Peace Education

Alberta Peace Program this Summer

THE INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR PEACE Education will be held at the Faculty of Education University of Alberta from July 6 to 12. The theme of this year's Institute is "Perspectives on Peace Education for One World". Sponsors include: the University of Alberta, several school boards in Edmonton and north central Albeit, and the Disarmament fund of the Department of External Affairs.

The main purpose of the Institute will be to explore the processes, the content and the problems of peace education in ways that are helpful to teachers and community educators. Speakers and participants will include: Peter Dale Scott (Peace and Conflict Studies, University of California), Betty Reardon (United Ministries in Education), Rosalie Bertell (International Institute of Concern for Public Health), and Meyer Brownstone (Oxfam Canada).

Registration fees for the week are $125 ($100 if paid be-fore May 31) and $50 for students. For further information, please contact Sue Laws, Department of Secondary Education at the University of Alberta (403) 432-5504 or 432-3674.

Peace Studies at Simon Fraser Too

THE SIMON FRASER UNIVERSITY FACULTY of Education's Summer Institute in Teacher Education (SITE) focusses on "Peace, War, and the Youth Culture of Despair" this year. The summer program features two special courses:

Education 487, Peace Education: A Concept in Search of an Identity, taught by Dr. Fred Knelman of the University of California; and Education 488, Teaching Peace in the Classroom: Problems of Methods and Politics, taught by Susan Hargraves of the Burnaby School District.

In addition, the Institute offers a series of nine lectures open without charge to the public.

For more information on SITE contact Renee Saklikar at 2914695 or 2914671.

Canadian Peace Curriculum Project

EDUCATORS FOR NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT HAS received a grant of $7000 from the Canadian Institute for International Peace and Security (CUPS) to produce a national Peace and World Order Curriculum Guide for post-secondary educators interested in peace education curriculum development The Canadian guide, modelled roughly alter the World Policy Institute (New York) publication of the same name, will contain syllabi for college and university courses pertaining to peace and world order studies, including those offered in special programmes and institutes.

The project is currently completing an unprecedented extensive mail-out survey of 6,000 questionnaires to all post-secondary institutions across Canada. Faculty members in social sciences, natural sciences, and humanities are being solicited for detailed course outlines, including bibliographies and reading assignments, in a broad variety of peace-related curriculum areas. These areas include such diverse topics as third world politics and world hunger, militarism and the arms race, ecological balance, international law, the physical effects of radiation, the physics of military technology and themes of war and holocaust in literature.

Also featured in the guide will be a section on Canadian funding sources, peace education organizations, periodicals and journals, and audio-visual materials. It is hoped the publication will receive wide circulation with the aim of promoting post-secondary peace education throughout Canadian colleges and universities. For further enquiries contact: Dr. Matthew Speier, Dept. of Sociology, Capilano College, 2055 Purcell Way, North Vancouver, B.C. V7J 3H5.

The investigators expect that the circulation of this guide will enhance further interest in peace education studies and research and will stimulate curriculum development among those educators who appreciate the value of peace and world order studies generally, and nuclear education, specifically. Included in the guide will be integrated programs of inter-disciplinary studies and activities of existing institutes concerned with peace and world order. Resources in Canadian peace education will also be featured, including funding sources, organizations, periodicals and journals, audio-visual aids, and a Canadian bibliography.

Faculty members are invited to make inquiries and submit syllabi. Those who have received the survey already are asked to respond quickly to expedite publication of the guide.

Two Organizations for Peace Educators

PEOPLE TEACHING OR CONDUCTING ACADEMIC research in peace studies may want to join one or both of two organizations. The Canadian Peace Research and Education Association (CPREA) publishes at least three newsletters a year and holds meetings with the "Learned Societies" each spring. This year it will meet June 4-6 at the University of Manitoba. Those who pay the full $30 membership fee receive another journal as well. Peace Research Reviews Contact CPREA, Brandon University, Brandon, Manitoba.

The Consortium on Peace Education, Research, and Development (COPRED) is a larger group comprising both Americans and Canadians. Its name is misleading and may change to "Peace Studies Association." It publishes a useful resource bulletin and a journal, Peace and Change, and holds meetings each fall--this year at U. of Iowa Nov. 6 - 9. Membership U.S. $25. 911 W. High St. Rm 100N, Urbana, 111.61801.

Peace Magazine Jun-Jul 1986

Peace Magazine Jun-Jul 1986, page 26. Some rights reserved.

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