TORONTO-"Peacetide" is a radio program that has been running a year on the University of Toronto closed-circuit student radio station. In November, its audience will expand greatly. The station, CIUT, has been granted an FM license, so Peacetide will be heard by about 20,000 people per week.
The program will be broadcast at 89.5 FM from 6:00-6:45 pm on a weekday yet to be determined. It features interviews with people in the peace community, music with a message, editorials, and two special segments-"This week in Peace," which is a calendar of local events, and "Media Watch," which examines the way the press in Toronto has dealt with peace issues during the past week.
The producers hope that non-university groups will also work on the show. If interested, call Jennifer Nagel at home, 537-6030.
OTTAWA-On August 17 the first steps were taken to organize a national campaign of resistance against low-level flight testing in Nitassinan (a Québec-Labrador peninsula) and the establishment of a NATO training base in Goose Bay. Peace activists from Newfoundland, Québec, and Ontario met in Ottawa to plan to increase national concern for the militarization of Nitassinan and to stop the use of Canadian territory as a testing ground for NATO's new deep-strike strategy.
The campaign will consist of a number of actions. A national speakers' tour, involving a person from the European peace movement (which has been resisting low-level testing for some time) and an Innu from Nitassinan will be organized by the CPA. A letter-writing campaign directed to NATO governments, objecting to the Goose Bay NATO base, will be coordinated by the North Atlantic Peace Alliance (Box 13392, Sta. A, St. John's Nfld. A1B 4B7).
A "boom" project will occur in November, as peace groups broadcast the sounds of low-level jets in neighborhoods across the country. For information and sound tapes, contact Coalition Québecoise pour le désarrnament et la paix (CQDP), 5770 Côte des Neiges, Montréal, P.Q. H35 1Y9.
A civil disobedience action will take place on November 12 in front of the Department of National Defence. Contact Alliance for Nonviolent Action, 9 Melbourne Avenue, Toronto M6K 1Kl. Participation is encouraged in these actions.
ROME-The Pope is planning a world summit meeting of leaders of many faiths to discuss peace issues. He has chosen Assisi, Italy as the site, in honor of gentle St. Francis, whose prayer, ("God, make me an instrument of Your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love...") is so familiar.
The date of the historic conference is set for October 27th.
Montréal-Bonnie Klein of the National Film Board is planning another film on peace. She was co-producer of If You Love This Planet and Speaking Our Peace, and now is putting together a proposal for a film of the Youth Tour for Peace across Canada this year. She hopes to raise $40,000 and to start filming in Newfoundland in September. This will record the travels of a group of dedicated young people who will be visiting hundreds of schools to talk about peace. Anyone wishing to help support this can make their cheques out to Children For Peace, United Nations Association, and send it do DLI, 43301 Esplanade, Montr???al, P.Q. H2W lTl. A receipt for this charitable donation will be sent.
TORONTO-When a U.S. nuclear capable frigate, the USS Glover, visited Toronto August 14, it was met by a small band of activists. Toronto police and Harbourfront security guards pursued anyone carrying a sign proclaiming Toronto's nuclear weapons free status. The others were ordered to leave what both police and security called "private property. " (Harbourfront is a federal crown corporation.) The TDN group asked police to order the ship out of the harbor because it may have been carrying nuclear arms. It carries the ASROC (for Anti-Submarine ROCket), used for either nuclear or conventional warheads.
A contingent of Veterans Against Nuclear Arms was joined by Toronto City Councillor Richard Gilbert.
Metro Toronto Police officers watched closely, some waiting in boats. While the ship was open to the public, VANA member Eldon Comfort was prevented from boarding. "An officer said the captain gave him authority to have me move on. I am a citizen and I was told to move by an alien."
One protester, Brian Eng, was charged with trespassing; he plans to fight the charge as an infringement of his right to free speech. "The police told me that they wouldn't tolerate any anti-American comment," confirmed protester Vera DeJong. On later days, activists were again told to leave "private property."
TORONTO-"A Million Minutes for Peace" has become the largest non-fundraising U.N. International Year of Peace project in the world.
The activity itself is simple: One pledges to spend at least one minute thinking about what peace means and what one can do for peace.
The act of pledging, in itself, is for many a significant experience. Pledge cards and phone lines across the country are available for the appeal, from September 16 to October 16.
The appeal began in Canada to coincide with A Peal for Peace. This was a minute of silence at noon on September 16, followed by a minute of sound-such as bells. Until October 16 the minutes of peace are being tallied, and closing ceremonies will be held in major Canadian cities. The total minutes will be "presented" to the rest of the world on October 22 at a musical fmale in Manhattan, then taken to the United Nations on October 24, the U.N.'s 41st anniversary.
The Advisory Committee in Canada is chaired by Mr. George Ignatieff. Address enquiries to Million Minutes of Peace Appeal, 238 Davenport Rd., Ste. 143, Toronto
M5R 1J6. 416/537-5828.
TORONTO-The "Great Peace Journey" is putting five to all governments that belong to the United Nations These questions concern willingness to use their armed forces strictly defensively, and to work on conflicts peacefully, remind them of the U.N. Charter, which they have signed. A positive answer will pressure them to carry out their promises. The questions include the clause "if all other members of the United Nations undertake to do the same," which makes it hard for them to answer "No." To work on the Canadian campaign, write the Coordinating Committee, 218 Epsom Downs, Downsview, Ontano.
M3M 1T1 416/241-8180.
GENEVA-A "World Information Clearing Centre" for cooperative information-sharing is scheduled to begin work October 1, on an experimental basis for one year. All non-governmental organizations, regardless of ideological orientation, can receive or channel information through the Centre. The goal is to help non-governmental organizations disseminate urgent information.
Contact the preparatory committee at Box 106, 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland, or phone (022Y 45 04 50 during working hours.