Quaker Publications

PENDLE HILL IS A QUAKER STUDY CENTRE near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, founded in 1930 by members of the Religious Society of Friends. Pendle Hill is also the publisher of books and pamphlets. Here are just a few of their offerings on the topic of peace and nonviolence:

Bearing Witness: Quaker Process and a Culture of Peace. Gary Cox defines the distinctive traits of Quaker ethics and lays the foundations for a view of humankind that could produce a culture of peace. (Pamphlet No. 262).

Going Back: A Poet Who Was Once a Marine Returns to Vietnam. W.D. Ehrhart returned to Vietnam to see for himself the country against which he had once waged war. Includes four of his poems (Pamphlet No. 272).

With Thine Adversary in the Way: A Quaker Witness for Reconciliation. Margarethe Lachmund shows how to live out the testimonies of both love and truth in the midst of the conflict surrounding World War Two. (Pamphlet No. 228).

Dialogue on Peace Research. Milton Mayer and Kenneth Boulding discuss whether the basis for the search for peace is grounded in a relentless honesty that employs the tools of science or in a wisdom informed by the promptings of the Light Within. (Pamphlet No. 153).

The Study of War as a Contribution to Peace. Wolf Mendl analyzes the causes of war and its complexities, then warns of the danger of facile generalization. (Pamphlet No. 247).

Replacing the Warrior: Cultural Ideals and Militarism. William A. Myers presents a new cultural ideal, first by confronting militarism itself in its ancient and modern glorification of the warrior, and second, by studying the life of eighteenth-century American Quaker, John Woolman. (Pamphlet No. 263).

Nonviolence on Trial. by Robert W. Hillegass. The story of the author's discovery of beliefs by acting rather than through prior reading or meditation, or even through the nurturing role of Meeting for Worship. (Pamphlet No. 274).

The Seed and the Tree: A Reflection on Nonviolence. Daniel A. Seeger, tracing the history of the Christian church, links liberation theology with early Christian practice. He urges social activists to commit themselves to a vital teaching of the early church: nonviolence. (Pamphlet No. 269).

Pamphlets are $2.50 U.S. each, postage included. To order pamphlets or to obtain a publications catalogue, write to Pendle Hill, 338 Plush Mill Road, Wallingford, Pa. 19086.

Peace Magazine Dec 1988-Jan 1989

Peace Magazine Dec 1988-Jan 1989, page 26. Some rights reserved.

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