global militarization, and another on feminist peace studies.

The beloved mentors of COPRED are the eminent scholars Kenneth and Elise Boulding, both active in retirement. Elise is preparing a minidirectory for the university network, facilitating regional workshops, and giving one at the conference.

To join this stimulating and warm community of scholars, contact Dr. Maire Dugan, Executive Director of COPRED, Center for the Analysis and Resolution of Conflict, George Mason University, 4400 University Drive, Fairfax, Virginia 22030. Phone 703/ 323- 2806.

Peace Studies Graduate Programs

Calls for Papers


The National Security Archive is a research and library facility serving scholars, journalists, Congress, policymakers, and the public by making available U.S. internal government documentation on foreign, intelligence, defence, and international economic policy. On the staff of the organization are several lawyers, who often use the Freedom of Information Act to obtain documents. Data are organized by subject area and listed on a computer data base with detailed cross-references. A paradise for investigative journalism. Researchers enquire: 1755 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., Suite 500, Washington, D.C. 20036. (202) 797-0882. p

Educators for Peace and Social Justice Society of Calgary. Planning now for its second year of action. Contact Chester Ptasinski, 234-3038 or Lucretia Martenet, 283-4699. EPSJ, 1039 Royal Ave. S.W. Calgary T2T 0L8.

Peace Magazine Aug-Sep 1988

Peace Magazine Aug-Sep 1988, page 22. Some rights reserved.

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