
By Metta Spencer | 1992-09-01 12:00:00

It should have been the biggest news of the last few months, hut you may not have heard. Thanks to the U.S. Congress, there is a good chance the world will soon have a Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty outlawing the testing of nuclear weapons. The “CTB” has been the top objective for most peace groups for many years—and it is within reach! While CNN covered it, the Canadian press did not (so far as any of the editors could notice) and we didn’t break out the champagne. But Aaron Tovish did, along with his colleagues around the United Nations who have been working toward this for a long time. He gives the credit largely to Senator Mark Hatfield. See page eight for an interview with Aaron, who tells us where he thinks we ought to head next.

The other news lately has consisted of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Brazil. There were ups and downs, both described by our correspondent on the scene, Dorothy Goldin Rosenberg.

Of course, the biggest, most noteworthy activity that has been covered in the press and on TV has been the ghastly war in what used to he Yugoslavia. Though this does grab attention, peace activists have no idea what to do about it. Many non-peace activists imagine that sending troops will bring tranquillity to that miserable place. But it hardly seems likely. The people who have offered their services as mediators and peacekeepers have thrown up their hands, and Garth Katner’s article shows some of the reasons why. It is pretty clear that if peacemakers expect to create peace, we have to start before there is war. Kosovo may still be a good place to begin. There will probably be a war there if nothing interferes, and there is a possibility for mediators to make a difference now. Any volunteers?

In her article, Doris Strub Epstein points out a familiar truth that remains systematically denied: that media violence leads to real violence. The trouble is, many people don’t want to believe that because the corollary would involve censorship. We’ll have to face this question someday, friends, even if it is not easy.

And finally, we want to honor a true hero: Mordechai Vanunu. This brave man told the truth in the world’s press about Israel’s nuclear weapons—and has been punished more severely for it than even the most wicked person ought ever to be punished. His terrible sacrifice, for the sake of peace, continues even now, and has been going on for six years. Read page 10, and never forget him.

—Metta Spencer

Peace Magazine Sep-Oct 1992

Peace Magazine Sep-Oct 1992, page 4. Some rights reserved.

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